Prayer Guide

Prayer Guide for Sunday, October 27
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, October 27

  1. Praise the God who graciously chose us and called us out of the darkness and into His marvelous light.
  2. Ask for grace to live faithfully before Him in a world that is increasingly hostile to Truth and to Jesus’ followers
  3. Thank God for the Holy Spirit who empowers and enables our gospel witness.
  4. Pray for individuals that you know to be apart from faith in Jesus. Ask God to open their eyes to the Truth of the gospel.
  5.  Pray that many people will attend our Fall Festival next Saturday. Pray that our church would make connections in the community and that our follow up would be effective.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, October 20
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, October 20, 2024


1. Give thanks to the Most High God for His covenant love and grace in our lives.


2. Praise the God who humbles Himself and calls us friends.


3. Ask God for grace to help you to abide in Christ and to bear much fruit.


4. Ask God to help you to keep your eyes focused on Him through life’s difficulties. Thank Him for attending to us with His love, peace, and joy.


5. Pray that our Music Ministry volunteers are encouraged and blessed this weekend through the mini conference with Ray Jones.

Prayer Guide: Oct 13, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

1. Praise the God of salvation. Thank Jesus for His obedience to the Father and for His great sacrifice on our behalf.

2. Thank God that our salvation doesn’t depend on our works done in righteousness but on the perfect work of Jesus Christ.

3. Ask God for grace to more intentionally pursue closeness to Jesus. Ask Him for discipline and desire to abide in Jesus and thus bear much fruit.

4. Pray for those in your life who are in danger of suffering eternally in hell. Pray for opportunities to share the gospel, and that God would grant saving faith.

5. Ask God to give our staff wisdom as we analyze the Church Health Survey. Pray that our church would grow healthier, and that we would be about making more disciples.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, October 6
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell
Prayer Guide for Sunday, October 6, 2024 
1. Praise the God who reigns in majesty and dwells in unapproachable light!
2. Praise the God who has humbled Himself and made the way for sinners to be rightly connected to Him.
3. Thank God for His loving kindness, mercy, and compassion, which meet us in our times of need.
4. Thank God for the Holy Spirit, who enables us to understand and embrace God’s Truth and promises.
5. Pray for people you know who are struggling with life’s circumstances. Pray that they would experience the peace of Jesus.
6. Pray that God’s Spirit would move powerfully during the Women’s Retreat. Pray that Women would be strengthened in their faith and encouraged to walk faithfully with Jesus.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, September 29
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: Sept 29, 2024


1. Thank God for His great love, for His grace that met us in our desperate condition and changed us thoroughly.


2. Pray for grace to love Jesus more and to be more grateful for His sacrifice, care, and on-going provision.


3. Thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to help you walk in Truth.


4. Pray for people you know that do not love Jesus and do not keep His word. Ask God to open their eyes to the truth of who Jesus is.


5. Pray that families in our church will seek to create environments in their homes where Jesus will be worshipped. Pray for families with young children that they will raise their kids to know and follow Jesus.

Prayer Guide Sunday, September 22, 2024
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: Sept 22, 2024


  1. Praise God that He shows no partiality, that salvation is open to all who believe, and that His promise of fruitfulness is to all who believe.
  2. Thank God for His gift of the Holy Spirit and ask for grace to walk closely with the Spirit.
  3. Pray for a greater desire to be used of God to share the gospel and to minister in Jesus’ name.
  4. Ask God for fruitful opportunities to tell others about Jesus!
  5. Pray that our BFGs would be intentional about inviting and welcoming new people into the life of our church.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, September 15
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, September 15, 2024

  1. Praise the God who is concerned about both our eternal dwelling and our temporal situation. 
  2. Give thanks to Jesus as the promise-keeping God loves us deeply. 
  3. Confess to God your desire to draw near to Him and learn to trust Him more. 
  4. Thank God for His grace in making His salvation known to you. 
  5. Pray for our Student Ministry. Ask God to help the new sixth-grade class to assimilate into the ministry well. Pray that God will bring families to TBC with children of all ages.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, September 8
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, September 8, 2024

1. Praise God for His deep and extravagant love for us that He displayed in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus!

2. Pray that the love of God would be so evident in the members of TBC that we would be known for our love of God and one another.

3. Ask God to fill you with sacrificial love that bears witness to the world of His grace and power to transform lives.

4. Pray for love that is manifested in obedience to God.

 5. Ask God to bless our church's discipleship ministries. Pray that we will grow in our knowledge of God, our love for God, and our commitment to follow Him faithfully.


Prayer Guide for Sunday, September 1
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide Sunday, September 1, 2024

  1. Praise the God who has redeemed His rebellious people.
  2. Thank Jesus for humbling Himself to the point of death on the cross and dying in the place of sinners.
  3. Pray for grace to follow God’s lead and to walk by the Spirit.
  4. Ask God for a greater passion to live in holiness and pursue righteousness.
  5. Pray for our Deacon Ministry. Pray for Dustin Silhan and Kyle Watson (Chair and Vice-Chair) as they lead in a new year of ministry.
  6. Pray that our church members would engage in gospel-centered conversations in the community as well as be faithful to invite others to church.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, August 25
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: August 25, 2024


1. Praise the God who has humbled Himself to serve His people!


2. Thank God for your righteous standing before God through faith in Jesus.


3. Ask God to give you a servant’s heart.


4. Pray for our Music Ministry. Thank God for those He has raised up to serve. Pray that the rearranged praise teams would quickly gel, and that the choir would get off to a great start. Pray that all our volunteers would have hearts to lead others in worship.


5. Pray that many families would visit TBC and make strong connections with our church. Ask God to increase our numbers to the point where it’s obvious that we need to transition back to two services.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, August 18, 2024
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: August 18, 2024


  1. Worship our Great God has secured our victory over sin and death through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
  2. Thank our victorious King who continues to fight our battles as we humble ourselves, put on the armor of God, and seek to stand firm against the Devil’s schemes
  3. Pray for our children and youth as they get promoted to a new class this Sunday. Pray that new teachers and new students will bond quickly, and that God will use these relationships to proclaim Christ and make disciples.
  4. Ask God to help us embrace our weakness and rely on Him to live fruitful lives. Pray that we will pray like we need it!
  5. Pray that our church would value evangelism and that we would grow in obedience to proclaim Christ. Pray that many would attend the Sent Conference and that those who attend(ed) would be motivated to engage in gospel conversations.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, August 11
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide Sunday, August 11, 2024

  1. Praise the God who reveals Himself to His people. Thank Him for making His will and His ways known so that we can be rightly connected to Him.
  2.  Pray that God’s Spirit will convict us of our sin and help us to walk more closely with Jesus.
  3. 3. Ask God to give you a passion for His glory that moves you from apathy to obedience.
  4. Pray for hurting marriages and families in our church. Ask God to give us all a greater desire to serve and love each other.
  5. Pray that God will protect our children and students as they prepare to begin a new school year. Pray that God’s Spirit will help them discern truth from error. Pray that our believing students and children will be good examples to their peers.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, August 4
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, August 4, 2024

  1. Praise God for His faithfulness to our church over the summer. Thank Him for empowering our church members to serve on various mission trips and for raising up leaders to serve our neighbors here in Amarillo.
  2. Thank the Lord Jesus for wielding His authority and power for the good of His people.
  3. Ask God to help you to live more faithfully for His glory. Pray for opportunities to proclaim Jesus and confess His name.
  4. Pray for grace as our ministry programs start back up in the next few weeks. Ask God to help our church family pursue Him above all other things in life.
  5. Pray for many in our congregation who are struggling with hardships in life. Pray that God would comfort them and be near to them.


Prayer Guide for Sunday, July 28
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, July 28, 2024


  1. Praise God that He is patient with us in our failings and gracious toward us in calling us back to holiness and to Himself.
  2. Give thanks to the One who alone can resurrect the spiritually dead and strengthen us in our weakness.
  3. Pray for God to arouse His sleepy church to action in pushing back darkness and pursuing the lost with the gospel of Jesus.
  4. Pray that TBC would be known as a church that is committed to walking with Jesus in faithfulness and fleeing the seduction of sin.
  5. Ask God to bless the efforts of a week of VBS where dozens of volunteers poured God’s love and truth into the lives of many children from our church and community. Pray that the seeds planted will bear kingdom fruit.
  6. Pray for our mission team serving in Peru to be filled and guided by the Holy Spirit as they encourage, teach, and love many pastors, pastor’s wives, and children in Chiclayo, Peru.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, July 21
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, July 21, 2024


1. Praise the God who is all-knowing and all-wise. Praise Him whose judgments are perfect and whose compassion is abundant.


2. Ask God to grow our church family in love and unity.


3. Pray that our church would be characterized by godly discernment so that we may approve of what God loves and reject what God hates.


4. Pray for our VBS. Ask God to move mightily through our leaders and volunteers. Pray that gospel seeds will be planted and that many kids will come to faith in Jesus. Pray that many families will being attending TBC because of their involvement in VBS.


5. Pray for our team preparing to travel to Peru. Ask God to do a work in and through them that magnifies the name of Jesus and builds the church in Peru.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, July 14
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, July 14, 2024

  1. Pray that God would give all of us strength to remain steadfast in our faith even in the midst of difficulties and trials.
  2. Pray that we would be bold witnesses of Christ in our workplaces, homes, etc.
  3. Pray for grace to deny the pleasures the world has to offer and to find joy, peace, and fulfillment in Christ alone.
  4. Ask God to make us aware of sin in our lives. Pray for resolve to take sin seriously.
  5. Pray that we would all live in a manner worthy of Christ. Pray that we would deny ourselves joyfully as we focus on the heavenly reward that is set before us.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, July 7
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: July 7, 2024


1. Praise God for His nearness in our lives. Worship Him as the God of all comfort who comforts us in all our afflictions.


2. Pray for grace to remain faithful during seasons of difficulty.


3. Ask God for the faith to believe His promises and trust His character when facing hardships.


4. Pray that God would glorify Himself through the witness of Trinity Baptist Church and its members.


5. Pray for our country. Pray that our elected officials would be guided by a wisdom that they do not possess on their own. Pray that God’s Spirit would move mightily in and through those who are in position of influence in our society. Ask God for revival and a movement of His Spirit.

Prayer Guide: June 30, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: June 30, 2024

1. Praise the God who is both beyond our comprehension yet makes Himself known. Thank God that He knows all things and cares about the details of our lives.

2. Thank God that He loves us enough to address our sin and shame.

3. Ask God to give us discerning hearts so that we might recognize error and walk faithfully in Truth.

4. Ask God to give us all servant hearts and a willingness to work for the good of others.

5. Pray that Trinity Baptist Church would be known for its love. Pray that we prioritize unity and fellowship. Pray that we would intentionally engage the community through local ministries and that we would be intentionally about reaching the lost with the gospel.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, June 23
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: June 23, 2024


1. Thank Jesus, the compassionate and Merciful Savior who humbled Himself and came to our rescue.


2. Confess your failure to love and follow Jesus as you ought to. Repent of any known sin in your life. Ask God to help you to walk with the Spirit.


3. Pray that God would give you His heart for lost and broken people?


4. Ask God to increase your faith in His power and goodness so that you more quickly and readily depend on Him.


5. Pray for our Taiwan Mission team. Ask God to use them in a mighty way in reaching the lost and building the church.


6. Ask God to increase your love for Him and to make you a more faithful living sacrifice for His glory.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, June 16, 2024
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: Sunday, June 16, 2024


1. Praise God for His abundant love and grace. Thank Him for His saving and sustaining grace!


2. Worship the longsuffering God who is committed to our sanctification.


3. Pray for grace to love others as Jesus loved us – sacrificially and with our eternal good in mind.


4. Ask God to make us more sensitive to sin and ready to repent of it.


5. Pray for our Thailand Mission team. Ask God to use them in a mighty way in reaching the lost and building the church.


6. Ask God to bless our efforts to reach our neighborhood and community for Jesus. Pray that families will visit, join, and grow spiritually at Trinity Baptist Church.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, June 9
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: June 9, 2024

1. Thank God for His compassion and mercy for sinners. Thank Him for the comfort and grace that He gives to those who are in need.

2. Praise Jesus who leads us down paths that are meant for our good.

3. Ask God for grace to walk faithfully before Him.

4. Pray that God will give you opportunities to share the gospel with others.

5. Pray for Hunter Wilkerson and our Student Ministry interns to disciple our students and reach other students with the gospel.

6. Pray that God will add many young families to our church.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, June 2, 2024
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, June 2, 2024

  1. Praise God for His indwelling Spirit who is the source of our eternal hope and the giver of discernment in our Christian walk.
  2. Ask God to give you an increasing desire for Christ and a commitment to the truth of His word.
  3. Pray for grace, to live humbly before God and to seek the glory of Christ rather than the glory of self.
  4. Pray that God would use your weakness and fragility to magnify the power of Christ in your life.
  5. Ask God to bless our children’s camp June 5-7. Pray that the gospel would transform the lives of our TBC kids. Also, pray that all of our leaders would be Spirit-filled and joyful as they pour into the lives of the kids.
  6. Pray for a great movement of God among the people of the Wolflin and Bivins neighborhoods, and ask that many would be receptive to gospel conversations as our church members canvass over the summer.

Prayer Guide: May 26, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: May 26, 2024

1. Praise God that through Jesus Christ we have a firm foundation of salvation and hope.

2. Ask God to make you more like Jesus – gentle, humbly, and appropriately bold.

3. Pray for regular reminders of your weakness and limitations so that you’ll rely more fully on God.

4. Ask God to grow you in your understanding of the faith so that you will be ready to engage philosophies and worldviews that oppose the truth.

