Prayer Guide

Prayer Guide for Sunday, December 15
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide Sunday, December 15, 2024

  1. Praise the God who leads us in paths of righteousness. Worship the God who goes before us in our journey.
  2. Pray for grace to trust and obey, even when the path does not seem to make sense.
  3. Pray for perseverance as you endure trials and hardships. Pray that God would give you a heart to seek out and support those who are suffering.
  4. Thank God for providing Jesus, our substitute on the cross. Thank God for the joy that is found in and through Christ!
  5. Pray for our Discipleship Ministry. Thank God for all our wonderful leaders and volunteers. Pray that God would continue to build up the TBC family through the faithful efforts of its members.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, December 8, 2024
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, December 8, 2024

  1. Praise the Sovereign God who righteously judges His creation.
  2. Ask God to give you a greater distaste for sin and a greater love for righteousness.
  3. Thank God for His mercy. Thank Him for the peace that comes through Jesus’ atoning sacrifice.
  4. Pray that God would give you a voice and an audience to speak Truth and peace to those who are outside of Christ.
  5. Pray for our Adult Choir as they present Hope Is Born on Wednesday, December 11th at 6:30pm. Pray that our church would invite others to come hear of the hope that is found in Jesus.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, December 1
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, December 1, 2024


  1. Praise the Creator God who rules all things with wisdom and grace.
  2. Confess your rebellion against the Holy God. Ask for grace to turn from sinful ways to the righteous path.
  3. Ask God for grace in the face of temptation. Pray for deliverance from the evil one.
  4. Pray for a strong faith that leads to hope. Thank God for Jesus, the foundation of our hope.
  5. Pray for our Children’s Ministry. Pray that God would use the various winter events to spur faith and love in our families. Pray for our Kidz ROCK ministry as they prepare to lead us in their Christmas program on Sunday, December 8.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, November 24
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, November 24, 2024


  1. Give praise for Jesus and for His love for us and willingness to mediate for us before the Father. Praise Him for the anchor of hope that we have in the High Priestly Prayer of John 17.
  2. Thank God for giving us a perfect display of His character and likeness in the person of Jesus.
  3. Ask God to help you persevere in joyful faith knowing that you are being kept by Christ and in Christ.
  4. Pray for personal discipline to allow the Word of God to do its sanctifying work in your heart to make you more like Jesus.
  5. Pray for boldness and obedience to tell the world, especially those in your sphere of influence, about hope and faith in the Gospel of Jesus.
  6. Ask God for increasing anticipation of glory when we will be with Christ and see Him as He truly is.
  7. Pray for all of the families that will receive a Thanksgiving basket that our church will be providing. Pray that they will see this gift as coming from the true Gift-Giver, give Him thanks, and receive the gift of salvation through Christ.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, November 17
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday,  November 17, 2024


  1. Praise and Glorify the God of salvation. Thank Jesus for His obedience to the Father in accomplishing the mission that God sent Him to accomplish.
  2. Confess your unworthiness because of your sin. Ask God to give you a growing distaste for sin and an increasing love for holiness.
  3. Pray for more discipline in the area of prayer. Ask God to help you to see your desperate need for the Holy Spirit’s power in your life.
  4. Ask God to do His sovereign work of salvation in the lives of people that you know are far from God. Pray that God will give you opportunities to lead someone to faith in Christ.
  5.  Pray for a greater desire to walk in holiness and in a way that pleases God.
  6. Pray for the following local ministries that our church supports: Buckner’s Family Place, Sharing Hope Ministries, and Mission Amarillo.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, November 10
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, November 10, 2024


  1. Praise God for the death and resurrection of Jesus and all that they mean for us as Christ followers.
  2. Thank God for giving you His Spirit to dwell in you, help you, and give you Gospel understanding.
  3. Ask God to help you live in the joy of Christ and the hope of a future resurrection like His.
  4. Pray for a confident faith that is unshaken by worldly circumstances.
  5. Pray for peace that is grounded in Christ’s promises and the assurance that He has overcome the world.
  6. Ask God to bless our Bible Fellowship Groups and help them to be Bible-centered, gospel-focused, and evangelistic. Pray for perseverance, joy, and wisdom for the teachers who lead our groups.
  7. Pray for TBC to be a church that is increasingly obedient to our mission of proclaiming Christ and making disciples. Ask God to give our members opportunities for gospel conversations this week.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, November 3
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide Sunday, November 3, 2024


1. Praise the omnipotent and omniscient God who is both merciful and gracious to undeserving sinners.


2. Thank God for the indispensable gift of the Holy Spirit.


3. Pray for grace to walk with and depend on the Holy Spirit. Pray that God’s Spirit would work powerfully within you for the glory of God.


