Prayer Guide: May 5, 2024
1. Praise God for His graciously granting you repentance and opening your heart to embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ!
2. Ask for grace to be increasingly sensitive to the sin in your life so that you would repent of it and seek righteousness. Pray that your heart will break over the sin struggles in your life.
3. Spend time confessing your sin to God and for desire to make amends with those you have wronged.
4. Thank God for His Word and for those friends and people in your life who speak God’s Word to you.
5. Pray for grace to walk in Christ’s victory over sin and to live as though you are no longer enslaved to sin.
6. Pray for lost people with whom you have connections. Ask God to bring them to faith and repentance and to use you as His ambassador.
7. Plead with God to add young families to our church and to our children’s ministry. Pray that God would call children to Himself and save them from their sin. As Children’s Camp approaches, pray for Melissa and Lily as they make plans and preparations.