Prayer Guide for Sunday, September 24

Posted By: Kelly Caldwell - 9/20/2023 10:54:29 AM
Prayer Guide: September 24, 2023
1. Give thanks to God for His mercies and for displaying lovingkindness to us in such extravagant ways.
2. In a world of ever-increasing distractions, pray that God would keep our spiritual gaze set on the glory and goodness of Jesus Christ.
3. Pray for grace to rest in the righteousness of Christ alone while also seeking to live out practical righteousness toward others.
4. Ask God to bless our worship ministry at TBC. Pray that our praise teams, choir, and leaders will be Spirit-filled as they lead our church in faithful worship. Pray that our church would be unhindered in worship by distractions from people or life circumstances. Ask God to renew in our member's hearts that delight in praising God.
5. Pray that God would make each of us grace-filled people who seek to display loving-kindness toward those in our sphere of influence.
6. Ask God to bring increase to our church through faithful discipleship and evangelism. Pray also that God would help us build a healthy community together.