Prayer Guide: November 27, 2022

1. Give thanks to God for Hi" />Prayer Guide: November 27, 2022

1. Give thanks to God for Hi" />


Prayer Guide: November 27, 2022

Posted By: Nate Magloughlin - 11/22/2022 1:00:00 PM

Prayer Guide: November 27, 2022

1. Give thanks to God for His compassion and grace. Thank Him for blessings us (those who are in Christ) with every spiritual blessing!

2. Express thanks to God for His daily provision. Thank Him for providing for all our needs.

3. Thank God that He hears and answers our prayer for His glory and our good.

4. Praise God for His love! Thank Him for the grace and peace that is found in Jesus.

5. Ask God for grace to believe His Word and walk by faith in His promises.

6. Pray for Zach and Allison Scoggin as they trust the Lord for their next steps with a baby on the way.

7. Pray that the individual families and the local ministries (Life Challenge, Sharing Hope, Buckners Family Place) who benefited from the generosity of our church members in the Thanksgiving Basket Ministry would receive the food as the love of God in Jesus Christ.

8. Ask God to give our Children’s Director Search Team discernment as we review resumes and questionnaires.