1. Praise God for His abundant mercy and grace toward us. Thank Him for being patient with sinners like us." />1. Praise God for His abundant mercy and grace toward us. Thank Him for being patient with sinners like us." />

Prayer Guide: March 19, 2023

Posted By: Nate Magloughlin - 3/13/2023 3:00:00 PM

1. Praise God for His abundant mercy and grace toward us. Thank Him for being patient with sinners like us.

2. Pray for grace to live before the Lord in such a way that it is beyond dispute that Jesus is your King and your hope for this life and all eternity.

3. Ask God to help you remember His past faithfulness and love toward you, especially during seasons of trial and difficulty.

4. Pray for Pastor Nate as he gives vision and leadership to our church. Ask God to give him wisdom and fill him with His Spirit to guide our church in fulfilling our mission. Pray that his preaching ministry would be Spirit-empowered and faithful to God’s Word. Pray also that God would strengthen Pastor Nate in body and spirit as he walks through this season of cancer. Ask God to give him joy and encouragement for each day and full healing in the days ahead.

5. Pray that God would make our church more zealous for His glory and for the proclamation of His Gospel to our lost family, friends, and neighbors. Pray also that as He gives salvation that we would be faithful to make disciples.

6. Ask the Lord to bless our student mission team in Provo, Utah. Pray that their obedience would result in Gospel fruit. Pray also for safety for their long journey home.

Pastor Tim