5.  Thank God for men and women who have died in the service of our country and ask God to sustain our current service men and women. Pray that those who lead our country would humble themselves before the eternal God.

6. Ask God’s Spirit to move through our Bible Fellowship Groups so that people are discipled in their faith and encouraged to invite others to connect with our church.

Prayer Guide: May 19, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: May 19, 2024

1. Worship the merciful and gracious God who does not treat us as our sins deserve but calls us His children.

2. Thank Jesus who willingly and intentionally laid down His life for us as He submitted Himself to the Father’s plan of redemption.

3. Askthe Holy Spirit to give you courage to assess your attitude towards giving and to make the necessary changes to give in a way that pleases God.

4. Pray for those who will experience blessing because you give including fellow church members, missionaries, local ministries (and the people they serve), and the unbelievers who will hear the gospel, etc.

5. Pray for our children and youth who are finishing their school years. Ask God to help them to finish well academically and socially. Pray that our children’s and student ministries will thrive over the summer.

6. Pray that our church family would be intentional about staying connected during the summer months. Ask God to equip and empower us to encourage one another and reach out to others with the good news of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Guide: May 12, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: May 12, 2024

1. Thank God for His tender care in your life. Praise Him for His lovingkindness and steadfast love.

2. Give thanks to Jesus, our Savior, who became poor for our sakes so that we might be rich in Him.

3. Pray for grace to battle the idols of greed and materialism. Thank God that He provides for all our needs.

4. Ask God to give you His heart of generosity and compassion. Pray that each family in our church would steward faithfully the resources God has entrusted to them. Ask God to give our church leadership wisdom when it comes to church monies and ministries.

5. Praise God for godly mothers and godly women in the Trinity Baptist family.

6. Pray for Pastor Casey and the Music Ministry as they prepare for the Night of Worship on June 2. As we combine with the music ministry at The Church at Quail Cree, pray that many would be encouraged in their faith through this opportunity.

Prayer Guide: May 5, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: May 5, 2024

1. Praise God for His graciously granting you repentance and opening your heart to embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ!

2. Ask for grace to be increasingly sensitive to the sin in your life so that you would repent of it and seek righteousness. Pray that your heart will break over the sin struggles in your life.

3. Spend time confessing your sin to God and for desire to make amends with those you have wronged.

4. Thank God for His Word and for those friends and people in your life who speak God’s Word to you.

5. Pray for grace to walk in Christ’s victory over sin and to live as though you are no longer enslaved to sin.

6. Pray for lost people with whom you have connections. Ask God to bring them to faith and repentance and to use you as His ambassador.

7. Plead with God to add young families to our church and to our children’s ministry. Pray that God would call children to Himself and save them from their sin. As Children’s Camp approaches, pray for Melissa and Lily as they make plans and preparations.

Prayer Guide: April 28, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: April 28, 2024

1. Praise the God who has graciously delivered you from the kingdom of darkness and transferred you to the kingdom of His beloved Son.

2. Thank God that He will bring to completion the good work that He began in you.

3. Thank God for your friends who encourage you and challenge you to live faithfully for Jesus.

4. Ask God for wisdom and courage to cut off relationships and practices in your life that do not help you to walk more faithfully with Jesus.

5. Pray for Pastor Casey as he leads our praise teams/bands and choir. Pray that he would be sensitive to the Spirit as he helps to craft service plans. Ask God to continue to raise up volunteers to help lead our church in worship.

6. Pray that God would use the Men’s Retreat to create within our people the heart to serve as Jesus served.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, April 21, 2024
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: April 21, 2024

1. Thank God for the people He has placed in your life to encourage and counsel you.

2. Ask God to create within you such character qualities that will give you the opportunity to speak into the lives of others for their good.

3. Pray for grace to live joyfully and faithfully during trial and hardship.

4. Ask God to be gracious to our church members who are struggling with life’s challenges. Pray that God would grant comfort and peace in uncertain times.

5. Pray for Zach Scoggin as he leads our college and missions’ ministries. Pray that our college ministry would grow in size and in influence on the campuses our students represent. Pray that all the details will come together well for each of our summer trips.

6. Pray that our church family would intentionally engage others with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Guide: April 14, 2024
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: April 14, 2024


1. Praise God for accomplishing salvation for all who trust in Jesus. Thank Jesus for His costly sacrifice as He paid your sin debt.


2. Pray for a greater understanding of the depth of your sin and the glorious exchange that took place on the cross – your sin for Christ’s righteousness. Pray that these truths will motivate you to faithfulness.


3. Ask God to increase your love for the gospel and your desire to reach the lost with the good news of Jesus Christ. Pray for grace to embrace your role as Christ’s ambassador.


4. Plead with God to put it on your heart (and the hearts of our church members) both to pray for and invite lost people to church. Ask God for a mighty movement of His Spirit that results in people trusting in Jesus and being baptized.


5. Pray that God’s Spirit would give Pastor Nate wisdom to lead, strength to be faithful, and power to preach in such a way that God would be glorified and God’s people would be transformed.


6. Ask God to grow our church in spiritual depth, in love for one another, in unity of purpose, and in the vastness of God’s love.

Prayer Guide: April 7, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: April 7, 2024

1. Thank God for His magnificent love and grace!

2. Confess your waywardness to God. Ask Him for forgiveness and for a greater vision of His holiness so that you would fear Him appropriately.

3. Pray that we would more fully embrace the love of Jesus so as to be transformed by it.

4. Pray for the families that visited Trinity Baptist on Easter Sunday. Pray that the gospel would take root where it has not yet been believed.

5. Pray for our Student Ministry. Pray for Hunter Wilkerson and our current leaders/volunteers as they seek to lead in such a way to foster spiritual growth and passion for the lost. Ask God to raise up new adult leaders/volunteers to serve our students. Pray that our students would grow in their love for Jesus and each other.

6. Ask God to bring new families to our church who will embrace our mission to proclaim Christ and make disciples.

Prayer Guide: March 31, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: March 31, 2024

1. Spend time praising and giving thanks to Jesus – the Risen and Exalted King who has accomplished salvation for those who trust in Him.

2. Pray that God will give you a growing passion to live with eternity in mind and to walk in ways that please Him.

3. Pray that God will give you opportunities to share the good news of Jesus Christ this week. Ask Him to give you courage to invite others to our Easter Services.

4. Pray that our Eggstra Special Trunk Hop Outreach will be fruitful in reaching families with the gospel. Pray that the seeds that were sown would fall on receptive hearts!

5. Pray for marriages that are hurting in our church family. Pray that God will renew and restore love and hope where bitterness and despair have taken hold.

Prayer Guide: March 24, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: March 24, 2024

1. Praise the God who enables our perseverance in the faith. Thank God for sustaining grace!

2. Pray for people you know who are battling affliction and trial. Ask God to give them grace to trust Him during their suffering and grace to rejoice in the knowledge that He is at work.

3. Pray for grace (for you and others) to see suffering and affliction from the right perspective. Thank God for the hope we have through Christ – the fullness of glory that awaits.

4. As Easter quickly approaches, pray that our church members would engage others with the gospel and invite people to participate in our Easter events and services.

5. Pray for Pastor Tim as he leads the discipleship ministry at our church. Pray that God would raise up volunteers to serve in various capacities where leaders are needed.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, March 17
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, March 17, 2024

  1. Thank God for His grace and mercy in your life. Thank Him for calling you to Himself and giving you hope!
  2. Pray that your life would be devoted to making much of Jesus.
  3. Thank God for His sustaining grace and power and ask Him to help you to live faithfully for His glory.
  4. Pray for humility. Ask God to help you grasp your desperate need for His Spirit and His grace.
  5. Pray for Pastor Casey and for all our music ministry volunteers who are working on the Good Friday Tenebrae service. Pray that God will use the service to grow us in our love for Jesus.
  6. Pray for our students in Provo, UT, this week. Ask God to provide opportunities for gospel conversation and real connections to FBC Provo.
  7. Ask God to give our church a heart for the lost and un-churched/de-churched. Pray that God puts it on all our hearts to invite people to our Easter Events.

Prayer Guide: March 10, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: March 10, 2024

1. Ask God to renew your commitment to living under Jesus’ lordship in every area of your life.

2. Pray for grace to embrace the call to live as God’s servant.

3. Ask God to help you to walk with the Spirit more consistently.

4. Ask God to protect you from temptation and to give you grace to stand firm against spiritual warfare.

5. Pray that God would use you to share the gospel this week!

6. Pray for our Student and College Ministries. Pray that God would use the students in a powerful way as they serve in Provo, Utah.  

Prayer Guide: March 3, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: March 3, 2024

1. Praise God for His commitment to grow us (His sons and daughters) in Christlikeness.

2. Thank God that our salvation rests not on our own obedience, but on Jesus’ perfect obedience.

3. Thank God for the freedom that we have in Christ. Ask Him for passion to live as slaves of righteousness!

4. Ask God to be merciful to the families in our church who are suffering due to disease, uncertainty, and recent death. Pray that God would comfort them and give them hope and endurance.

5. Pray that God would lead families with children and youth to our church. Pray that God would give Melissa, Lily, and Hunter wisdom to lead their ministries well.

Prayer Guide: February 25, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: February 25, 2024

1. Thank God that your salvation depends on Jesus’ finished work and not on your ability to keep the Law.

2. Ask God to increase both your passion for and your discipline to engage in spiritual disciplines for the purpose of growing in Christ.

3. Praise God for the New Covenant reality that His Spirit indwells us and empowers us to live lives that please God.

4. Thank God for your church family. Ask Him to do a significant work of growing us in our love for one another.

5. Ask God to raise up people to serve in the areas of Children and Student Ministries, Worship Care Ministry, and the Usher and Greeter Ministries.

6. Pray that we would be a people whose love for Jesus is evident and contagious!

Prayer Guide: February 18, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: February 18, 2024

1. Praise the God who is victorious over sin and death and who reigns triumphantly in all creation.

2. Ask God to help you embrace your identity as a slave of Jesus Christ and to empower you to speak the gospel of Jesus Christ.

3. Pray that you would take seriously Jesus’s call on your life to die to yourself and carry your cross.

4. Ask God’s Spirit to enable you to live in such a way that in all your interactions with others, you would be the aroma of Christ.

5. Pray for our BFG teachers/leaders, Small Group leaders, and D-Group leaders. Ask God to help them to love their people in such a way that promotes unity and spiritual growth.

6. Pray for our members who have chosen to stop attending. Ask God to put it on their hearts to re-affirm their love for God and for His people.   

Prayer Guide: February 11, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: February 11, 2024

1. Thank God for His Spirit who enables us to walk in holiness.

2. Ask God for grace to walk closely in His will and in His ways.

3. Pray for the unity of our church. Ask God to help us to grow in our willingness to love and forgive others.

4. Ask God to raise up laborers for the harvest. Pray for Hunter, Zach, and Ken as they plan for upcoming mission opportunities (Lubbock, Provo, Taiwan, Thailand, Peru). Pray that God would stir the hearts of many to engage in these opportunities.

5. Pray that God would put it on our hearts to talk about Jesus with lost people and to invite people to visit Trinity Baptist Church.

Prayer Guide: February 4, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: February 4, 2024

1. Pray for grace to live with integrity and have a clear conscience before God and others.

2. Ask God for wisdom when it comes to decision making.

3. Thank God for His faithfulness.

4. Pray that we would live lives of full devotion to our Lord and Savior.

5. Ask God to grow our Student Ministry and our College Ministry. Pray that God would equip Hunter and Zach to lead well and that our students would grow as disciples of Jesus.

6. As we prepare to move back to two services, pray that God would raise up volunteers to serve in all the needed areas. Pray also that God would be gracious to Pastor Nate as he continues to deal with on-going health struggles. Finally, please prayerfully consider which service (8:30am or 11am) God would have you attend.

7. Pray that our church members would have the heart to regularly engage others with the gospel and invite people to church.

Prayer Guide: January 28, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: January 28, 2024

1. Worship the God of deliverance! Thank Him for the rescue we experience in this life. Praise Him that He is a God who raises the dead!

2. Ask God for grace to remember His presence and power in the midst of the daily struggles that we encounter.

3. Pray that we grow in our trust and reliance on God.

4. Ask God to protect the unity of Trinity Baptist Church. Pray that we would love one another and engage one another in relationship.

5. Pray that our church members would recognize that the harvest is plentiful and follow God’s call on our lives to share the gospel and invite others to church.

6. Lift up our Music and Worship Ministry. Ask God to deepen relationships amongst our volunteers. Pray that Pastor Casey would lead the teams and choir effectively. Pray that the Lord would raise up new volunteers to serve in the various facets of the ministry – vocalists, instrumentalists, and tech volunteers.


Prayer Guide: January 21, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: January 21, 2024

1. Praise the Almighty God who concerns Himself with the afflictions of His people.

2. Thank God for His abundant mercies.

3. Ask God to grow you in compassion for others. Pray for opportunities to comfort others who are suffering.

4. Pray for grace to live a faithful life before Jesus. Ask for grace to persevere in the midst of affliction.  

5. Pray that God would work through our children’s leaders and volunteers to engage children with the gospel and expose them to the Triune God. Pray that our young families would be faithful to invite their friends to experience our Church.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, January 14, 2024
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, January 14, 2024

1. Praise God for His steadfast love, mercy, and grace. Give Him thanks for His abundant blessings that are extravagant toward His children and completely undeserved.

2. Give thanks to the Lord whose throne is established in the heavens and who rules over all creation, including our lives.

