Prayer Guide: March 6, 2022

1. Thank God for His abundant gr" />Prayer Guide: March 6, 2022

1. Thank God for His abundant gr" />


Prayer Guide: March 6, 2022

Posted By: Nate Magloughlin - 3/2/2022 3:00:00 PM

Prayer Guide: March 6, 2022

1. Thank God for His abundant grace in our lives. Thank Him for not dealing with us as our sins deserve, but for being merciful.

2. Confess to God any secret sins in your life. Ask Him for grace to live a life of integrity before Him and others.  

3. Pray that we would love and serve God, and not seek after the riches of this world.

4. Pray that we would be people of integrity, living and speaking the gospel with sincere hearts.

5. Ask God to give us a greater understanding of His holiness and His Grace so that we would be compelled to live for His glory in all things.

6. Pray for wisdom and unity as we seek to add members to our ministry staff.

7. Ask God to give our members opportunities to invite people to our church.

8. Pray that our church would grow as young families connect with our church family.