Prayer Guide: Jan 15, 2023

1. Take time to confess to God yo" />Prayer Guide: Jan 15, 2023

1. Take time to confess to God yo" />


Prayer Guide: Jan 15, 2023

Posted By: Nate Magloughlin - 1/10/2023 9:00:00 AM

Prayer Guide: Jan 15, 2023

1. Take time to confess to God your great need for His grace and His presence in your life.

2. Praise Him as the Sovereign Creator and the Powerful Sustainer of life, including your life.

3. Thank God that He knows us intimately and cares for our hurts. Ask Him to train you to cry out to Him.

4. Confess to God areas of faithlessness in your life. Ask God for forgiveness and pray for grace to live with integrity before Him.

5. Ask God to build your faith in Him. Pray that you would possess an attitude of rejoicing, even during difficulty because of God’s goodness and faithfulness.

6. Thank God for the hope that is found in the gospel and pray that you would be able to apply that hope to all areas of your life.