3. Pray that God’s Spirit would make you a grateful child of the King who delights in worship and obedience.

4. Ask the Lord to embolden our church to proclaim the love of God through Christ to the lost in our community. Pray that God would break our hearts over lostness and give us a burden for reaching new people.

5. Ask God to bless and protect our mission team to Central Asia that leaves this week. Pray that God would use them as an encouragement to our missionaries and give them opportunities to proclaim and display the gospel.

6. Pray for the joy of the Lord to infect our members with a passion to gather for worship weekly, serve sacrificially, and pray fervently for a movement of God.

7. Pray for God’s healing and rest as Pastor Nate recovers from surgery. Ask God to refresh him and fill him with joy and the power of the Spirit as he leads TBC this year.

Prayer Guide: January 7, 2024
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: January 7, 2024

1. Praise God for His faithfulness from year to year. Worship Him as the eternal God!

2. Pray for grace to prioritize your devotion to Him in 2024.

3. Ask God to help you recognize your weakness so that you will rely on Him to live a fruitful life for His glory.

4. Pray for grace to wait on the Lord during difficult times and thank Him for His promise to give strength.

5. Ask God to grow our church both spiritually and numerically in 2024. Pray that our members would be committed to sharing the gospel and inviting others to visit TBC. Pray that our BFGs would be welcoming and engaging with new people.

6. Pray that our FOCUS Week events would serve to set the direction for our church in 2024. Pray that God would give us hearts to engage in our planned prayer services/opportunities.


Prayer Guide: December 31, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: December 31, 2023

1. As we reflect on the Christmas season, praise the God who humbled Himself and took on flesh. Thank Him for the grace that gives us eternal life.

2. As we close out the year, thank God for the opportunities He gave you to draw near to Him and grow in your love and knowledge of Jesus.

3. As we enter a new year, plead with God to give you a passion for loving Him and serving others. Ask God to use you in magnificent ways for His glory this year.

4. Pray for humility and sensitivity to the Spirit’s leading in your life.

5. Thank God for His faithfulness and that His promises endure forever. Ask for more grace to continue to believe His Word and live according to it.

6. Ask God to give our church a passion to share the gospel and to both make and grow as disciples of Jesus.

Prayer Guide: December 24, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: December 24, 2023

1. Give thanks to God for the hope that we have through the coming of Jesus!

2. Rejoice and praise God considering the fact that God became man!

3. Pray for grace to discipline yourself to meditate on the amazing love of God.

4. Thank God that He is working in us and that He will finish the work that He began.

5. Pray that God would raise up people from our church to support missions financially, pray for missionaries purposefully, and do missions intentionally.

6. Pray for grace to finish the year well – loving God and others.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, December 17
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell
Prayer Guide for Sunday, December 17, 2023
1. Praise God for His extravagant mercy and grace toward you that cleansed you from sin and restored you into fellowship with Him.
2. Give thanks to God for the gift of His Son who stepped into your place, taking your sin upon Himself and giving you His perfect righteousness.
3. Ask God to make you slow to give in to temptations to sin but quick to repent of acts of sin.
4. Pray for God’s blessing on the Student Ministry of TBC. Ask God to grow our students in their faith and commitment to Him. Ask Him also to add to their number through the faithful witness of our students, leaders, and others.
5. Pray that the TBC College Ministry would make a gospel impact on the campuses of AC and WT. Ask God to mature and embolden our college students to stand firm in their faith and bear witness to the Good News of what Christ has done.
6. Ask God to give you gospel conversations over the Christmas season that will result in new life in Christ. Pray that God would delight in using the members of our church to win the lost and make disciples for Jesus in Amarillo and beyond.
7. Pray that God will continue to provide healing, joy, and rest (physical and spiritual) for Pastor Nate as he recovers from surgery.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, December 10, 2023
Posted By: Timothy Sperduto

Prayer Guide for Sunday, December 10, 2023

1. Thank God that He is always powerfully and graciously at work in your life even when you do not realize it.

2. Praise God for the gift of His undeserved salvation. Give thanks to the One who came in the flesh of humanity to secure your redemption.

3. While we trust in Christ alone for our righteous standing before the Father, pray for a persistent, Spirit-empowered desire to practically live out a life of righteousness. 

4. Pray for grace to rest in the Lord as your rock and refuge no matter what comes your way. Pray for steadfastness in the face of trials and a firm conviction to trust our good and sovereign God. 

5. Ask God to powerfully use the worship ministry of TBC to proclaim Christ and to lead others to praise Christ. Pray for the worship choir Christmas program this Sunday evening that it will honor Christ and point others to Him.

6. Consider fasting, but certainly praying, that God’s hand of mercy would be on Pastor Nate during his December 8th surgery. Ask God to give him peace and patient trust during the recovery, and pray for a full and quick healing.

7. Pray for opportunities to tell others about Christ during the Christmas season. Ask God to give you boldness to proclaim the reason for the hope that is in you.

8. Ask God to bless the ministry efforts of TBC that by His grace we would see the fruit of changed lives. Pray for God to raise up new and additional saints to serve Him through the ministries of TBC. 

Prayer Guide for Sunday, December 3, 2023
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, December 3, 2023

1. As we enter the season of Advent, thank God for His gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.

2. Praise God for His mercy. Praise Him for revealing Himself to us. Worship Him as the One True and Living God.

3. Confess your failure to love God with your whole being. Pray for grace to regard more fully His worth.

4. Thank God for His covenant love and the hope that comes through His promises.

5. Pray for our church members who are struggling physically, relationally, and emotionally. Ask God to make his nearness evident.

6. Pray for Pastor Tim as he leads the discipleship ministry at TBC. Pray that God would raise up people who want to grow deeper in their love and knowledge of God. As we consider D-Groups, pray that God would stir the hearts of people with whom He desires to participate.

Prayer Guide: November 26, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: November 26, 2023


1. Spend time praising King Jesus. Declare your satisfaction with His rule and your joy in being a citizen of His Kingdom.


2. Pray that Trinity Baptist Church would be characterized by unity and peace. Ask God to bring Holy Spirit conviction to those who would seek to cause disunity. Pray that we would follow biblical instruction on dealing with broken relationships.


3. Ask God for grace to be gracious with those who seem to be against you.


4. Pray that God would increase your love and devotion to Him in the way that you stand firm, serve, and give.


5. Pray for people that you know who are apart from faith in Jesus. Pray that God will give you an open door to share the gospel with them and that they would respond in faith and repentance.


6. Spend time praying for our Children’s Ministry. Pray that our leaders and teachers would show love and Christ-like compassion to each child and that the children would develop a foundation of understanding who God is and what Jesus has done for them. Pray that our children will have a growing understanding of their sin and need for a Savior.

Prayer Guide: November 19, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: November 19, 2023

1. Praise God for His gift of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, who abides with us and equips us for the challenges that we face in life.

2. Ask God to strengthen your faith and help you to remain loyal to Jesus in a culture that belittles Christians.

3. Pray that you would have an increasing distaste for the things of the world and a greater love for the things of God.

4. Thank God for the fact that He is committed to the eternal good of His people.

5. Ask God to increase your love for others to the extent that you would faithfully encourage others to walk in holiness and have boldness to share the gospel.

6. Pray that God would grow our College Ministry in connectedness and numbers. Pray for Zach and Allison Scoggin and Scott and Terri Cunningham as they seek to build community and foster spiritual growth amongst those who attend.

Prayer Guide: November 12, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: November 12, 2023

1. Paise God for His abiding presence in your life. Worship Him as the Sovereign God who is for you and not against you.

2. Ask God to help you think about life through a biblical worldview. Pray for discernment when engaging people, information, and situations.

3. Thank God for His faithfulness! Praise Him that He will always be true to His character.

4. Plead with Him to grow your faith and ability to trust Him in difficult situations.

5. Ask God to help you embrace the goodness of His will and not to lose heart when things are difficult.

6. Pray for our student ministry as our kids experience D-Now. Ask God to grow the students in Christlikeness, in unity, and in their desire to live lives that honor God. Pray for all the leaders who are serving through D-Now including the speaker, Hunter, the small group leaders, home hosts, and other volunteers.

Prayer Guide: November 5, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: November 5, 2023

1. Spend a few moments worshipping God by reminding yourself of His attributes. Praise Him as the Omnipotent God who is all-wise and always good.

2. Ask God to grow you in both your desire and your discipline to seek Him in prayer.

3. Pray for grace to grow in the fruit of the Spirit and to say no to the deeds of the flesh.

4. Ask God to make you a more discerning person so that you would recognize negative influences and dangerous situations.

5. Pray for a growing trust in God’s perfect plan. Ask Him to help you to find joy in His sovereign rule.

6. Pray for that Trinity Baptist Church would be characterized by people who worship in spirit and in truth. Pray that we would be people of integrity who live out our faith in such a way that the world sees Jesus.

Prayer Guide: October 29, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: October 29, 2023

1. Praise God for His steadfast love in your life. Thank Him for His faithfulness to provide for your needs.

2. Ask God to help you to walk by the Spirit so that you can live a life that is pleasing to Him.

3. Pray that you would be the kind of person that helps point others to Truth and righteousness.

4. Ask God for grace to love as Jesus loves.

5. Pray for grace to endure hardship and to trust God to make all things right in His time.

6. Pray for families who we met because of the Fall Festival. Pray that we would make lasting connections and that people would trust in Christ because of those connections.

7. Ask God to deepen relationships through our Small Group ministry. Pray that we would see a growing desire in our church family to love and live like Jesus.


Prayer Guide: October 15, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: October 15, 2023

1. Worship God as the holy and perfect Sovereign.

2. Confess to God your struggle to love Him as He deserves. Pray for a heart that longs to follow Jesus with everything you are.

3. Ask God to deliver you from temptation and discipline to run away from sin.

4. Pray for grace to sense and respond appropriately to the Holy Spirit’s conviction in your life.

5. Pray for our international missions partners in Peru, Taiwan (Blackhursts/Mission Taiwan), Thailand (Tom and Susan Bohnert), as well Alana Scoggin (SE Asia), Emily (Central Asia), and Brian Wiseman (Training Leaders International). Pray also for Brad and Rachel Greco (Wycliffe Bible Translators) and Brendon and Julie Scoggin (Provo, UT).

6. Pray for our Fall Festival at the end of the month. Pray that we would reach families in the neighborhoods that surround the church with the love of Jesus. Ask God to raise up people from our church to fill the volunteer needs.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, October 8
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: October 8, 2023

1. Give thanks to God for His continual outpouring of grace and displays of faithfulness in our lives.

2. Pray for grace to persevere in our sanctification by keeping our eyes set on Jesus and all that He accomplished for us through His death and resurrection.

3. Ask God to bless the families of TBC and encourage parents and grandparents as they keep the gospel always before their children and grandchildren. Pray that God would make us faithful disciple makers of our children.

4. Pray for the Children’s Ministry of our church to thrive in ministering to our children. Pray for faithful teachers and other volunteers to care for them and pour God’s truth and love into their hearts.

5. Pray for our pastor, Nate, that God would give him healing and encouragement as he walks this journey of surgeries and cancer. Ask God to care for other TBC members who are also in the midst of health battles. Pray that God would give grace and peace to each one.

6. Ask God to bless our church with passionate worship, faithful discipleship, and consistent evangelism to the lost as we fulfill our mission of glorifying Christ by proclaiming Him and making disciples.   

Prayer Guide for Sunday, October 1
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: October 1, 2023

1. Praise God that He is always good and always sovereign through the highs and lows of our lives.

2. Pray that we would be renewed with hope and filled with joy in Christ even when we are misunderstood, confused, or rejected by others.

3. Ask God to fill our church with a spirit of love and patience toward others. Pray for grace to act wisely and faithfully for the glory of God and for the sake of our witness to a lost world.

4. Pray that God would bless our College Ministry at TBC. Pray that our students would remain faithful to Christ and His church even when schedules get busy and mind and bodies get tired. Ask God to multiply our ministry effectiveness to see more AC and WT students come to faith in Christ.

5. Ask for God’s hand of blessing to be on our Fall Festival outreach so that many community families would come. Pray that they would know the love of Christ and feel the love of TBC for our community.

6. Pray for the ladies attending our Women’s Retreat this weekend that they would be encouraged, refreshed, and emboldened for Christ.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, September 24
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell
Prayer Guide: September 24, 2023
1. Give thanks to God for His mercies and for displaying lovingkindness to us in such extravagant ways.
2. In a world of ever-increasing distractions, pray that God would keep our spiritual gaze set on the glory and goodness of Jesus Christ.
3. Pray for grace to rest in the righteousness of Christ alone while also seeking to live out practical righteousness toward others.
4. Ask God to bless our worship ministry at TBC. Pray that our praise teams, choir, and leaders will be Spirit-filled as they lead our church in faithful worship. Pray that our church would be unhindered in worship by distractions from people or life circumstances. Ask God to renew in our member's hearts that delight in praising God.
5. Pray that God would make each of us grace-filled people who seek to display loving-kindness toward those in our sphere of influence.
6. Ask God to bring increase to our church through faithful discipleship and evangelism. Pray also that God would help us build a healthy community together.

Prayer Guide: Sept 17, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: Sept 17, 2023

1. Worship God as the covenant keeping God. Thank Him for His enduring love.


2. Thank God for His grace, mercy, and nearness in your life.


3. Ask God for grace to trust His plan for your life, even when it doesn’t seem to make sense in the moment.


4. Ask God to give us hearts to proclaim Christ and make disciples. Pray that our church members would desire discipleship relationships and accountability.