4. Pray for people you know who are not following Jesus. Pray that the Holy Spirit would bring conviction of sin, righteousness, and judgment. Pray that God’s Spirit would grant faith and repentance.


5. Thank God for the ministry of the Spirit that guides us into truth and leads us to life in Christ.


6. Pray for our students who are involved with Disciple Now weekend. Ask God to do a magnificent work of salvation and sanctification in our students and leaders.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, October 27
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, October 27

  1. Praise the God who graciously chose us and called us out of the darkness and into His marvelous light.
  2. Ask for grace to live faithfully before Him in a world that is increasingly hostile to Truth and to Jesus’ followers
  3. Thank God for the Holy Spirit who empowers and enables our gospel witness.
  4. Pray for individuals that you know to be apart from faith in Jesus. Ask God to open their eyes to the Truth of the gospel.
  5.  Pray that many people will attend our Fall Festival next Saturday. Pray that our church would make connections in the community and that our follow up would be effective.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, October 20
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, October 20, 2024


1. Give thanks to the Most High God for His covenant love and grace in our lives.


2. Praise the God who humbles Himself and calls us friends.


3. Ask God for grace to help you to abide in Christ and to bear much fruit.


4. Ask God to help you to keep your eyes focused on Him through life’s difficulties. Thank Him for attending to us with His love, peace, and joy.


5. Pray that our Music Ministry volunteers are encouraged and blessed this weekend through the mini conference with Ray Jones.

Prayer Guide: Oct 13, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

1. Praise the God of salvation. Thank Jesus for His obedience to the Father and for His great sacrifice on our behalf.

2. Thank God that our salvation doesn’t depend on our works done in righteousness but on the perfect work of Jesus Christ.

3. Ask God for grace to more intentionally pursue closeness to Jesus. Ask Him for discipline and desire to abide in Jesus and thus bear much fruit.

4. Pray for those in your life who are in danger of suffering eternally in hell. Pray for opportunities to share the gospel, and that God would grant saving faith.

5. Ask God to give our staff wisdom as we analyze the Church Health Survey. Pray that our church would grow healthier, and that we would be about making more disciples.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, October 6
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell
Prayer Guide for Sunday, October 6, 2024 
1. Praise the God who reigns in majesty and dwells in unapproachable light!
2. Praise the God who has humbled Himself and made the way for sinners to be rightly connected to Him.
3. Thank God for His loving kindness, mercy, and compassion, which meet us in our times of need.
4. Thank God for the Holy Spirit, who enables us to understand and embrace God’s Truth and promises.
5. Pray for people you know who are struggling with life’s circumstances. Pray that they would experience the peace of Jesus.
6. Pray that God’s Spirit would move powerfully during the Women’s Retreat. Pray that Women would be strengthened in their faith and encouraged to walk faithfully with Jesus.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, September 29
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: Sept 29, 2024


1. Thank God for His great love, for His grace that met us in our desperate condition and changed us thoroughly.


2. Pray for grace to love Jesus more and to be more grateful for His sacrifice, care, and on-going provision.


3. Thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to help you walk in Truth.


4. Pray for people you know that do not love Jesus and do not keep His word. Ask God to open their eyes to the truth of who Jesus is.


5. Pray that families in our church will seek to create environments in their homes where Jesus will be worshipped. Pray for families with young children that they will raise their kids to know and follow Jesus.

Prayer Guide Sunday, September 22, 2024
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: Sept 22, 2024


  1. Praise God that He shows no partiality, that salvation is open to all who believe, and that His promise of fruitfulness is to all who believe.
  2. Thank God for His gift of the Holy Spirit and ask for grace to walk closely with the Spirit.
  3. Pray for a greater desire to be used of God to share the gospel and to minister in Jesus’ name.
  4. Ask God for fruitful opportunities to tell others about Jesus!
  5. Pray that our BFGs would be intentional about inviting and welcoming new people into the life of our church.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, September 15
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, September 15, 2024

  1. Praise the God who is concerned about both our eternal dwelling and our temporal situation. 
  2. Give thanks to Jesus as the promise-keeping God loves us deeply. 
  3. Confess to God your desire to draw near to Him and learn to trust Him more. 
  4. Thank God for His grace in making His salvation known to you. 
  5. Pray for our Student Ministry. Ask God to help the new sixth-grade class to assimilate into the ministry well. Pray that God will bring families to TBC with children of all ages.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, September 8
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, September 8, 2024

1. Praise God for His deep and extravagant love for us that He displayed in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus!

