The third word from the cross is found in John 19:26" />The third word from the cross is found in John 19:26" />

Prayer Guide: March 17, 2019 – John 19:23-17

Posted By: Nate Magloughlin - 3/13/2019 12:00:00 PM

The third word from the cross is found in John 19:26-27. As Jesus is in the process of dying, He sees some familiar faces amongst those gathered on Skull Hill. After scattering with the rest of the disciples in the moments following Jesus’ arrest, the apostle John has made his way to the foot of the cross. Additionally, Jesus’ mother and a group of faithful women were at Golgotha that day. Jesus was filled with compassion for his mother, recognizing her soon to be vulnerability. Jesus’ third word from the cross helps us to understand that though Jesus was dying for the sin of the world, He was (and is) keenly aware of the individuals that He died to save. Let’s pray for God’s grace in our lives as prepare to worship Him together on Sunday.

Prayer Guide: March 17, 2019 – John 19:23-17

1. Worship the God who died to redeem you from your sin and save you from God’s righteous wrath.

2. Give thanks to the Sovereign King of everything that He both knows your name and cares for your needs.

3. Confess to God that too often you are calloused towards the needs of others instead of compassionate - judgmental instead of merciful. Repent and ask God for forgiveness.

4. Pray for those you know who are vulnerable and hurting. Ask God to help you know how you can serve them.

5. Pray that our elected leaders would honor the sanctity of human life in the legislation that they create and support. Pray that our nation would see the atrocity that is abortion, repent, and value life—from the cradle to the grave.  

6. Ask God to help us value our church family more passionately, so that we become more generous with our time, money, and talents when it comes to serving one another.

7. Pray that God will glorify Himself by giving spiritual life to spiritually dead hearts this Sunday.  

8. Pray that each of our members would be committed to reaching at least one person with the gospel in 2019.