Prayer Guide: November 13, 2022

1. Worship God as the faithf" />Prayer Guide: November 13, 2022

1. Worship God as the faithf" />


Prayer Guide: November 13, 2022

Posted By: Nate Magloughlin - 11/10/2022 11:00:00 AM

Prayer Guide: November 13, 2022

1. Worship God as the faithful, promise-keeping God.

2. Ask God to give you a greater understanding of His worth so that you would fear Him more.

3. Pray that you would have wisdom and insight on how to speak the good news more effectively to people who have bought into false gods and failing philosophies.

4. Spend time asking our Powerful God to encourage, heal, and restore others to health. Ask God to do amazing things for His glory in the lives of people who you know that are suffering.

5. Thank God for His sovereign rule and ask Him to turn our hearts towards Him.

6. Pray for Disciple Now Weekend. Pray that students would grow in their love and knowledge of God and the gospel. Pray that new friendships will form and that existing friendships will strengthen. Ask God to grant our students both evangelistic fervor and gospel unity.

7. Ask God to provide wisdom to our Children’s Director Search Team as we consider various resumes. Pray that God would make clear to us who the right candidate is.