2. Pray that the love of God would be so evident in the members of TBC that we would be known for our love of God and one another.

3. Ask God to fill you with sacrificial love that bears witness to the world of His grace and power to transform lives.

4. Pray for love that is manifested in obedience to God.

 5. Ask God to bless our church's discipleship ministries. Pray that we will grow in our knowledge of God, our love for God, and our commitment to follow Him faithfully.


Prayer Guide for Sunday, September 1
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide Sunday, September 1, 2024

  1. Praise the God who has redeemed His rebellious people.
  2. Thank Jesus for humbling Himself to the point of death on the cross and dying in the place of sinners.
  3. Pray for grace to follow God’s lead and to walk by the Spirit.
  4. Ask God for a greater passion to live in holiness and pursue righteousness.
  5. Pray for our Deacon Ministry. Pray for Dustin Silhan and Kyle Watson (Chair and Vice-Chair) as they lead in a new year of ministry.
  6. Pray that our church members would engage in gospel-centered conversations in the community as well as be faithful to invite others to church.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, August 25
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: August 25, 2024


1. Praise the God who has humbled Himself to serve His people!


2. Thank God for your righteous standing before God through faith in Jesus.


3. Ask God to give you a servant’s heart.


4. Pray for our Music Ministry. Thank God for those He has raised up to serve. Pray that the rearranged praise teams would quickly gel, and that the choir would get off to a great start. Pray that all our volunteers would have hearts to lead others in worship.


5. Pray that many families would visit TBC and make strong connections with our church. Ask God to increase our numbers to the point where it’s obvious that we need to transition back to two services.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, August 18, 2024
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: August 18, 2024


  1. Worship our Great God has secured our victory over sin and death through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
  2. Thank our victorious King who continues to fight our battles as we humble ourselves, put on the armor of God, and seek to stand firm against the Devil’s schemes
  3. Pray for our children and youth as they get promoted to a new class this Sunday. Pray that new teachers and new students will bond quickly, and that God will use these relationships to proclaim Christ and make disciples.
  4. Ask God to help us embrace our weakness and rely on Him to live fruitful lives. Pray that we will pray like we need it!
  5. Pray that our church would value evangelism and that we would grow in obedience to proclaim Christ. Pray that many would attend the Sent Conference and that those who attend(ed) would be motivated to engage in gospel conversations.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, August 11
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide Sunday, August 11, 2024

  1. Praise the God who reveals Himself to His people. Thank Him for making His will and His ways known so that we can be rightly connected to Him.
  2.  Pray that God’s Spirit will convict us of our sin and help us to walk more closely with Jesus.
  3. 3. Ask God to give you a passion for His glory that moves you from apathy to obedience.
  4. Pray for hurting marriages and families in our church. Ask God to give us all a greater desire to serve and love each other.
  5. Pray that God will protect our children and students as they prepare to begin a new school year. Pray that God’s Spirit will help them discern truth from error. Pray that our believing students and children will be good examples to their peers.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, August 4
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, August 4, 2024

  1. Praise God for His faithfulness to our church over the summer. Thank Him for empowering our church members to serve on various mission trips and for raising up leaders to serve our neighbors here in Amarillo.
  2. Thank the Lord Jesus for wielding His authority and power for the good of His people.
  3. Ask God to help you to live more faithfully for His glory. Pray for opportunities to proclaim Jesus and confess His name.
  4. Pray for grace as our ministry programs start back up in the next few weeks. Ask God to help our church family pursue Him above all other things in life.
  5. Pray for many in our congregation who are struggling with hardships in life. Pray that God would comfort them and be near to them.


Prayer Guide for Sunday, July 28
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, July 28, 2024


  1. Praise God that He is patient with us in our failings and gracious toward us in calling us back to holiness and to Himself.
  2. Give thanks to the One who alone can resurrect the spiritually dead and strengthen us in our weakness.
  3. Pray for God to arouse His sleepy church to action in pushing back darkness and pursuing the lost with the gospel of Jesus.
  4. Pray that TBC would be known as a church that is committed to walking with Jesus in faithfulness and fleeing the seduction of sin.
  5. Ask God to bless the efforts of a week of VBS where dozens of volunteers poured God’s love and truth into the lives of many children from our church and community. Pray that the seeds planted will bear kingdom fruit.
  6. Pray for our mission team serving in Peru to be filled and guided by the Holy Spirit as they encourage, teach, and love many pastors, pastor’s wives, and children in Chiclayo, Peru.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, July 21
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, July 21, 2024


1. Praise the God who is all-knowing and all-wise. Praise Him whose judgments are perfect and whose compassion is abundant.


