Prayer Guide: Sept 3, 2023

1. Praise God for His steadfast l" />Prayer Guide: Sept 3, 2023

1. Praise God for His steadfast l" />


Prayer Guide: Sept 3, 2023

Posted By: Nate Magloughlin - 8/28/2023 2:00:00 PM

Prayer Guide: Sept 3, 2023

1. Praise God for His steadfast love and faithful provision on behalf of His people. Worship Jesus as Great Shepherd who leads His sheep in perfect rest.

2. Pray for the ministry staff/leadership at Trinity Baptist Church. Pray that each member would be sensitive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and lead their respective ministry areas with wisdom and humility.

3. Pray for our Deacon Body. Ask God to give each deacon a renewed sense of passion for serving the church and leading their ministry areas for God’s glory.

4. Ask God to put it on the hearts of each of our members to fully embrace and strive to live faithfully according to our membership covenant.

5. Thank God for all our Children’s Ministry leaders/volunteers. Ask God to give each of them passion for communicating the love of God and the Word of God to the children in our ministry.

6. Ask God to grow His church at Trinity Baptist both spiritually and numerically.