Prayer Guide: Oct 28, 2018 – 1 Peter 2:9-12

Posted By: Nate Magloughlin - 10/23/2018 3:00:00 PM

In 1 Peter 2:9-12, Peter elaborates on our identity in Christ. As those who have been saved by God’s grace are being built up into a spiritual house, we have been given a new identity in the people of God. When we understand our identity, we find confidence to face life’s trials. Additionally, knowing who we are and whose we are shapes to our priorities and our pursuits. Church family, join us as we pray for ourselves and each other – that we would live lives of worship before our Great God.  

Prayer Guide: Oct 28, 2018 – 1 Peter 2:9-12

1. Considering your privileged status in Christ, praise God for His gracious and extravagant salvation that does not depend on our ability to keep His Law.

2. Thank God for rescuing you out of the brokenness of sin through the cross of Jesus Christ.  

3. Pray for Christians that you know who are struggling with guilt and shame. Ask God to confirm to them both His affection and work in their lives.

4. Ask God to give you a greater sense of His power and His faithfulness to carry out His call on your life of worship and mission.

5. Plead with God to make you more aware of His blessings and His presence to the end that you would be a more grateful person, eager to recount His praises.

6. Pray for grace to live in sincerity and purity of heart – that you would walk in a worthy manner.  

7. Ask God to give you compassion for and opportunity to speak to those who are currently stumbling over the person of Jesus. Pray that God would do His work of salvation amongst us.