2. Ask God to grow our church family in love and unity.


3. Pray that our church would be characterized by godly discernment so that we may approve of what God loves and reject what God hates.


4. Pray for our VBS. Ask God to move mightily through our leaders and volunteers. Pray that gospel seeds will be planted and that many kids will come to faith in Jesus. Pray that many families will being attending TBC because of their involvement in VBS.


5. Pray for our team preparing to travel to Peru. Ask God to do a work in and through them that magnifies the name of Jesus and builds the church in Peru.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, July 14
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, July 14, 2024

  1. Pray that God would give all of us strength to remain steadfast in our faith even in the midst of difficulties and trials.
  2. Pray that we would be bold witnesses of Christ in our workplaces, homes, etc.
  3. Pray for grace to deny the pleasures the world has to offer and to find joy, peace, and fulfillment in Christ alone.
  4. Ask God to make us aware of sin in our lives. Pray for resolve to take sin seriously.
  5. Pray that we would all live in a manner worthy of Christ. Pray that we would deny ourselves joyfully as we focus on the heavenly reward that is set before us.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, July 7
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: July 7, 2024


1. Praise God for His nearness in our lives. Worship Him as the God of all comfort who comforts us in all our afflictions.


2. Pray for grace to remain faithful during seasons of difficulty.


3. Ask God for the faith to believe His promises and trust His character when facing hardships.


4. Pray that God would glorify Himself through the witness of Trinity Baptist Church and its members.


5. Pray for our country. Pray that our elected officials would be guided by a wisdom that they do not possess on their own. Pray that God’s Spirit would move mightily in and through those who are in position of influence in our society. Ask God for revival and a movement of His Spirit.

Prayer Guide: June 30, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: June 30, 2024

1. Praise the God who is both beyond our comprehension yet makes Himself known. Thank God that He knows all things and cares about the details of our lives.

2. Thank God that He loves us enough to address our sin and shame.

3. Ask God to give us discerning hearts so that we might recognize error and walk faithfully in Truth.

4. Ask God to give us all servant hearts and a willingness to work for the good of others.

5. Pray that Trinity Baptist Church would be known for its love. Pray that we prioritize unity and fellowship. Pray that we would intentionally engage the community through local ministries and that we would be intentionally about reaching the lost with the gospel.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, June 23
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: June 23, 2024


1. Thank Jesus, the compassionate and Merciful Savior who humbled Himself and came to our rescue.


2. Confess your failure to love and follow Jesus as you ought to. Repent of any known sin in your life. Ask God to help you to walk with the Spirit.


3. Pray that God would give you His heart for lost and broken people?


4. Ask God to increase your faith in His power and goodness so that you more quickly and readily depend on Him.


5. Pray for our Taiwan Mission team. Ask God to use them in a mighty way in reaching the lost and building the church.


6. Ask God to increase your love for Him and to make you a more faithful living sacrifice for His glory.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, June 16, 2024
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: Sunday, June 16, 2024


1. Praise God for His abundant love and grace. Thank Him for His saving and sustaining grace!


2. Worship the longsuffering God who is committed to our sanctification.


3. Pray for grace to love others as Jesus loved us – sacrificially and with our eternal good in mind.


4. Ask God to make us more sensitive to sin and ready to repent of it.


5. Pray for our Thailand Mission team. Ask God to use them in a mighty way in reaching the lost and building the church.


6. Ask God to bless our efforts to reach our neighborhood and community for Jesus. Pray that families will visit, join, and grow spiritually at Trinity Baptist Church.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, June 9
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: June 9, 2024

1. Thank God for His compassion and mercy for sinners. Thank Him for the comfort and grace that He gives to those who are in need.

2. Praise Jesus who leads us down paths that are meant for our good.

3. Ask God for grace to walk faithfully before Him.

4. Pray that God will give you opportunities to share the gospel with others.

5. Pray for Hunter Wilkerson and our Student Ministry interns to disciple our students and reach other students with the gospel.

