Prayer Guide: August 14, 2022

1. Take time to thank God for " />Prayer Guide: August 14, 2022

1. Take time to thank God for " />


Prayer Guide: August 14, 2022

Posted By: Nate Magloughlin - 8/10/2022 2:00:00 PM

Prayer Guide: August 14, 2022

1. Take time to thank God for His abundant blessings in your life. Praise Him as the God who showers His grace and mercy upon His children.

2. Worship Jesus as the risen Savior, the One who accomplished salvation on your behalf.

3. Ask God to give you a greater realization and passion to engage in ministry, to speak and live the gospel, and to serve the church.

4. Ask God to clarify His will concerning our top Discipleship Pastor candidate as our Personnel Committee has conducted in-person interviews this week. Thank Him for His provision.

5. Pray that our people would be characterized by willingness, humility, discernment, and flexibility as we follow Jesus and love one another.

6. Pray for our country and our political leaders. Ask God to humble the proud and to turn hearts toward righteousness.

7. Pray for our students, teachers, homeschool parents, and administrators as school begins next week. Pray for wisdom, for steadfastness, for gospel witness, and for peace.

8. Ask God to work through our fall ministries to proclaim Christ and make disciples.

9. Pray that God would grow our church. Ask him to send families to Trinity Baptist Church who will join us in fulfilling our mission proclaim Christ and make Disciples.