5. Pray for our BFG leaders and Small Group leaders. Ask God to work through these ministries to expand biblical knowledge, deepen relationships, and equip believers to live fruitful lives.


6. Pray that our church members would be encouraged to get involved with local ministries because of our Missions Fair. Pray that we would excel in our love for one another.


7. Ask God’s Spirit to move in such a way that our church experiences both spiritual and numerical growth.

Prayer Guide: Sept 10, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: Sept 10, 2023

1. Thank God for His presence in your life. Worship Him as the Sovereign God who has made Himself known and befriended us.

2. Ask God to give you a greater desire and discipline to commune with Him in prayer so that you would grow in intimacy of relationship with Him.

3. Pray for wisdom to grow in your pursuit of God’s will and ways.

4. Ask God to increase your understanding of His holiness and goodness so that you would value His opinion over the opinion of others.

5. Pray for our Student Ministry. Pray that Hunter and all our adult volunteers would faithfully love and encourage our students in Jesus’ name. Pray that our students would be unified in the gospel and loving towards one another. Pray that our students would daily live their faith in Jesus and that the ministry would be characterized by spiritual and numerical growth.

6. Pray that God would add young families who desire to proclaim Christ and make disciples to our church.

Prayer Guide: Sept 3, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: Sept 3, 2023

1. Praise God for His steadfast love and faithful provision on behalf of His people. Worship Jesus as Great Shepherd who leads His sheep in perfect rest.

2. Pray for the ministry staff/leadership at Trinity Baptist Church. Pray that each member would be sensitive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and lead their respective ministry areas with wisdom and humility.

3. Pray for our Deacon Body. Ask God to give each deacon a renewed sense of passion for serving the church and leading their ministry areas for God’s glory.

4. Ask God to put it on the hearts of each of our members to fully embrace and strive to live faithfully according to our membership covenant.

5. Thank God for all our Children’s Ministry leaders/volunteers. Ask God to give each of them passion for communicating the love of God and the Word of God to the children in our ministry.

6. Ask God to grow His church at Trinity Baptist both spiritually and numerically.

Prayer Guide: August 27, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: August 27, 2023

1. Praise God for salvation by grace alone through faith alone!

2. Thank God for entrusting you with such an important ministry of proclaiming Christ. Ask for grace to live your identity well.

3. Confess to God your struggle to engage non-believers with the gospel and pray for discipline to consistently love others by sharing the gospel.

4. Pray that Trinity Baptist Church would grow in our collective passion for reaching the lost with the good news of Jesus Christ.

5. Pray for Zach Scoggin and our College Ministry as multiple outreaches are taking place this week. Ask God to grow our College Ministry with students who love Jesus and live for God’s glory and with students who are new to the faith.

6. Pray for Todd and Crista Blackhurst as they lead Mission Taiwan. Pray also for their family as now all three of their children are adults and will be living in the USA.

7. Thank God for Melissa Raleigh and her desire to continue serving the church in children’s ministry. Pray over the restructure of the leadership of the Children’s Ministry and ask God to give our church great unity as we move forward with a solid plan. Finally, pray for Lily Everett as she anticipates starting seminary classes and stepping into the Assistant Director role. 

Prayer Guide: August 20, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide for Sunday, August 20, 2023

1. Give thanks to God for His abundant mercy and grace. Praise Him for His provision in life.

2. Pray for a greater faith to trust God and to follow His ways.

3. Ask God for grace to live in such a way that others will see your good deeds and glorify God in heaven.

4. Pray for teachers and students who start school back this week. Pray that Christians will live their identity in what is an increasingly hostile environment. Pray also for homeschooling parents and kids that God will give them the grace to persevere through busy schedules.

5. Ask God to fill our church with people who worship God in Spirit and in Truth. Pray also for Casey and our music volunteers as they begin the fall semester.

6. Pray that God would confirm the direction the Personnel Committee and Children’s Director Search Committee is considering for our Children’s Ministry.

Prayer Guide: August 13, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: August 13, 2023

1. Thank God for His Word. Ask God to help you follow His Word more closely.

2. Pray for people in our church family who are suffering and grieving. Pray for God’s grace to comfort them and to keep them in peace.

3. Ask God to give you a greater knowledge and understanding of His holiness. Pray that God would grant you a healthy fear of the Lord that drives you to carry your cross and follow Him daily.

4. Pray that God would grow our church family with new families and baptisms.

5. Ask God to use our small group ministry to deepen and develop relationships with each other and with the Lord.

6. Pray that our BFG’s leaders and members would actively share the gospel and invite others to church.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, August 6
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide for Sunday, August 6, 2023

  1. Praise God for calling us into His kingdom through faith in Christ and entrusting us with kingdom service.
  2. Pray that God would open the eyes of every church member to the many gifts and talents He has given us and motivate our hearts to put them to use for King Jesus and His mission.
  3. Ask God to make us more faithful in service to Him and to keep us from being distracted by the temptations and pleasures of the world.
  4. Pray for our Student Ministry at TBC that our leaders would faithfully disciple students and equip them to be bold witnesses and servants for Jesus. Pray for our incoming sixth graders and outgoing graduates as they navigate transitions. Ask God to fill our Student Ministry with unity and love for one another.
  5. Pray that our church would be more faithful in witnessing to the lost around us and inviting them to church. Ask God to grow Trinity Baptist Church through more lost people coming to know Jesus as their Savior.
  6. Pray for a spirit of unity and joy as TBC grows together, serves together, and worships together. Ask God to make one in Christ.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, July 30
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: July 30, 2023


1. Thank God for sending Jesus into the world to live a sinless life, die in our place, and rise again as our only source of righteousness before God.


2. Praise God for all the kids and volunteers in attendance this week for Vacation Bible School. Pray that the Spirit would be clearly at work in the lives of the kids as they learn about the love of Jesus.


3. Ask God to make us more dependent on Him in living out our faith. Pray that His saving work in our lives would bear good fruit.


4. Pray that Trinity Baptist Church would be characterized by love. Pray that we would seek opportunities to intentionally display the love of Jesus to others.


5. Pray for our Children’s Ministry as our leaders pour the love of Jesus into the lives of our children. Ask God to grow the ministry numerically and spiritually through boys and girls coming to saving faith in Jesus. Pray for our Children’s Director Search Team to be united and Spirit-led as they seek out God’s provision for our church.


6. Pray for our Peru Mission Team as they serve and invest in Peruvian pastors, church leaders, and their families over the next week. Ask God to bless our team and all those in Peru who faithfully share the Gospel and make disciples of Jesus.

Prayer Guide: July 23, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: July 23, 2023

1. Praise the God who desires relationship with His creation. Thank Him for hearing the cries of our hearts and for the privilege to commune with Him in prayer.

2. Pray that God would give us greater discipline and desire when it comes to seeking Him in prayer and interceding on behalf of others.

3. Ask God to give us an unshakable faith and confidence in His providential care and sovereign control over all things. Pray that He will come again soon to make all things right!  

4. Pray for our upcoming VBS ministry. Thank God for the volunteers that He has provided and ask God to work in the lives of all the children who will be attending.

5. Pray for our Missions Ministry. Thank God for raising up people to serve on the trips we have taken this year. Ask God to go before our Peru team and make their efforts fruitful.

6. Pray for our College Ministry. As the fall semester at WT and AC quickly approaches, pray that TBC’s presence and influence would increase amongst college students. Pray that our core groups of students would grow in their connection with each other and that the ministry itself would experience growth. Ask God to provide a new director of the BSM at AC.

7. Pray for our Children’s Director Search Team. Ask God to give them wisdom as they consider various paths forward. Pray that each member of the team would be sensitive to hear and follow God’s Spirit.


Prayer Guide: July 16, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: July 16, 2023

1. Worship the God of salvation. Praise the One who designed and accomplished your salvation.

2. Pray for an increase in gratitude that overflows in rejoicing for God’s work of grace in your life.

3. Ask God to give you a passion for His glory that leads to faithful evangelism.

4. Ask God to burden your heart for lost people to the effect that you steward your resources (time, energy, money) in ways that please him.

5. Pray for our Student Ministry as they are at camp this week. Ask God to do an amazing work by His Spirit in the lives of our students and leaders.

6. Pray for our Music Ministry. Ask God to create within us hearts of worship that long to submit to His glory. Pray that we would be people who worship God in Spirit and in Truth.

7. Pray for our Children’s Director Search Team. Ask God to give them wisdom as they consider various paths forward. Pray that each member of the team would be sensitive to hear and follow God’s Spirit.



Prayer Guide: July 2, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: July 2, 2023

1. Worship the triune God - the One who is sovereign and glorious and possesses all authority.

2. Pray for discipline and desire to walk closely with God’s Spirit this week.

3. Confess to God areas of sin-struggle in your life. Ask Him for grace to put sin to death and to live in righteousness.

4. Pray for people you know who are in rebellion against God. Ask God to work in their hearts to bring them to repentance and faith in Jesus.

5. Pray for our Thailand mission team as they serve this week. Pray that God would do an amazing work through their efforts.

6. Pray for our Student Ministry. Pray that our students would grow in Christ, that they would be bold in their faith, and that they would be unified as a group. Pray that Hunter would lead the ministry with wisdom and conviction. Ask God to provide the right volunteers/leaders for every aspect of ministry.

7. Ask God to provide a new Children’s Director for our church. Pray for Melissa and Jan as they serve in the interim. Pray also that God would sustain our search team members.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, June 25
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: June 25, 2023

1. Spend time praising and thanking God for His blessing and mercy in your life.

2. Confess to God your self-righteous tendencies, your propensity, however often, to put confidence in your own goodness and obedience.

3. Ask God to help you put arrogance/pride to death. Pray that God would give you grace to see both Him and yourself clearly.

4. Pray that God would graciously humble you and give you a servant’s heart.

5. Pray for our Taiwan mission team as they serve this week. Pray that God would do an amazing work through the efforts of the team!

6. Pray for our Thailand team as they travel and prepare for ministry. Ask God to go before them and to help them work well together as a team.

7. Ask God to provide for a new Children’s Director for our church. Pray that He would send the right candidates to our team to consider. 

Prayer Guide for Sunday, June 11
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: June 11, 2023

1. Praise God for His sovereignty and faithfulness as He guides the winding steps of our lives.  Thank Him for the hope we have through Christ, now and into eternity.

2. Ask God to reveal areas of life in which you fail to trust Him. Confess that lack of faith, and ask God for grace to trust Him more.

3. Pray that God would embolden the members of our church to tell others of the hope we have in the One who redeems and rewards those who trust in the finished work of Christ in His death and resurrection.

4. Pray for Casey Flynt as he leads our music and worship ministries. Pray that God would bless him and fill him with the joy of the Lord and a passion for worship. Ask God to give him wisdom as he leads our praise teams, plans Christ-honoring services, and guides Trinity Baptist Church to be spiritually formed through biblical worship.

5. Ask God to bless and watch over our Taiwan mission team as they travel and serve Him in the coming days. Pray that the Spirit of Christ would go before them to prepare hearts and work through them to bear Kingdom fruit.

6. Pray for perseverance and grace for those in our church family who continue to endure trials of various kinds. Pray that those trials would produce steadfastness and opportunities to see God at work in their lives. 

Prayer Guide: May 21, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: May 21, 2023

1. Worship the God who is Omnipotent and Sovereign, and able to care for us.

2. Ask God to increase your faith as you seek to rest in Him during life’s battles.

3. Thank God for the gift of friendship. Ask God to help you to be a good friend to others.

4. Pray for grace to walk closely with God’s Spirit, to consider yourself dead to sin a slave to righteousness.

5. Ask God to grow our fellowship as a church over the summer. Pray that new relationships would form among our congregation and that He would bring new families to TBC.

6. Pray for our Children’s Ministry. Ask God to do a wonderful work through Kid’s Camp and to help Melissa and Jan as they plan for summer ministry. Pray for Ashley Parks as she will be serving as our VBS Director. Pray that God would raise up leaders and volunteers to serve. Pray that many kids and families would be exposed to the gospel and trust in Jesus.

Prayer Guide: May 7, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: May 7, 2023

1. Pray that God would grow you in gratitude for His gracious provision in your life.

2. Pray that your faith would strengthen so that in tough times you would still be content in Christ and rejoice in all things.

3. Confess any tendencies towards envy in your life and ask God to grow you in love for your neighbor.

4. Ask God to grow Trinity Baptist Church both spiritually and numerically.

5. Pray for our Men’s and Women’s Ministries. Ask God to give our people the desire to invest in relationships that spur on growth in Christlikeness.

6. Ask God to fill our hearts with a joy in Christ that overflows in telling others about life in Jesus.


Prayer Guide: April 30, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: April 30, 2023

1. Praise God as the all-powerful ruler who is sovereign and merciful. Praise Him as the One who fights your battles and secures your salvation.

2. Ask God to protect you from the evil one and to keep you from temptation.

3. Pray for grace to believe and apply the Truth to the various circumstances that you face in life.

4. Ask God to make you more zealous for His glory and honor.

5. Pray for our college ministry. Ask God to continue to grow the ministry and to work in the life of our college students to live more fully for Jesus.

6. Pray for those who have signed up for international missions. Pray that God would continue to confirm His will in their lives as they prepare for their trips.


Prayer Guide: April 23, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: April 23, 2023

1. Thank God for His grace in your life. Praise Him that He does not count our sin against us, but forgives us based on the finished work of Jesus.

