Prayer Guide: Sept 10, 2023

1. Thank God for His presence in" />Prayer Guide: Sept 10, 2023

1. Thank God for His presence in" />


Prayer Guide: Sept 10, 2023

Posted By: Nate Magloughlin - 9/5/2023 3:00:00 PM

Prayer Guide: Sept 10, 2023

1. Thank God for His presence in your life. Worship Him as the Sovereign God who has made Himself known and befriended us.

2. Ask God to give you a greater desire and discipline to commune with Him in prayer so that you would grow in intimacy of relationship with Him.

3. Pray for wisdom to grow in your pursuit of God’s will and ways.

4. Ask God to increase your understanding of His holiness and goodness so that you would value His opinion over the opinion of others.

5. Pray for our Student Ministry. Pray that Hunter and all our adult volunteers would faithfully love and encourage our students in Jesus’ name. Pray that our students would be unified in the gospel and loving towards one another. Pray that our students would daily live their faith in Jesus and that the ministry would be characterized by spiritual and numerical growth.

6. Pray that God would add young families who desire to proclaim Christ and make disciples to our church.