Prayer Guide: July 23, 2023

1. Praise the God who desires re" />Prayer Guide: July 23, 2023

1. Praise the God who desires re" />


Prayer Guide: July 23, 2023

Posted By: Nate Magloughlin - 7/17/2023 3:00:00 PM

Prayer Guide: July 23, 2023

1. Praise the God who desires relationship with His creation. Thank Him for hearing the cries of our hearts and for the privilege to commune with Him in prayer.

2. Pray that God would give us greater discipline and desire when it comes to seeking Him in prayer and interceding on behalf of others.

3. Ask God to give us an unshakable faith and confidence in His providential care and sovereign control over all things. Pray that He will come again soon to make all things right!  

4. Pray for our upcoming VBS ministry. Thank God for the volunteers that He has provided and ask God to work in the lives of all the children who will be attending.

5. Pray for our Missions Ministry. Thank God for raising up people to serve on the trips we have taken this year. Ask God to go before our Peru team and make their efforts fruitful.

6. Pray for our College Ministry. As the fall semester at WT and AC quickly approaches, pray that TBC’s presence and influence would increase amongst college students. Pray that our core groups of students would grow in their connection with each other and that the ministry itself would experience growth. Ask God to provide a new director of the BSM at AC.

7. Pray for our Children’s Director Search Team. Ask God to give them wisdom as they consider various paths forward. Pray that each member of the team would be sensitive to hear and follow God’s Spirit.