Midweek Update



Click Sunday, February 16, 2025 to view our Worship Service Schedule.

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Midweek Update
Thursday, February 12, 2025


Good Afternoon Church,
Due to poor road conditions and frigid temperatures, all church activities are canceled tonight (2/12).
Please be safe if you have to be out.
Pastor Nate



Worship for Sunday, February 16, 2025
Church family, CLICK HERE to listen to the songs we will sing this Sunday, February 16. Worship Services begin at 10:30, and Bible Fellowship Groups begin at 9:15 a.m. Pray to experience a heart of worship for our Great God and King!

Click Here to view the Worship Guide for Sunday, February 16.

Did you know that our Senior Adults meet on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. in the Chapel for mid-week Bible Study? If this interests you, we would love you to join us!


Prayer Guide Sunday, February 16, 2025

  1. Worship the God of salvation. Give thanks to Jesus for who He is and what He has done to secure eternal life on your behalf.
  2. Confess to God that too often your heart is cold towards the lost. Ask Him to increase your compassion for those who are facing eternal condemnation. Pray for a heart like Jesus’ heart.
  3. Ask God for intentionality and boldness when it comes to sharing your faith and exposing others to Jesus.
  4. Pray for our international mission partners in Southeast Asia, Central Asia, East Asia, and South America. 
  5. Pray for our Central Asia mission team (Feb 10-17). Zach Scoggin, Tim Sperduto, Bret and Annette Brown, Laura and Grace Voth, and Dan Harper.
  6. Pray that many families with children and youth would connect with our church family.