Prayer Guide: May 12, 2024
1. Thank God for His tender care in your life. Praise Him for His lovingkindness and steadfast love.
2. Give thanks to Jesus, our Savior, who became poor for our sakes so that we might be rich in Him.
3. Pray for grace to battle the idols of greed and materialism. Thank God that He provides for all our needs.
4. Ask God to give you His heart of generosity and compassion. Pray that each family in our church would steward faithfully the resources God has entrusted to them. Ask God to give our church leadership wisdom when it comes to church monies and ministries.
5. Praise God for godly mothers and godly women in the Trinity Baptist family.
6. Pray for Pastor Casey and the Music Ministry as they prepare for the Night of Worship on June 2. As we combine with the music ministry at The Church at Quail Cree, pray that many would be encouraged in their faith through this opportunity.