2. Pray for discipline and desire to grow in grace. Ask God to help you to live and love like Jesus.

3. Ask God for wisdom to know how you can seek to advance God’s agenda through your life.

4. Pray that God will grow you in humility and your willingness to serve where he has placed you.

5. Pray for our Student Ministry. Pray that our students would be faithful to invite their friends and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray that families would be drawn to our church as students connect with the ministry here.

Prayer Guide: April 16, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: April 16, 2023

1. Praise God that He does not give us what we deserve! Thank Him for lavishing His lovingkindness upon us in Christ Jesus.

2. Pray that God would work His humbling grace in your life so that you might live more fully for His glory.

3. Ask God to give you eyes to see His glory so that competing idols would fall before Him.

4. Pray for our children’s ministry. Ask God to give grace to Melissa and Jan as they lead the ministry and to all of our incredible volunteers as they serve and love kids in Jesus’ name. Pray that children would be discipled and come to faith in Christ. Pray that God would send the right person to take the fulltime role in His time.

5. Ask God to bring new families to our church family. Ask God to lay it upon all our hearts to proclaim Christ and make disciples.

Prayer Guide: April 9, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: April 9, 2023

1. Worship King Jesus as the risen Lord who is reigning over His Kingdom.

2. Thank Jesus for suffering and dying in our place.

3. Ask God for greater confidence and trust as you follow Him through life’s difficulties.

4. Pray for opportunities to share the good news and to invite others to church on Resurrection Sunday.

5. Ask God to do a marvelous work of fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.

6. Pray for family members and friends who you know to be apart from faith in Christ.


Prayer Guide: April 2, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: April 2, 2023

1. Thank God for His gracious provision in your life. Ask Him to tune your heart to sing His praises no matter what circumstances you face.

2. Pray for faith that leads to obedience in all circumstances.

3. Ask God to make you sensitive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit in your life. Pray for grace to recognize and turn from sin quickly.

4. Praise God that He uses sinners like us to accomplish His will.  

5. Pray for Tim Sperduto and the discipleship ministry at Trinity Baptist Church. Pray that we would be characterized by loving relationships and deep desires to know and follow Jesus.

6. Pray that Trinity Baptist Church would be a true light in our city. That men, women, boys, and girls would be discipled in Jesus and lives would be changed!


Prayer Guide for Sunday, March 26
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: March 26, 2023

1. Praise God for His kindness and grace in calling us into His Kingdom through the gospel of Jesus. Thank Him for washing us clean of our sins and giving us the gift of His Holy Spirit.

2. Pray that our church will be bold and faithful to share the gospel message of salvation with lost people all around us. Ask the Lord to provide divine appointments for sharing the gospel.

3. Ask God to work powerfully in your life to help you flee sin, bear kingdom fruit, and persevere in faithfully following King Jesus.   

4. Pray for Casey Flynt as he leads our music and worship ministries. Ask God to fill him with His Spirit and give him wisdom as he plans services, recruits praise team and choir members, and creatively leads Trinity Baptist Church to love Jesus more through our music ministry. Pray for our church to be passionate in worship and increasingly filled with the joy of the Lord.

5. Pray that God would prepare our church for Easter as we meditate on the resurrection of our Savior. Ask God to focus our hearts on Jesus who died for our sins and rose again to give us eternal life in Him.

6. Ask the Lord to give comfort and healing to many in our church family who are enduring physical trials and spiritual battles. Pray that they would daily experience God’s new morning mercies.


Prayer Guide: March 19, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

1. Praise God for His abundant mercy and grace toward us. Thank Him for being patient with sinners like us.

2. Pray for grace to live before the Lord in such a way that it is beyond dispute that Jesus is your King and your hope for this life and all eternity.

3. Ask God to help you remember His past faithfulness and love toward you, especially during seasons of trial and difficulty.

4. Pray for Pastor Nate as he gives vision and leadership to our church. Ask God to give him wisdom and fill him with His Spirit to guide our church in fulfilling our mission. Pray that his preaching ministry would be Spirit-empowered and faithful to God’s Word. Pray also that God would strengthen Pastor Nate in body and spirit as he walks through this season of cancer. Ask God to give him joy and encouragement for each day and full healing in the days ahead.

5. Pray that God would make our church more zealous for His glory and for the proclamation of His Gospel to our lost family, friends, and neighbors. Pray also that as He gives salvation that we would be faithful to make disciples.

6. Ask the Lord to bless our student mission team in Provo, Utah. Pray that their obedience would result in Gospel fruit. Pray also for safety for their long journey home.

Pastor Tim

Prayer Guide: March 12, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: March 12, 2023

1. Praise the One True and Living God who is worthy of all glory. Thank Him that He is able to deliver us from ALL enemies.

2. Pray for grace and wisdom to walk closely with the Holy Spirit so that you will live a fruitful life for God’s glory and the good of others.

3. Pray that Trinity Baptist Church would have a deepening love for our community. Pray that we would be motivated to engage our neighbors with the love of Jesus.

4. Pray for Zach Scoggin as he leads our Missions and College Ministries. Ask God to give him discipline, creativity, and wisdom as he plans, recruits, and executes ministry. Pray that our college ministry would continue to grow and that the students would be discipled in Jesus. Pray that our church would be eager to engage in missions opportunities – local, national, and international.

5. Pray that God would work powerfully through the people and ministries of our church to the end that people would come to faith and be discipled in Jesus.

6. Ask God to bring hope and peace to our members who are suffering through trials and difficulties. Pray that they would experience the nearness of God.

Prayer Guide: Feb 26, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: Feb 26, 2023

1. Worship the God who forgives us through the finished work of Jesus. Thank Him that He is quick to forgive those who humble themselves before Him. 

2. Pray that the Spirit of God would work genuine repentance in your heart and life over various areas of sin struggles. Ask God to cleanse your heart and give you a passion for righteousness.

3. Confess to God your desire to live according to your own wisdom and pursue life according to your own strength. Pray for a greater awareness of your need to depend on Him and walk with the Spirit.

4. Ask God to remind you of His past faithfulness in your life. Thank Him for His ongoing care and concern for you!

5. Pray for Melissa Raleigh and all of our Children’s Ministry Volunteers. Ask God to do a great gospel work in the lives of our children. Pray also that our church would reach young families with children.

Prayer Guide: Feb 19, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: Feb 19, 2023

1. Spend time praising the One True and Living God who is supreme over all things. Worship Him as the Most High God.

2. Confess to God your sinfulness. Ask Him to forgive you and make your heart more aligned with His will and ways.

3. Ask God to equip you for every good work of service that He has for you. Thank Him that while He doesn’t need you, He chooses to love you and use you for His glory.

4. Pray for a greater recognition of and respect for God’s holiness. Pray that you would grow in the fear of the Lord and that our church family would be humble before our God.  

5. Pray for various families in our church who are suffering through difficulties. Ask God to make His presence known and to give them joy in Christ.  

6. Pray that God would keep our church family unified in mission and relationship.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, February 12, 2023
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: February 12, 2023

1. Give thanks to God for His marvelous grace in your life.

2. Thank God for our church family and ask Him to unite our hearts in fulfilling our mission to proclaim Christ and make disciples.

3. Ask God to cleanse your heart and purify your motives as you follow Him. Pray that He would grow you in integrity.

4. Confess any tendency towards wanting to use God for your own purposes. Humble yourself and seek to align your life with His will and ways.

5. Pray that God would grant you a fervent desire for a growing intimacy with God.

6. Ask God to give you a greater appreciation for His grace and His glory.

Prayer Guide: Feb 5, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: Feb 5, 2023

1. Praise the Name of the Lord our God. Worship Him as the God who graciously reveals Himself to His creation.

2. Spend time thanking God for the hope found in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

3. Confess to God the foolishness of your own wisdom and ask God to give you a passion for His ways.

4. Pray for a greater discipline to know and live according to God’s Word. Pray for a heart that is humble before God and ready to receive His Word.

5. Ask God to make you bold to speak His Word, to speak the Truth in love.

6. Pray for the several families in our church who recently have had babies or are expecting babies in the coming weeks and months.

7. Pray that our Children’s Director Search Team would experience God’s grace as we continue to seek His will.

Prayer Guide Sunday, January 22, 2023
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

  Prayer Guide: January 22, 2023

  1. Worship God as the sovereign ruler over all things. Praise Him for His majesty and holiness.
  2. Confess your trust in the Lord and your desire to live according to His ways.
  3. Ask God for grace to stay intimately connected to the Holy Spirit so that you will live a fruitful,    productive, and satisfying life.
  4.  Pray for a more comprehensive understanding of God’s holiness and grace so that you would live more faithfully before Him.
  5. Thank God for His gracious discipline in our lives. Pray for humility to receive correction and to grow in Christlikeness.
  6. Thank God for His bountiful care. Thank Him for fulfilling His promise and sending the Rescuer – Jesus – to save us from our sins and give us the hope of eternal life.
  7.  Pray for the on-going process of searching for a Children’s Director. Ask God to graciously provide the right candidate that our team will unify around.


Prayer Guide: Jan 15, 2023
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: Jan 15, 2023

1. Take time to confess to God your great need for His grace and His presence in your life.

2. Praise Him as the Sovereign Creator and the Powerful Sustainer of life, including your life.

3. Thank God that He knows us intimately and cares for our hurts. Ask Him to train you to cry out to Him.

4. Confess to God areas of faithlessness in your life. Ask God for forgiveness and pray for grace to live with integrity before Him.

5. Ask God to build your faith in Him. Pray that you would possess an attitude of rejoicing, even during difficulty because of God’s goodness and faithfulness.

6. Thank God for the hope that is found in the gospel and pray that you would be able to apply that hope to all areas of your life.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, January 8, 2023
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: January 8, 2023

  1. As we begin this new year, ask God to focus your heart on His amazing and abundant grace. Pray for a greater discipline to draw near to Him.
  2. Confess to God your fears as you enter this new year. Ask Him to help you recall His presence and His power.
  3. Thank God for His provision in your life. Remind yourself that He promises to provide for our needs.
  4. Praise God for His calling you to Himself. Give thanks for the eternal, triune God who has instigated relationship with you.
  5. Ask God to give you a greater desire for His will to be done in your life and a greater passion to pursue holiness.
  6. Pray that God would increase the number of people in our church who are characterized by devotion to God and prayer.

Prayer Guide: January 1, 2023
Posted By: Timothy Sperduto
Prayer Guide: January 1, 2023

1. Praise God for His faithfulness to fulfill all His good and glorious promises to us in His Word.

2. Pray for steadfast faithfulness in your life, even when the trials are hard and waiting on the Lord seems long.

3. Ask God for boldness and spiritual strength to live a holy life in a world increasingly hostile toward Jesus and the gospel.

4. Pray that you would be filled with the Holy Spirit and a renewed sense of awe in worshiping Jesus this new year.

5. Ask God to give you boldness to keep telling all who will listen about salvation by grace through faith in Jesus.

6. Pray for physical and spiritual health for our church family during this season of hurting and sickness.

7. Pray that in 2023 God would use our church more than ever to proclaim Christ and make disciples of those who claim Christ. Ask God to show you your role in this mission!

Prayer Guide for Sunday, December 25
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: December 25, 2022

1. Thank God for merciful visitation, His becoming human and bringing salvation.

2. Ask God to make you more devoted to Jesus as you marvel at His great loving kindness and grace.

3. Pray that the Lord will help you to be satisfied in Him knowing that He is the source of all joy.

4. Pray for those who are hurting in our church family. Ask Him to make His presence felt.

5. Praise God for His faithfulness. Praise Him for the hope that is found in and through Jesus.

6. Continue to pray that our church would give generously to support the gospel going to the ends of the earth.



Prayer Guide for Sunday, December 18, 2022
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

Prayer Guide: December 18, 2022

  1. Praise the God who authored and accomplished our salvation.
  2. Confess your struggle with loving the things of this world. Ask God to purify your passions and pursuits.
  3. Thank God for His merciful discipline in your life. Pray for grace to grow in faith and obedience through His admonishments in your life.
  4. Ask God’s Spirit to give you eyes to see and a heart to rejoice in response to God’s faithfulness.
  5. Praise God that His salvation is not merely physical and temporal, but spiritual and eternal.
  6. Ask God to be gracious to those who are suffering, especially those who are suffering during this holiday season.
  7. Ask God to burden your heart as to who to invite to church this Christmas Eve/Christmas. Pray that those who have been visiting our church in recent weeks and months would find TBC to be a great church home.
  8. Pray that God would increases our generosity as we seek to make budget this year and as we seek to meet a $200,000 March for Missions goal.

Prayer Guide: December 11, 2022
Posted By: Timothy Sperduto

Prayer Guide: December 11, 2022

1. Thank God for the sure hope of salvation that you have through Jesus’s coming to us. 

2. Ask God to make you a humble Christian as you meditate on His extravagant and unmerited grace.

3. Pray for faith to place your hope for the future in our sovereign God who always keeps His promises.

4. Pray for opportunities to share the Good News of salvation through Jesus with others this Christmas season.

5. Ask God to graciously provide our next Children’s Director in His time.

6. Pray for healing and strength for those in our church family suffering through recent illnesses.

7. Ask God to bless our March for Missions offering that the generous giving of our church would be used to bear abundant gospel fruit.

Prayer Guide: December 4, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: December 4, 2022

1. Rejoice in the salvation that our God has accomplished and freely given to all who believe.

2. Ask God to increase your joy in Him as you grow in your understanding of His grace.

3. Communicate to God your willingness and availability to be used of Him in whatever ways He sees fit.

4. Pray that you would grow in humility before the Lord.

5. Ask God to protect our church family from sickness and to heal those who have recently been diagnosed with various ailments.

