Prayer Guide: Jan 20, 2019 – 1 Peter 4:12-19

Posted By: Nate Magloughlin - 1/17/2019 10:00:00 AM

As we come to the end of chapter four, Peter again addresses the theme of suffering. He encourages us to rejoice when we suffer for Christ, suggesting that the way that we respond to suffering matters. Peter wants to broaden our perspective concerning trails and offers some essentials to enduring them in a way that honors God.

Prayer Guide: Jan 20, 2019 – 1 Peter 4:12-19

1. Confess to God your desperate need for His grace and His power amid the trials that you are facing.

2. Pray for the wisdom to see trials as a “normal” part of living in a fallen world. Ask God to give you confidence in His plan and purpose through the trials that you face.

3. Thank God for His Spirit who both indwells you and enables you to endure suffering for Christ’s name. Thank Him for His abiding presence!

4. Praise Jesus for going before us in suffering and modeling the way to endure it for God’s glory.

5. Thank God that Jesus paid our sin debt in full and that our salvation is secure in Him.

6. Pray for people you know who are suffering right now. Ask God to sustain them by His grace, to increase their faith, and to give them joy.

7. Spend some time praying for people that you know are still disconnected from God and under his judgement. As God for wisdom on how to reach them with the gospel in 2019. Pray that God will open their hearts to embrace the Truth about Jesus.