Prayer Guide: November 26, 2023


" />Prayer Guide: November 26, 2023


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Prayer Guide: November 26, 2023

Posted By: Nate Magloughlin - 11/21/2023 10:00:00 AM

Prayer Guide: November 26, 2023


1. Spend time praising King Jesus. Declare your satisfaction with His rule and your joy in being a citizen of His Kingdom.


2. Pray that Trinity Baptist Church would be characterized by unity and peace. Ask God to bring Holy Spirit conviction to those who would seek to cause disunity. Pray that we would follow biblical instruction on dealing with broken relationships.


3. Ask God for grace to be gracious with those who seem to be against you.


4. Pray that God would increase your love and devotion to Him in the way that you stand firm, serve, and give.


5. Pray for people that you know who are apart from faith in Jesus. Pray that God will give you an open door to share the gospel with them and that they would respond in faith and repentance.


6. Spend time praying for our Children’s Ministry. Pray that our leaders and teachers would show love and Christ-like compassion to each child and that the children would develop a foundation of understanding who God is and what Jesus has done for them. Pray that our children will have a growing understanding of their sin and need for a Savior.