Prayer Guide: December 4, 2022

1. Rejoice in the salvation t" />Prayer Guide: December 4, 2022

1. Rejoice in the salvation t" />


Prayer Guide: December 4, 2022

Posted By: Nate Magloughlin - 11/29/2022 11:00:00 AM

Prayer Guide: December 4, 2022

1. Rejoice in the salvation that our God has accomplished and freely given to all who believe.

2. Ask God to increase your joy in Him as you grow in your understanding of His grace.

3. Communicate to God your willingness and availability to be used of Him in whatever ways He sees fit.

4. Pray that you would grow in humility before the Lord.

5. Ask God to protect our church family from sickness and to heal those who have recently been diagnosed with various ailments.

6. Pray for the families in our church who are expecting babies in the near future. Ask God to keep His hand of protection over each pregnancy.

7. Pray that God would be merciful to us as we continue to seek our next Children’s Director.

8. Ask God to give us generous hearts as we have before us a lofty March for Missions goal of $200,000.