Prayer Guide: April 17, 2022

1. Give thanks to God for salva" />Prayer Guide: April 17, 2022

1. Give thanks to God for salva" />


Prayer Guide: April 17, 2022

Posted By: Nate Magloughlin - 4/13/2022 10:00:00 AM

Prayer Guide: April 17, 2022

1. Give thanks to God for salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Praise Him as the author and the finisher of salvation.

2. Worship Jesus as the eternal God who humbled Himself and took on flesh. Thank Him for His willingness to suffer and die in our place.

3. Ask God to give you clarity into His call on your life to live for His glory.

4. Pray that our Good Friday service and our Easter Sunday worship services would encourage us to love Jesus more.

5. Pray that non-believers who attend church on Sunday would hear the gospel and be awakened to the hope that is found only in Jesus.

6. Pray for the unity of our church family. As we continue in this season of staff transitions, pray that God would protect our church, provide for our needs, and push us to greater fruitfulness.

7. Pray that God would add young families and college students to church family.

8. Pray for Pastor Nate as he seeks to lead humbly and faithfully during this time of transition. Pray that he would seek the Lord, pursue wise counsel, and continue to trust our Good and Gracious Father.