Prayer Guide: January 28, 2024
1. Worship the God of deliverance! Thank Him for the rescue we experience in this life. Praise Him that He is a God who raises the dead!
2. Ask God for grace to remember His presence and power in the midst of the daily struggles that we encounter.
3. Pray that we grow in our trust and reliance on God.
4. Ask God to protect the unity of Trinity Baptist Church. Pray that we would love one another and engage one another in relationship.
5. Pray that our church members would recognize that the harvest is plentiful and follow God’s call on our lives to share the gospel and invite others to church.
6. Lift up our Music and Worship Ministry. Ask God to deepen relationships amongst our volunteers. Pray that Pastor Casey would lead the teams and choir effectively. Pray that the Lord would raise up new volunteers to serve in the various facets of the ministry – vocalists, instrumentalists, and tech volunteers.