6. Pray that God will add many young families to our church.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, June 2, 2024
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, June 2, 2024

  1. Praise God for His indwelling Spirit who is the source of our eternal hope and the giver of discernment in our Christian walk.
  2. Ask God to give you an increasing desire for Christ and a commitment to the truth of His word.
  3. Pray for grace, to live humbly before God and to seek the glory of Christ rather than the glory of self.
  4. Pray that God would use your weakness and fragility to magnify the power of Christ in your life.
  5. Ask God to bless our children’s camp June 5-7. Pray that the gospel would transform the lives of our TBC kids. Also, pray that all of our leaders would be Spirit-filled and joyful as they pour into the lives of the kids.
  6. Pray for a great movement of God among the people of the Wolflin and Bivins neighborhoods, and ask that many would be receptive to gospel conversations as our church members canvass over the summer.

Prayer Guide: May 26, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: May 26, 2024

1. Praise God that through Jesus Christ we have a firm foundation of salvation and hope.

2. Ask God to make you more like Jesus – gentle, humbly, and appropriately bold.

3. Pray for regular reminders of your weakness and limitations so that you’ll rely more fully on God.

4. Ask God to grow you in your understanding of the faith so that you will be ready to engage philosophies and worldviews that oppose the truth.

5.  Thank God for men and women who have died in the service of our country and ask God to sustain our current service men and women. Pray that those who lead our country would humble themselves before the eternal God.

6. Ask God’s Spirit to move through our Bible Fellowship Groups so that people are discipled in their faith and encouraged to invite others to connect with our church.

Prayer Guide: May 19, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: May 19, 2024

1. Worship the merciful and gracious God who does not treat us as our sins deserve but calls us His children.

2. Thank Jesus who willingly and intentionally laid down His life for us as He submitted Himself to the Father’s plan of redemption.

3. Askthe Holy Spirit to give you courage to assess your attitude towards giving and to make the necessary changes to give in a way that pleases God.

4. Pray for those who will experience blessing because you give including fellow church members, missionaries, local ministries (and the people they serve), and the unbelievers who will hear the gospel, etc.

5. Pray for our children and youth who are finishing their school years. Ask God to help them to finish well academically and socially. Pray that our children’s and student ministries will thrive over the summer.

6. Pray that our church family would be intentional about staying connected during the summer months. Ask God to equip and empower us to encourage one another and reach out to others with the good news of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Guide: May 12, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: May 12, 2024

1. Thank God for His tender care in your life. Praise Him for His lovingkindness and steadfast love.

2. Give thanks to Jesus, our Savior, who became poor for our sakes so that we might be rich in Him.

3. Pray for grace to battle the idols of greed and materialism. Thank God that He provides for all our needs.

4. Ask God to give you His heart of generosity and compassion. Pray that each family in our church would steward faithfully the resources God has entrusted to them. Ask God to give our church leadership wisdom when it comes to church monies and ministries.

5. Praise God for godly mothers and godly women in the Trinity Baptist family.

6. Pray for Pastor Casey and the Music Ministry as they prepare for the Night of Worship on June 2. As we combine with the music ministry at The Church at Quail Cree, pray that many would be encouraged in their faith through this opportunity.

Prayer Guide: May 5, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: May 5, 2024

1. Praise God for His graciously granting you repentance and opening your heart to embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ!

2. Ask for grace to be increasingly sensitive to the sin in your life so that you would repent of it and seek righteousness. Pray that your heart will break over the sin struggles in your life.

3. Spend time confessing your sin to God and for desire to make amends with those you have wronged.

4. Thank God for His Word and for those friends and people in your life who speak God’s Word to you.

5. Pray for grace to walk in Christ’s victory over sin and to live as though you are no longer enslaved to sin.

6. Pray for lost people with whom you have connections. Ask God to bring them to faith and repentance and to use you as His ambassador.

7. Plead with God to add young families to our church and to our children’s ministry. Pray that God would call children to Himself and save them from their sin. As Children’s Camp approaches, pray for Melissa and Lily as they make plans and preparations.

Prayer Guide: April 28, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: April 28, 2024

1. Praise the God who has graciously delivered you from the kingdom of darkness and transferred you to the kingdom of His beloved Son.

2. Thank God that He will bring to completion the good work that He began in you.

3. Thank God for your friends who encourage you and challenge you to live faithfully for Jesus.

4. Ask God for wisdom and courage to cut off relationships and practices in your life that do not help you to walk more faithfully with Jesus.

5. Pray for Pastor Casey as he leads our praise teams/bands and choir. Pray that he would be sensitive to the Spirit as he helps to craft service plans. Ask God to continue to raise up volunteers to help lead our church in worship.

