Prayer Guide: December 11, 2022

Prayer Guide: December 11, 2022


Prayer Guide: December 11, 2022

Posted By: Timothy Sperduto - 12/6/2022 9:00:00 AM

Prayer Guide: December 11, 2022

1. Thank God for the sure hope of salvation that you have through Jesus’s coming to us. 

2. Ask God to make you a humble Christian as you meditate on His extravagant and unmerited grace.

3. Pray for faith to place your hope for the future in our sovereign God who always keeps His promises.

4. Pray for opportunities to share the Good News of salvation through Jesus with others this Christmas season.

5. Ask God to graciously provide our next Children’s Director in His time.

6. Pray for healing and strength for those in our church family suffering through recent illnesses.

7. Ask God to bless our March for Missions offering that the generous giving of our church would be used to bear abundant gospel fruit.