6. Pray for the families in our church who are expecting babies in the near future. Ask God to keep His hand of protection over each pregnancy.

7. Pray that God would be merciful to us as we continue to seek our next Children’s Director.

8. Ask God to give us generous hearts as we have before us a lofty March for Missions goal of $200,000.



Prayer Guide: November 27, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: November 27, 2022

1. Give thanks to God for His compassion and grace. Thank Him for blessings us (those who are in Christ) with every spiritual blessing!

2. Express thanks to God for His daily provision. Thank Him for providing for all our needs.

3. Thank God that He hears and answers our prayer for His glory and our good.

4. Praise God for His love! Thank Him for the grace and peace that is found in Jesus.

5. Ask God for grace to believe His Word and walk by faith in His promises.

6. Pray for Zach and Allison Scoggin as they trust the Lord for their next steps with a baby on the way.

7. Pray that the individual families and the local ministries (Life Challenge, Sharing Hope, Buckners Family Place) who benefited from the generosity of our church members in the Thanksgiving Basket Ministry would receive the food as the love of God in Jesus Christ.

8. Ask God to give our Children’s Director Search Team discernment as we review resumes and questionnaires.

Prayer Guide: November 20, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: November 20, 2022

1. Worship God as the creator, redeemer, and sustainer of life. Praise Him for His perfections and His goodness.

2. Thank God for His abundant blessings in your life. Take time to thank Him for the things that we often take for granted.

3. Ask God to give you strength to serve Him knowing that this is an important aspect of worshipping Him.

4. Pray for grace to live loudly and boldly for God’s glory.

5. Ask God to give our church a heart of generosity as we enter the final months of the year. Pray that we would give to support both the ministries and expenses of the church and the March for Missions Offering.

6. Pray that our church would be motivated to help needy families through the Thanksgiving Ingathering. Pray that each family who receives a Thanksgiving Basket would sense God’s love and be drawn to Him.

7. Plead with God to give our Children’s Director Search Team wisdom as we review resumes and questionnaires. Ask God to lead us to the right person.


Prayer Guide: November 13, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: November 13, 2022

1. Worship God as the faithful, promise-keeping God.

2. Ask God to give you a greater understanding of His worth so that you would fear Him more.

3. Pray that you would have wisdom and insight on how to speak the good news more effectively to people who have bought into false gods and failing philosophies.

4. Spend time asking our Powerful God to encourage, heal, and restore others to health. Ask God to do amazing things for His glory in the lives of people who you know that are suffering.

5. Thank God for His sovereign rule and ask Him to turn our hearts towards Him.

6. Pray for Disciple Now Weekend. Pray that students would grow in their love and knowledge of God and the gospel. Pray that new friendships will form and that existing friendships will strengthen. Ask God to grant our students both evangelistic fervor and gospel unity.

7. Ask God to provide wisdom to our Children’s Director Search Team as we consider various resumes. Pray that God would make clear to us who the right candidate is.

Prayer Guide: October 30, 2022
Posted By: Timothy Sperduto

Prayer Guide: October 30, 2022

1. Take some time to thank God for the hope you have through the death and resurrection of Christ.

2. Ask God to give you a clear opportunity this week to share the hope of salvation through Christ with a lost person.

3. Pray for boldness to stand for Christ no matter how hostile the world becomes toward the church.

4. Ask God to bless our “Candy and Conversations” outreach on October 31st and use it to bear Kingdom fruit.

5. Pray that God would help us show the love of Christ to our neighbors through our Thanksgiving Ingathering outreach.

6. Pray for our Children’s Director/Minister search team and for God’s provision in the process.

Prayer Guide: October 16, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: October 16, 2022

1. Praise God for the gospel. Thank Him for the salvation that is found in Jesus!

2. Praise Jesus for the doctrine of justification – that through faith in Jesus, we are declared righteous. Thank God for the truth that the Satan’s accusations have no power to undermine our relationship with God.

3. Ask God to give you grace to respond to false accusations and the intentional misrepresentation of others

4. Pray that God’s Spirit would refine your character and that the fruit of the Spirit would become more evident in your life.

5. Pray that families from Wolflin Elementary School would connect with our church family and that our church family would be welcoming.

6. Continue to pray for the process of seeking a new Children’s Director/Minister.

Prayer Guide: October 9, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: October 9, 2022

1. Pray for grace to live according to righteousness with a clear conscience.

2. Ask God’s Spirit to convict you of sin and unrighteousness and take time to confess and repent of sin.

3. Pray for grace and wisdom to know how to response in a way that honors the Lord and encourages people in Christ in trying situations.

4. Ask God to increase your faith in Him as you experience the difficulties of living in a fallen world.

5. Pray that our church family will experience growth as we reach out to our community through our Fall outreach opportunities (Maxwells Pumpkin Farm and the Thanksgiving Ingathering).

6. Continue to pray for the process of seeking a new Children’s Director/Minister.

Prayer Guide: October 2, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: October 2, 2022

1. Thank God for the grace and peace that He gives His children.

2. Pray for a heart to prioritize gospel unity. Ask God to give you a desire to live peaceably with all people while remaining faithful to Truth.

3. Praise God for His gracious providence in our lives. Ask Him to help you to continue to trust Him even when His providence leads you through difficulty.

4. Ask God to give you an opportunity to share your testimony this week. Pray that God will use you to lead others to faith in Jesus.

5. Pray that our church family will experience growth as we reach out to our community through our Fall outreach opportunities (Maxwells Pumpkin Farm and the Thanksgiving Ingathering).

6. Continue to pray for the process of seeking a new Children’s Director/Minister.

Prayer Guide: Sept 25, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: Sept 25, 2022

1. Praise Jesus, the One who died in the place of sinners to reconcile man to God. Worship Him as the God who freed you from the curse of the law.

2. Ask God to give you a passion to walk with the Spirit no matter the cost.

3. Thank God for friendships that encourage you to live more fully for the glory of God. Ask God to make you that kind of friend in the life of others.

4. Plead with God to increase your affections for Him. Pray that the pleasures of this world would become distasteful compared to the sweetness of knowing and being known by God.

5. Pray that God would provide a buyer for the Sperduto’s home and that their plans for the whole family to move to Amarillo by mid-October would happen.

6. Pray that our church can make great connections and serve many families through our Fall Outreach opportunities (Maxwells Pumpkin Farm and the Thanksgiving Ingathering).

7. Pray that God would provide for us as we seek a new Director of Children’s Ministries.

Prayer Guide: Sept 18, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: Sept 18, 2022

1. Worship the triune God who in wisdom planned and accomplished the work of redemption.

2. Confess your ongoing battle to love God and others as He has instructed.

3. Pray that God would burden our hearts to prioritize our own spiritual health and to serve for the spiritual health of others.

4. Ask God for grace to build your life on the Word of God so that when trials and difficulties come, you will be strengthened to finish faithfully.

5. Pray for a passion to live in submission to God’s Spirit today. Ask Him to give you energy to walk according to His ways.

6. Pray for those who engage in planning upcoming ministry/missions endeavors. Ask God to give us wisdom as we seek to reincorporate overseas missions into our church schedule.

7. Pray for our church-wide fall outreach opportunities including Maxwell’s Pumpkin Farm and our Thanksgiving Ingathering. Pray that the families our church ministers to would experience both God’s love and the love of our church family.

8. Pray for our Children’s Minister search process. Ask God to provide the right candidates for our team to consider and pray that the church will be open to who God provides.  

Prayer Guide: Sept 11, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: Sept 11, 2022

1. Praise God for revealing Himself to us, for not leaving us to our own wisdom, but making known His ways and His will.

2. Pray that we would be a church that delights and meditates on God’s Word.

3. Ask God to make us both steadfast and fruitful as we live for Him.

4. Pray that God would be gracious with those you are engaging with the gospel so that they would hear the gospel, put their trust in Jesus, and avoid eternal wrath.

5. Pray for Zach and Allision Scoggin as they continue to wait on the visa process. Ask God to open every door for them to move to Taiwan.

6. Ask God to multiply the gospel through the ministry of Mission Taiwan. Pray for God’s grace on the Blackhurst family and everyone involved with the ministry.

7. Pray that our new discipleship pastor’s house would sell quickly and that they will be able to find a house in Amarillo in a timely fashion.

8. Ask God to provide for us in our search for a new Children’s Minister. Pray that our team would have several quality candidates to consider.

Prayer Guide: Sept 4, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: Sept 4, 2022

1. Thank God for giving you spiritual life. Thank him for calling you out of the darkness and giving you a hope and a future.

2. Ask God for grace to continue to walk closely with Him.

3. Praise God for friendships that encourage you to seek after Jesus. Praise Him for relationships that sharpen your spiritual walk.

4. Pray for discipline and desire to prioritize God’s Word in your life.

5. Ask God to make clear how you can go with the gospel. Pray for opportunities to engage others with the Truth of God’s Word.

6. Praise God for His provision for our church. Plead with him to continue to provide for us as we seek a children’s ministry director.


Prayer Guide: August 21, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin
Prayer Guide: August 21, 2022
1. Praise the All-Powerful God who is both Holy and Good. Worship Him as the Sovereign King who possesses all authority.
2. Ask God to do the mighty and extraordinary work of salvation in our church. Pray that people of all ages will hear the gospel and respond in faith and repentance.
3. Pray that we will be a church characterized by faithfulness as we believe the Word and do the Word.
4. Ask God to grant you a stronger desire to know Him more fully!
5. Plead with God for an increased and renewed sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s leading in your life. Pray for grace to recognize idols, to turn from sin, and to die to yourself as you follow Jesus.
6. Pray for Casey Flynt (and family) as he begins ministry at Trinity Baptist Church. Pray that Casey will connect quickly with our musicians and develop great friendships with volunteers. Pray that the whole family connects quickly!
7. Continue to pray for the process of calling a Discipleship Pastor. Thank God for His leading the Personnel Committee to Tim Sperduto.
8. Pray for the process of finding a new Children’s Ministry Director. Ask God for wisdom as we form a search team. Pray that we have qualified candidates to consider.

Prayer Guide: August 14, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: August 14, 2022

1. Take time to thank God for His abundant blessings in your life. Praise Him as the God who showers His grace and mercy upon His children.

2. Worship Jesus as the risen Savior, the One who accomplished salvation on your behalf.

3. Ask God to give you a greater realization and passion to engage in ministry, to speak and live the gospel, and to serve the church.

4. Ask God to clarify His will concerning our top Discipleship Pastor candidate as our Personnel Committee has conducted in-person interviews this week. Thank Him for His provision.

5. Pray that our people would be characterized by willingness, humility, discernment, and flexibility as we follow Jesus and love one another.

6. Pray for our country and our political leaders. Ask God to humble the proud and to turn hearts toward righteousness.

7. Pray for our students, teachers, homeschool parents, and administrators as school begins next week. Pray for wisdom, for steadfastness, for gospel witness, and for peace.

8. Ask God to work through our fall ministries to proclaim Christ and make disciples.

9. Pray that God would grow our church. Ask him to send families to Trinity Baptist Church who will join us in fulfilling our mission proclaim Christ and make Disciples.

Prayer Guide: July 31, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: July 31, 2022

1. Praise God for His love revealed to us in Jesus Christ. Thank Him for the gospel of grace!

2. Pray for grace to live a life that is pleasing to God, worthy of the gospel of Christ, and steadfast even through difficulty.

3. Pray for Tom and Susan Bohnert (and Micah) as they prepare to return to Thailand in the coming weeks. Ask God to prepare a season of great fruitfulness as they continue to minister in Jesus’ name.

4. Pray for Mission Taiwan. Ask God to increase the gospel influence of everyone involved. Pray that all the details come together for Zach and Allison Scoggin as they anticipate moving to Taiwan soon.

5. Pray for Ken and Amy Hansen as they are in Peru attempting to lay groundwork for future trips.

6. Ask God to give the Personnel Committee wisdom as we host and interview a Discipleship Pastor candidate in the coming weeks.

7. Praise God for His provision of a Music and Worship Pastor (Casey Flynt)!

Prayer Guide: July 24, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: July 24, 2022

1. Praise God for His saving and sustaining grace. Praise Him for His Spirit who sanctifies and empowers.

2. Pray that we would be purposeful about investing into people and relationships. Thank God that we experience His grace through relationships with Christian brothers and sisters.

3. Ask God to expand your relational influence for His glory. Pray that God would help you to connect with new and different people for the sake of the gospel.

4. Pray for a present awareness of God’s presence and power in your life.

5. Plead with God for a bold faith to take risks for the gospel!

6. Ask God to help our church family be passionate about serving others and being generous with our time and resources.

7. Pray that God would add to the Kingdom and to our church family because of our efforts through VBS.

8. Pray that every detail for this weekend with Casey Flynt would fall into place and that our church would respond appropriately to our worship services this Sunday.

Prayer Guide: July 17, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: July 17, 2022

1. Ask God to continue to renew your mind and transform your heart so that you take pleasure in the things that bring God glory and are repulsed by that which is offensive to Him.

2. Pray for the desire and the discipline to seek God with all that you are.

3. Ask God to give you a compassion for the lost that leads you to engage others with the gospel.

4. Pray that God would be glorified through VBS at Trinity Baptist Church. Thank God for those who are leading and volunteering. Pray that children would hear and believe the gospel. Pray that new families would begin attending TBC because of participating in VBS.

5. Thank God for His provision of a Music and Worship Candidate. Pray for the process that we are about to enter with this individual / family as he/they come in view of a call on July 24.