6. Pray that God would use the Men’s Retreat to create within our people the heart to serve as Jesus served.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, April 21, 2024
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: April 21, 2024

1. Thank God for the people He has placed in your life to encourage and counsel you.

2. Ask God to create within you such character qualities that will give you the opportunity to speak into the lives of others for their good.

3. Pray for grace to live joyfully and faithfully during trial and hardship.

4. Ask God to be gracious to our church members who are struggling with life’s challenges. Pray that God would grant comfort and peace in uncertain times.

5. Pray for Zach Scoggin as he leads our college and missions’ ministries. Pray that our college ministry would grow in size and in influence on the campuses our students represent. Pray that all the details will come together well for each of our summer trips.

6. Pray that our church family would intentionally engage others with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Guide: April 14, 2024
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: April 14, 2024


1. Praise God for accomplishing salvation for all who trust in Jesus. Thank Jesus for His costly sacrifice as He paid your sin debt.


2. Pray for a greater understanding of the depth of your sin and the glorious exchange that took place on the cross – your sin for Christ’s righteousness. Pray that these truths will motivate you to faithfulness.


3. Ask God to increase your love for the gospel and your desire to reach the lost with the good news of Jesus Christ. Pray for grace to embrace your role as Christ’s ambassador.


4. Plead with God to put it on your heart (and the hearts of our church members) both to pray for and invite lost people to church. Ask God for a mighty movement of His Spirit that results in people trusting in Jesus and being baptized.


5. Pray that God’s Spirit would give Pastor Nate wisdom to lead, strength to be faithful, and power to preach in such a way that God would be glorified and God’s people would be transformed.


6. Ask God to grow our church in spiritual depth, in love for one another, in unity of purpose, and in the vastness of God’s love.

Prayer Guide: April 7, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: April 7, 2024

1. Thank God for His magnificent love and grace!

2. Confess your waywardness to God. Ask Him for forgiveness and for a greater vision of His holiness so that you would fear Him appropriately.

3. Pray that we would more fully embrace the love of Jesus so as to be transformed by it.

4. Pray for the families that visited Trinity Baptist on Easter Sunday. Pray that the gospel would take root where it has not yet been believed.

5. Pray for our Student Ministry. Pray for Hunter Wilkerson and our current leaders/volunteers as they seek to lead in such a way to foster spiritual growth and passion for the lost. Ask God to raise up new adult leaders/volunteers to serve our students. Pray that our students would grow in their love for Jesus and each other.

6. Ask God to bring new families to our church who will embrace our mission to proclaim Christ and make disciples.

Prayer Guide: March 31, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: March 31, 2024

1. Spend time praising and giving thanks to Jesus – the Risen and Exalted King who has accomplished salvation for those who trust in Him.

2. Pray that God will give you a growing passion to live with eternity in mind and to walk in ways that please Him.

3. Pray that God will give you opportunities to share the good news of Jesus Christ this week. Ask Him to give you courage to invite others to our Easter Services.

4. Pray that our Eggstra Special Trunk Hop Outreach will be fruitful in reaching families with the gospel. Pray that the seeds that were sown would fall on receptive hearts!

5. Pray for marriages that are hurting in our church family. Pray that God will renew and restore love and hope where bitterness and despair have taken hold.

Prayer Guide: March 24, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: March 24, 2024

1. Praise the God who enables our perseverance in the faith. Thank God for sustaining grace!

2. Pray for people you know who are battling affliction and trial. Ask God to give them grace to trust Him during their suffering and grace to rejoice in the knowledge that He is at work.

3. Pray for grace (for you and others) to see suffering and affliction from the right perspective. Thank God for the hope we have through Christ – the fullness of glory that awaits.

4. As Easter quickly approaches, pray that our church members would engage others with the gospel and invite people to participate in our Easter events and services.

5. Pray for Pastor Tim as he leads the discipleship ministry at our church. Pray that God would raise up volunteers to serve in various capacities where leaders are needed.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, March 17
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, March 17, 2024

  1. Thank God for His grace and mercy in your life. Thank Him for calling you to Himself and giving you hope!
  2. Pray that your life would be devoted to making much of Jesus.
  3. Thank God for His sustaining grace and power and ask Him to help you to live faithfully for His glory.
  4. Pray for humility. Ask God to help you grasp your desperate need for His Spirit and His grace.
  5. Pray for Pastor Casey and for all our music ministry volunteers who are working on the Good Friday Tenebrae service. Pray that God will use the service to grow us in our love for Jesus.
  6. Pray for our students in Provo, UT, this week. Ask God to provide opportunities for gospel conversation and real connections to FBC Provo.
  7. Ask God to give our church a heart for the lost and un-churched/de-churched. Pray that God puts it on all our hearts to invite people to our Easter Events.

