Prayer Guide: Sept 16, 2018 – 1 Peter 1:17-21

Posted By: Nate Magloughlin - 9/13/2018 4:00:00 PM

Holiness matters. God expects that His children will live lives of devotion to Him. He expects that we will turn from the passions of our flesh and pursue righteousness. 1 Peter 1:17-21, Peter suggests that the fear of God ought to motivate believers to live a holy life. He reminds us again of God’s gracious salvation, noting that sinners were ransomed with the precious blood of the Lamb. Knowing the cost of our redemption should spur us on to live in such a way that is pleasing to God.

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: Sept 16, 2018 – 1 Peter 1:17-21

1. Confess to God that you could never save yourself or earn your freedom from sin and death. Praise Him that He chose to save you through the blood of Christ Jesus, the perfect Lamb.

2. Thank God for redeeming you from a futile, hopeless way of life and giving your life significance and hope in Jesus Christ.

3. Pray that you would learn to live in the fear of the Lord more fully – that you would see God for who He is and for what He has accomplished on your behalf.

4. Ask God for grace to grow in good deeds and practical holiness. Confess to Him your struggle with sin and your desire to put sin to death.

5. Ask God to give you a heart like His when it comes to lost sinners. Pray for opportunities to share the gospel and to point people to Jesus Christ.  

6. Ask God to work His salvation in the lives of people you know who are apart from faith in Jesus.