6. Ask God to lead our searches for the fulltime Discipleship Pastor and the fulltime Children’s Ministry Director.

Prayer Guide: July 10, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: July 10, 2022

1. Thank God for the power of the gospel that gives us life, which transforms our lives, and that secures our eternal future!

2. Pray for courage to tell others about Jesus.

3. Ask God to help you focus your life on what really matters. Pray for wisdom to see life from God’s perspective.

4. Pray that families will build their lives on God’s Word. Pray that husbands and wives would love each other well. Pray that children (of all ages) would see the eternal value of living for Jesus.

5. Pray for our Student Ministry while they are at camp. Pray that God’s Spirit would transform hearts and change lives.

6. Thank God for His provision of a Music and Worship Candidate. Pray for the process that we are about to enter with this individual / family as he/they come in view of a call on July 24.

7. Ask God to lead our searches for the fulltime Discipleship Pastor and the fulltime Children’s Ministry Director.

8. Pray for VBS at Trinity Baptist Church. Pray that volunteers would engage children with Truth and that those children would respond to the gospel and grow in obedience to the Lord.

Prayer Guide: July 3, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: July 3, 2022

1. Praise God for His abundant grace and provision in your life. Take time to confess your sin and ask God to purify your heart.

2. Pray that our elected leaders would lead with integrity and that people who fear the Lord would be voted into office. Pray for the safety of those officials who are being threatened by people/protesters.

3. As our nation continues its downward moral slide, pray that Christians would live as salt and light, pointing people to truth and hope. Ask God to give us all hearts to seek righteousness.

4. Plead with God for evangelistic zeal. Pray for open doors to speak and live the gospel amongst the lost.

5. Ascribe glory and honor to the Sovereign God in whom ultimate victory is assured. Ask Him to help us learn to trust Him more fully!

6.  Continue to pray for final clarity concerning our current Music and Worship Pastor candidate.

7. Ask God to lead our searches for the fulltime Discipleship Pastor and the fulltime Children’s Ministry Director.

8. Pray for our Students as they prepare to leave for Summer Camp on July 5. Ask God to do a magnificent work of salvation and sanctification in the lives of all the students. Pray for Hunter and Heather Wilkerson as they continue to get to know the students and for all the adult leaders who are attending.

Prayer Guide: June 26, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: June 26, 2022

1. Thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Thank Him for leading us in Truth and empowering us for ministry.

2. Pray for grace and wisdom to walk closely with the Spirit.

3. Ask God to keep our church family doctrinally sound in a culture that opposes Truth and righteousness.

4. Pray that our church would be characterized by unity, peace, humility, and service. Pray that we would be intentional about resolving conflict in such a way that pleases God.

5. Pray that making disciples would be foremost on our hearts and minds as a church.

6.  Ask God to make His will clear as it pertains to our current Music and Worship Pastor candidate.

7. Pray that God would send families to our church to join us in our mission to proclaim Christ and make disciples.

8. Pray that God would do great things through Children’s Camp (June 26-28). Pray that kids would grow in knowledge and love for God, that lost children would see their sin and need for Jesus, and that leaders would lead and love well.

Prayer Guide: June 12, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: June 12, 2022

1. Praise God for His gift of salvation. Pray that we would be a church where the light of Jesus shines brightly and boldly.

2. Ask God to give us discernment to know how we can love others while being gracious and faithful followers of Jesus.

3. Pray that our church members would intentionally battle the sin struggles that they face. Pray that we would be a church that encourages one another to live holy lives.

4. Pray for Hunter and Heather Wilkerson’s first Sunday and first week in Amarillo. Pray that the details of their transition here would go smoothly. Pray that Hunter and Heather will make great connections with students and families this summer.

5. Ask God to make His will clear as it pertains to our current Music and Worship Pastor candidate.

6. Pray that our church family would actively seek the Lord and persevere under trial and difficulty.

7. Ask God to increase our love and commitment to Him and to our church family. Pray for those families who have fallen away from devotion to Him and engagement with the church over the course of the past few years. Pray also that members who are struggling with bitterness (for whatever reason) would confess it and seek to restoration.

8. Pray that our church family would experience a wave of gospel growth where people are saved, sin is put to death, families are strengthened, and numbers are added.

Prayer Guide: June 5, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: June 5, 2022

1. Thank God for His grace, His willingness to bear with us in our sin, and His mercies which are new every morning.

2. Pray for wisdom to know when to speak the gospel and for courage to speak it boldly.

3. Ask God to help you view all of life through a Christ-centered lens.

4. Pray that people who visit our church (young and old) would make connections and build relationships with our members.

5. Pray for Hunter and Heather Wilkerson as they will be moving to Amarillo next week!

6. Pray that God’s will would be accomplished concerning a Music and Worship Pastor candidate that our team is following up with and excited about.

7. Ask God to be gracious to the Edfeldt family as they prepare to transition to Alabama in the coming weeks.

8. Pray the God would bring spiritual life to people associated with our church family. Ask God to pour His Spirit out in an undeniable way!

Prayer Guide: May 29, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: May 29, 2022

1. Pray that God would be glorified through the efforts of Trinity Baptist Church to speak and live the gospel.

2. Pray that our efforts to speak and live the gospel would be fruitful, and that many would place their trust in Jesus.

3. Ask God to provide for our staff needs during this time of transition.

4. Pray for our country and our government. Pray for our elected leaders and for the Supreme Court. Pray that those who hold authority and decision-making authority would lead in a way that honors God and does what is best for the people.

5. Take time to confess your sin and to repent of the waywardness in your own heart.

6. In an increasingly antagonistic society, pray that we would live faithful Christian lives, exhibiting compassion on the lost and confidence in God’s Word.

7. Pray for Hunter and Heather Wilkerson as they prepare to move to Amarillo in the coming weeks. Pray that they can close on a house in a timely fashion.

8. Pray that families with children and students would visit and join our church.

Prayer Guide: May 22, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: May 22, 2022

1. Thank God for His promise to provide for our needs and to lead us in paths of righteousness as we follow Him.

2. Ask God to be gracious to our schoolteachers and students as we reach the end of the year.

3. Pray that our families would prioritize Jesus this summer. Pray that we would be thoughtful and intentional about connecting friends and neighbors with Jesus and with our church.

4. Ask God for grace to remain faithful to Him in times of anxiety, distress, and trial.

5. Pray that our church would grow in our commitment to prayer. Also, plead with God to answer our prayers, and that because of His faithfulness, we would be more inclined to cry out to Him for help.

6. Pray for Zach and Allison Scoggin as they continue to wait for the visa process to open so that they can begin their ministry in Taiwan.

7. Ask God to give us wisdom as we seek to fill our various staff vacancies. Pray that God would provide a team of humble, gifted, and godly servants to join our staff here at TBC.

8. Pray that families with children and students would visit and join our church.

Prayer Guide: May 15, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: May 15, 2022

1. Ask God to give a heart to live for His glory no matter how difficult your circumstances seem.

2. Thank God for His sovereign rule over all of life. Express your confidence in His plan and your desire to rejoice at all times.

3. Pray that God’s grace would so change your affections and your life that others would notice and give thanks to God.

4. Pray that God would give grace to our children and students so that they would finish the school year strong.

5. Pray that God would continue to make us humble and dependent on Him.

6. Ask God to give you a heart of generosity when it comes to money, service, and love.

7. Pray that the candidates we engage with for the various positions that we are seeking would sense God’s hand and have the courage to follow His lead.

8. Pray that God would bring young families to our church family and that we would see an increase in the number of children and students who are engaged with our ministry.


Prayer Guide: May 8, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: May 8, 2022

1. Praise God for His gracious provision for your family and our church family.

2. Praise God for the many gifted women and mothers in our church family.

3. Ask God to do a great work of sanctification and deepening of relationships during our men’s retreat this weekend.

4. Pray that we would have eyes to see how God is at work in the details of our life. Pray that we would be faithful to walk in a way that pleases Him.

5. Ask God to purify you of any hint of partiality/prejudice in your life.

6. Ask God for an undeniable move of His Spirit in our staff searches.

7. Pray that God would add young families to our membership at Trinity Baptist Church.

8. Ask God to put it on the hearts of every member of Trinity Baptist Church to speak and live the gospel.

Prayer Guide: May 1, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: May 1, 2022

1. Express your gratitude to God for His provision of grace that strengthens you to live for Him.

2. Praise Jesus as the author and the finisher of your faith and the rock of salvation.

3. Ask God to purify your love and devotion to Him in order that you would more faithfully pursue His glory in all of life.

4. Ask God to make you passionate about the good deeds that He has prepared beforehand for you to walk in.

5. Plead with God to do a mighty work of renewal in the life of our church that results in men, women, boys and girls humbling themselves before God and abiding in Jesus.

6. Pray for the unity of our church family. As we continue in this season of staff transitions, pray that God would protect our church, provide for our needs, and push us to greater fruitfulness.

7. Ask God to put it on all of our hearts to be generous with our time, energy and money.

8. Pray for Pastor Nate as he seeks to lead humbly and faithfully during this time of transition. Pray that he would seek the Lord, pursue wise counsel, and continue to trust our Good and Gracious Father.


Prayer Guide: April 17, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: April 17, 2022

1. Give thanks to God for salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Praise Him as the author and the finisher of salvation.

2. Worship Jesus as the eternal God who humbled Himself and took on flesh. Thank Him for His willingness to suffer and die in our place.

3. Ask God to give you clarity into His call on your life to live for His glory.

4. Pray that our Good Friday service and our Easter Sunday worship services would encourage us to love Jesus more.

5. Pray that non-believers who attend church on Sunday would hear the gospel and be awakened to the hope that is found only in Jesus.

6. Pray for the unity of our church family. As we continue in this season of staff transitions, pray that God would protect our church, provide for our needs, and push us to greater fruitfulness.

7. Pray that God would add young families and college students to church family.

8. Pray for Pastor Nate as he seeks to lead humbly and faithfully during this time of transition. Pray that he would seek the Lord, pursue wise counsel, and continue to trust our Good and Gracious Father.

Prayer Guide: April 10, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: April 10, 2022

1. Ask God to give you greater passion to reach the lost people you interact with in your life.

2. Confess to God your tendency to prioritize your own ways rather than listen to and seek His ways.

3. Pray for eyes to see and a heat of compassion for the people with whom you cross paths.

4. Ask God’s Spirit to give you courage and winsomeness as you engage others with Truth.

5. Take some time to pray for people by name that you know are without Christ.

6. Pray for the unity of our church family. As we continue in this season of staff transitions, pray that God would protect our church, provide for our needs, and push us to greater fruitfulness.

7. Pray that God would add young families and college students to church family.

8. Ask God to graciously heal individuals, couples, and families that you know who are experiencing pain revolving around physical health, marital strife, or emotional distress.

Prayer Guide: April 3, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: April 3, 2022

1. Give thanks to God for the people in your life who have pointed you to Jesus and helped you know Him more.

2. Ask God to give you wisdom and courage to know how you can live faithfully for Him even amid difficult circumstances.

3. Praise God for His grace, for His kindness, and for giving you hope and a future!

4. Confess your trust in God, that He can accomplish that which seems impossible from our perspective. Ask Him to glorify Himself as He moves marvelously in your life.

5. Take time to confess your sin to God. Ask Him for grace to pursue righteousness and to live humbly before Him.

6. Pray for the unity of our church family. As we continue in this season of staff transitions, pray that God would protect our church, provide for our needs, and push us to greater fruitfulness.

7. Ask God to do a magnificent work of reviving and refreshing in our people. Pray that our people would speak and live the gospel and take opportunities to invite others to our church.

8. Pray for our Children’s, Student, and College ministries. Ask God to help us grow in these areas.

Prayer Guide: March 27, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: March 27, 2022

1. Confess to God your utter dependance on His grace for your right standing with Him. Thank Him for His lovingkindness to you despite your rebellion against Him.

2. Pray that you would grow in your awareness of His presence and power daily.

3. Ask for grace to follow His Word more faithfully.

4. Pray that we would prioritize speaking and living the gospel over our pursuit of earthly comfort and ease.

5. Pray that God would continue to be gracious to our Student Ministry as Zach Scoggin leads and as we look forward to Hunter Wilkerson (and Heather) coming in view of a call April 22-25.

6. Continue to ask God to hear our prayers and provide for our staff needs at Trinity Baptist.

7. Pray that our church members would be faithful to invite people to church and that we would see many young families connect with us.

8. Pray for our Law Enforcement Marriage Event on March 25. Pray that God would use this event to encourage and bless the Law Enforcement community.

Prayer Guide: March 20, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: March 20, 2022

1. Give thanks to God for His grace. Paise Him for giving you new life, making you a new creation, and freeing you from the power of sin.

2. Ask God to give you a heart to serve others and to embrace ministry.

3. Thank God for the unity we enjoy as a church and ask Him to give us hearts to continue to be gracious to one another.

4. Pray that we would be a church marked by our commitment to speaking and living the gospel.

5. Pray for families in our church who are struggling in terms of health, finances, and marriage.

6. Ask God to give us patience as we continue to seek a Music and Worship Pastor.

Prayer Guide: March 6, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: March 6, 2022

1. Thank God for His abundant grace in our lives. Thank Him for not dealing with us as our sins deserve, but for being merciful.

2. Confess to God any secret sins in your life. Ask Him for grace to live a life of integrity before Him and others.  

3. Pray that we would love and serve God, and not seek after the riches of this world.

4. Pray that we would be people of integrity, living and speaking the gospel with sincere hearts.

5. Ask God to give us a greater understanding of His holiness and His Grace so that we would be compelled to live for His glory in all things.