Prayer Guide: March 10, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: March 10, 2024

1. Ask God to renew your commitment to living under Jesus’ lordship in every area of your life.

2. Pray for grace to embrace the call to live as God’s servant.

3. Ask God to help you to walk with the Spirit more consistently.

4. Ask God to protect you from temptation and to give you grace to stand firm against spiritual warfare.

5. Pray that God would use you to share the gospel this week!

6. Pray for our Student and College Ministries. Pray that God would use the students in a powerful way as they serve in Provo, Utah.  

Prayer Guide: March 3, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: March 3, 2024

1. Praise God for His commitment to grow us (His sons and daughters) in Christlikeness.

2. Thank God that our salvation rests not on our own obedience, but on Jesus’ perfect obedience.

3. Thank God for the freedom that we have in Christ. Ask Him for passion to live as slaves of righteousness!

4. Ask God to be merciful to the families in our church who are suffering due to disease, uncertainty, and recent death. Pray that God would comfort them and give them hope and endurance.

5. Pray that God would lead families with children and youth to our church. Pray that God would give Melissa, Lily, and Hunter wisdom to lead their ministries well.

Prayer Guide: February 25, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: February 25, 2024

1. Thank God that your salvation depends on Jesus’ finished work and not on your ability to keep the Law.

2. Ask God to increase both your passion for and your discipline to engage in spiritual disciplines for the purpose of growing in Christ.

3. Praise God for the New Covenant reality that His Spirit indwells us and empowers us to live lives that please God.

4. Thank God for your church family. Ask Him to do a significant work of growing us in our love for one another.

5. Ask God to raise up people to serve in the areas of Children and Student Ministries, Worship Care Ministry, and the Usher and Greeter Ministries.

6. Pray that we would be a people whose love for Jesus is evident and contagious!

Prayer Guide: February 18, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: February 18, 2024

1. Praise the God who is victorious over sin and death and who reigns triumphantly in all creation.

2. Ask God to help you embrace your identity as a slave of Jesus Christ and to empower you to speak the gospel of Jesus Christ.

3. Pray that you would take seriously Jesus’s call on your life to die to yourself and carry your cross.

4. Ask God’s Spirit to enable you to live in such a way that in all your interactions with others, you would be the aroma of Christ.

5. Pray for our BFG teachers/leaders, Small Group leaders, and D-Group leaders. Ask God to help them to love their people in such a way that promotes unity and spiritual growth.

6. Pray for our members who have chosen to stop attending. Ask God to put it on their hearts to re-affirm their love for God and for His people.   

Prayer Guide: February 11, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: February 11, 2024

1. Thank God for His Spirit who enables us to walk in holiness.

2. Ask God for grace to walk closely in His will and in His ways.

3. Pray for the unity of our church. Ask God to help us to grow in our willingness to love and forgive others.

4. Ask God to raise up laborers for the harvest. Pray for Hunter, Zach, and Ken as they plan for upcoming mission opportunities (Lubbock, Provo, Taiwan, Thailand, Peru). Pray that God would stir the hearts of many to engage in these opportunities.

5. Pray that God would put it on our hearts to talk about Jesus with lost people and to invite people to visit Trinity Baptist Church.

Prayer Guide: February 4, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: February 4, 2024

1. Pray for grace to live with integrity and have a clear conscience before God and others.

2. Ask God for wisdom when it comes to decision making.

3. Thank God for His faithfulness.

4. Pray that we would live lives of full devotion to our Lord and Savior.

5. Ask God to grow our Student Ministry and our College Ministry. Pray that God would equip Hunter and Zach to lead well and that our students would grow as disciples of Jesus.

6. As we prepare to move back to two services, pray that God would raise up volunteers to serve in all the needed areas. Pray also that God would be gracious to Pastor Nate as he continues to deal with on-going health struggles. Finally, please prayerfully consider which service (8:30am or 11am) God would have you attend.

7. Pray that our church members would have the heart to regularly engage others with the gospel and invite people to church.

Prayer Guide: January 28, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: January 28, 2024

1. Worship the God of deliverance! Thank Him for the rescue we experience in this life. Praise Him that He is a God who raises the dead!

2. Ask God for grace to remember His presence and power in the midst of the daily struggles that we encounter.

3. Pray that we grow in our trust and reliance on God.

4. Ask God to protect the unity of Trinity Baptist Church. Pray that we would love one another and engage one another in relationship.

5. Pray that our church members would recognize that the harvest is plentiful and follow God’s call on our lives to share the gospel and invite others to church.

6. Lift up our Music and Worship Ministry. Ask God to deepen relationships amongst our volunteers. Pray that Pastor Casey would lead the teams and choir effectively. Pray that the Lord would raise up new volunteers to serve in the various facets of the ministry – vocalists, instrumentalists, and tech volunteers.


Prayer Guide: January 21, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: January 21, 2024

1. Praise the Almighty God who concerns Himself with the afflictions of His people.

2. Thank God for His abundant mercies.

3. Ask God to grow you in compassion for others. Pray for opportunities to comfort others who are suffering.

4. Pray for grace to live a faithful life before Jesus. Ask for grace to persevere in the midst of affliction.  

5. Pray that God would work through our children’s leaders and volunteers to engage children with the gospel and expose them to the Triune God. Pray that our young families would be faithful to invite their friends to experience our Church.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, January 14, 2024
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, January 14, 2024

1. Praise God for His steadfast love, mercy, and grace. Give Him thanks for His abundant blessings that are extravagant toward His children and completely undeserved.

2. Give thanks to the Lord whose throne is established in the heavens and who rules over all creation, including our lives.

3. Pray that God’s Spirit would make you a grateful child of the King who delights in worship and obedience.

4. Ask the Lord to embolden our church to proclaim the love of God through Christ to the lost in our community. Pray that God would break our hearts over lostness and give us a burden for reaching new people.

5. Ask God to bless and protect our mission team to Central Asia that leaves this week. Pray that God would use them as an encouragement to our missionaries and give them opportunities to proclaim and display the gospel.

6. Pray for the joy of the Lord to infect our members with a passion to gather for worship weekly, serve sacrificially, and pray fervently for a movement of God.

7. Pray for God’s healing and rest as Pastor Nate recovers from surgery. Ask God to refresh him and fill him with joy and the power of the Spirit as he leads TBC this year.

Prayer Guide: January 7, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: January 7, 2024

1. Praise God for His faithfulness from year to year. Worship Him as the eternal God!

2. Pray for grace to prioritize your devotion to Him in 2024.

3. Ask God to help you recognize your weakness so that you will rely on Him to live a fruitful life for His glory.

4. Pray for grace to wait on the Lord during difficult times and thank Him for His promise to give strength.

5. Ask God to grow our church both spiritually and numerically in 2024. Pray that our members would be committed to sharing the gospel and inviting others to visit TBC. Pray that our BFGs would be welcoming and engaging with new people.

6. Pray that our FOCUS Week events would serve to set the direction for our church in 2024. Pray that God would give us hearts to engage in our planned prayer services/opportunities.


Prayer Guide: December 31, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: December 31, 2023

1. As we reflect on the Christmas season, praise the God who humbled Himself and took on flesh. Thank Him for the grace that gives us eternal life.

2. As we close out the year, thank God for the opportunities He gave you to draw near to Him and grow in your love and knowledge of Jesus.

3. As we enter a new year, plead with God to give you a passion for loving Him and serving others. Ask God to use you in magnificent ways for His glory this year.

4. Pray for humility and sensitivity to the Spirit’s leading in your life.

5. Thank God for His faithfulness and that His promises endure forever. Ask for more grace to continue to believe His Word and live according to it.

6. Ask God to give our church a passion to share the gospel and to both make and grow as disciples of Jesus.

Prayer Guide: December 24, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: December 24, 2023

1. Give thanks to God for the hope that we have through the coming of Jesus!

2. Rejoice and praise God considering the fact that God became man!

3. Pray for grace to discipline yourself to meditate on the amazing love of God.

4. Thank God that He is working in us and that He will finish the work that He began.

5. Pray that God would raise up people from our church to support missions financially, pray for missionaries purposefully, and do missions intentionally.

6. Pray for grace to finish the year well – loving God and others.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, December 17
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell
Prayer Guide for Sunday, December 17, 2023
1. Praise God for His extravagant mercy and grace toward you that cleansed you from sin and restored you into fellowship with Him.
2. Give thanks to God for the gift of His Son who stepped into your place, taking your sin upon Himself and giving you His perfect righteousness.
3. Ask God to make you slow to give in to temptations to sin but quick to repent of acts of sin.
4. Pray for God’s blessing on the Student Ministry of TBC. Ask God to grow our students in their faith and commitment to Him. Ask Him also to add to their number through the faithful witness of our students, leaders, and others.