6. Pray for wisdom and unity as we seek to add members to our ministry staff.

7. Ask God to give our members opportunities to invite people to our church.

8. Pray that our church would grow as young families connect with our church family.




Prayer Guide: February 27, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: February 27, 2022

1. Praise God for His gift of salvation and constant provision in your life. Ask God to help you grow in contentment and joy in His providence.

2. Ask God to help us to embrace the privilege to seek Him in prayer. Pray that we would be humble before Him and ready to turn to Him as first response in all of life, but especially in times of trial and opposition.

3. Pray that we would hold fast to Truth, that we would embrace doctrine, and that we would be characterized by compassion.

4. Ask God to give us greater confidence in His sovereign rule and providential care.

5. Pray that our church would continue to live our mission of proclaiming Christ and making disciples of those who claim Christ. Ask God to make us bold in speaking and living the gospel for His glory.

6. Pray that we would value generosity and love. Pray that we would be a people who are ready to care for each other in Jesus’ name.

7. Ask God to help us tear down any remnant of the idols of materialism and the love of money in our lives.

8. Ask God for grace as we continue to seek a Music/Worship Pastor and a Student Pastor.

Prayer Guide: February 20, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: February 20, 2022

1. Thank God for doing His work of salvation in our church family. Ask Him to continue to men, women, boys, and girls to Himself.

2. Pray that we would be a church who stands on God’s Word in a society that is increasingly hostile to Truth.

3. Pray that we would be a church ready to speak the gospel and proclaim that salvation is in Christ alone.

4. Ask God to give you courage to live faithfully before Him even when it’s not easy.

5. Pray for discipline to live in submission to God’s Word and sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

6. Ask God to do a magnificent work of revival/renewal amongst us. Pray that Trinity Baptist Church would grow as God’s Spirit gives us zeal to speak and live the gospel.

7. Ask God to provide for our church’s needs in terms of staffing and finances.

8. Pray for a Student Pastor candidate and his wife who will be visiting Amarillo soon for an interview.


Prayer Guide: February 13, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: February 13, 2022

1. As we celebrate community this Sunday, pray that God would make us humble, gentle, and gracious with each other. Pray that God would protect the unity of our church family.

2. Pray that God would grant our Personnel Team wisdom as they follow up with Student Pastor candidates.

3. Ask God to give our Music/Worship Pastor search team patience and wisdom as we continue the search.

4. Ask God to give you wisdom and discernment so that you will prioritize the things that need to be prioritized and have enough margin in life to be available to minister to others.

5. Pray for wisdom and discernment to know how to transition conversations to the gospel so that you can more effectively and more consistently speak the gospel.

6. Confess to God your sin struggles. Pray that your love for Jesus/righteousness would far outweigh your desire for sin.

7. Ask God to do a great work of revival/renewal among us. Pray that Trinity Baptist Church would grow as God's Spirit gives us zeal to speak and live the gospel. 

8. Pray that God's grace would infuse broken and unhealthy marriages with hope, that God would restore wellness to those battling sickness and disease, and that those who have recently lost loved ones would experience God's comfort and presence. 

Prayer Guide: January 30, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: January 30, 2022

1. Ask God to transform you this week through your time in the Word and our time together in the Word on Sunday morning.

2. Praise God that He found you when you were lost in your sin. Worship Him as the only God who saves.

3. Give thanks to Jesus for His perfect life, His Substitutionary death, and His resurrection from the dead through which we are forgiven of sin and reconciled to the Father.

4. Pray for wisdom and passion to better speak and live the gospel.

5. Pray that Trinity Baptist Church would increase in number because people are trusting in Jesus and being baptized as our members are speaking and living the gospel.

6. Pray that God would raise up member of Trinity Baptist to serve in both the Student Ministry and Children’s Ministry.

7. Plead with God to be gracious and provide a new Music/Worship Pastor and Student Pastor for our church.

8. Pray that God would strengthen and uphold those who are leading our singing in the interim period.

9. Pray that our Student Ministry would grow during the interim period. Pray that students would invite friends and be faithful to stay connected.

10. Ask God to send visiting families to our church – families who will connect and become faithful members here at Trinity Baptist.


Prayer Guide: January 23, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: January 23, 2022

1. Thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit who enables you to understand Truth, who transforms you into the likeness of Christ, and who produces fruit in/through your life that is pleasing to God.

2. Pray for grace that your life would be increasingly characterized by the fruit of the Spirit.

3. Ask God for a greater desire and discipline to walk with the Spirit daily.

4. Pray for grace to take God at His Word and rely on His promises.

5. Pray that God will use you to be His witness among the lost people that you interact with on a regular basis.

6. Praise God for His financial provision for our church this year.

7. Ask God to open the doors for international missions.

8. Pray that God would protect our church family from COVID-19.

9. Plead with God to be gracious and provide a new Music and Worship Pastor and Student Pastor for our church.

10. Ask God to send visiting families to our church – families who will connect and becoming faithful members here at Trinity Baptist.



Prayer Guide: January 16, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: January 16, 2022

1. Thank God for inviting us to the throne of Grace and for hearing our prayers based on the finished work of Jesus.

2. Praise Jesus as the resurrected Savior who is Lord over all things.

3. Ask God to give you grace to be obedient to Him even in the small things.

4. Pray that you would come face to face with the reality of your impotence in such a way that you are driven to prayer and dependence on God.

5. Ask God for greater appreciation and insight into His Word, and that you would focus on it more fully in your life.

6. Ask God for grace as we continue to seek a Worship Pastor and Student Pastor.  

Prayer Guide: January 9, 2022
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As we enter FOCUS Week 2022, please join with your church family in prayer.

Prayer Guide: January 9, 2022

1. Ask God to give you a heart like His when it comes to lost people. Pray that we would be a church that is bold when it comes to speaking and living the gospel.

2. Thank God for the mercy and grace that He has extended to you. Praise Him as the King who is worthy of all glory.

3. Ask God to humble us and help us to understand the importance and priority of prayer and dependence on His Spirit.

4. Thank God for His grace in meeting our March for Missions goal. Ask God the empower our Southern Baptist Missionaries around the world to reach the nations with the gospel.

5. Pray for the details as we begin/continue our search for a new Student Pastor. Pray also for Zach Scoggin who will lead during the interim period.

6. Pray for our Worship Pastor search process. Ask God to be gracious to us and send the right person in His time.

7. Pray that God will use our church ministries to build up the Body at Trinity Baptist.

Prayer Guide: December 19, 2021
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

On Sunday, December 19, 2021, we welcome Dr. Adam W. Greenway to Trinity Baptist Church. Dr. Greenway is the President of The Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, TX. What a blessing to have Dr. Greenway with us on the day that we will be collecting our March for Missions Offering. As we continue to consider Why Jesus Came, we see the that it had everything to do with love. As we prepare our hearts to hear from God this Sunday, will you join with your church family in prayer.

Prayer Guide: December 19, 2021

1. Take some moments to worship God for His gracious love that meets us in our desperation.

2. Pray for grace to understand and embrace the love of God anew and afresh. Plead with the Spirit of God to transform you more thoroughly so that you reflect the love of God more fully.

3. Pray for your friends and family members who are still dead in their trespasses and sins. Ask God to open their eyes and soften their hearts to the gospel during this season.

4. Pray that as a church we would meet/surpass our March for Missions goal of $175,000. Ask God to use these resources to reach and save souls for Jesus Christ.

5. Pray for Zach Scoggin as he begins serving as the Interim Student Pastor. Pray for the students during this interim period. Pray that families would stay connected and/or reconnect. Ask God to be gracious to us as we seek a new Student Pastor.

6. Ask God to grant wisdom and peace to both our Music and Worship Pastor Search Team and the candidate with whom we are currently engaged. Pray that during an upcoming visit, God would make His will clear to all parties involved.


Prayer Guide: December 12, 2021 – Mark 2:13-17
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As we continue to answer the question Why Jesus Came in the month of December, we come to our next Advent theme – peace. Jesus traveled through Galilee and came into contact with all sorts of people. In Mark 2:13-17, Jesus sees and calls a tax collector named Levi to Himself. The call of Jesus is the call to peace. Through relationship with Jesus, we have peace with God. Will you join with your church family in prayer this week? Make plans to worship with your church family this Sunday!

Prayer Guide: December 12, 2021 – Mark 2:13-17

1. Give praise and thanksgiving to the only True God who has graciously called you to Himself and provided forgiveness, peace, and eternal life.

2. Confess to God your tendency towards self-righteousness and struggle to have compassion on others. Ask God to give you His heart of love and grace.

3. Ask God to give you a greater passion for His glory and for the gospel that results in a more generous and giving heart.

4. Pray that as a church we would meet/surpass our March for Missions goal of $175,000. Ask God to use these resources to reach and save souls for Jesus Christ.

5. Pray that we would reach families through the Angel Tree Ministry.

6. Ask God to grant us wisdom and unity as we prepare for our December Business Meeting when we will vote to approve the Finance Committee’s proposed 2022 Budget, the work of the Nominating Committee, and the necessary building improvements.

7. Pray for Worship Pastor Search Team. Pray that God will confirm the direction He has for our church. Pray for God’s will concerning the candidate that we are currently engaged with.

8. Pray for the Hendrickson family as they transition from Amarillo to Austin. Pray for God’s grace on our Student Ministry as we enter a time of change. Pray that families will stay connected and committed. Pray also that God would raise up leaders and provide for a new Student Pastor soon!

Prayer Guide: December 5, 2021: Luke 19:1-10
Posted By: Derek Hall

This Sunday, our advent theme is joy. The angels tell the shepherds that they bring good news of great joy. That news is that a Savior has been born. During the sermon, we are going to be looking at Jesus' interaction with Zacchaeus. Through this story we are going to see that an encounter with Jesus always ends in joy.

Prayer Guide: December 5, 2021 –Luke 19:1-10

1. Pray for God to give you the joy only found in Jesus.

2. Pray that God will help us not find joy in the things of the world but only in Him.

3. Confess your attitude of self-righteousness that robs you of joy.

4. Pray that our church members would seek Christ, and in seeking, find joy in Him.

5. Ask God to give our church a heart of generosity so that we might reach our March for Missions goal of $175,000 and that many people would hear the gospel and be saved. 

6. Pray for our Worship Pastor Search Committee. Pray that God would encourage their hearts as they continue to seek our next Worship Pastor.

Prayer Guide: November 21, 2021 – 2 Timothy 4:1-8
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As we enter chapter 4 of Paul’s last letter, he gives Timothy a solemn charge – preach the word. Paul’s earthly end is near, and he gives Timothy some final instructions that will help him as he seeks to live for God’s glory. Please pray with your church family.

Prayer Guide: November 21, 2021 – 2 Timothy 4:1-8

1. Pray for grace to live for God’s glory today, tomorrow, and for as long as you shall live.

2. Ask God to help you to both recognize and have courage to proclaim Christ.

3. Confess to God your tendency to be apathetic towards the lost. Ask God to give you a greater compassion for those who are apart from faith in Jesus.

4. Pray that God would make clear to you what it looks like for you to fulfill the ministry that he has entrusted to you.

5. Ask God to give our church a heart of generosity so that we might reach our March for Missions goal of $175,000 and that many people would hear the gospel and be saved.

6. Pray that families will be encouraged in Jesus’ love as our church provides Thanksgiving meals. Pray that these families would be nourished both physically and spiritual through connection with our church family. 

7. As our Music and Worship Pastor Search team narrows to one specific candidate, pray that God will make His will clear to the team and to the candidate! Give praise to God for answering our prayers!

Prayer Guide: November 14, 2021 – 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

In 2 Timothy 3:16-17, the Apostle Paul reinforces the importance of the Word of God. He is reminding Timothy of the nature, usefulness, and necessity of the sacred writings as he faces opposition to his ministry in the church at Ephesus. Pray with us this week as we seek God’s gracious blessing.

Prayer Guide: November 14, 2021 – 2 Timothy 3:16-17

1. Ask God to increase our faithfulness to read, meditate on, and memorize the Word of God. Repent of times of apathy towards reading His Word and living according to His will.

2. Pray that the Holy Spirit would give us insight into God’s Word and that we would humbly submit to it.

3. Pray for the families who will be ministered to through the Angel Tree Ministry. Pray that God’s grace and God’s love would shine forth and that families would be saved because of the witness of our church and outpouring of love shown to them.

4. Ask God to increase the generosity of our church in the coming months as we consider our March for Missions Offering. Pray that God will be glorified as we give to support the gospel in Texas, North America, and around the world. 

5. Pray that families will be encouraged in Jesus’ love as our church provides Thanksgiving meals. Pray that these families would be nourished both physically and spiritual through connection with our church family. 

6. Plead with God to protect the unity of our church family. Pray that the Holy Spirit moves in such a way to convict individuals of sin and spur on repentance.

7. Pray that God would give clear direction this week as we trust Him for our next Music and Worship Pastor.

Prayer Guide: November 7, 2021 – 2 Timothy 3:10-15
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As we enter the month of November, we near the end of our sermon series through 2 Timothy. While the series will end on November 28, there are several ministry initiatives that begin in November including Angel Tree, Thanksgiving Food Baskets, and our March for Missions focus. Will you join with your church family as we seek the Lord concerning the life and our church?

Prayer Guide: November 7, 2021 – 2 Timothy 3:10-15

1. Pray for grace to follow godly examples and to leave a godly example.

2. Pray for God’s mercy in the face of suffering and persecution. Pray for God’s grace to remain strong and faithful while being targeted because of faith in Christ.

3. Plead with God to move in a mighty and saving way amongst our church family. Pray that marriages would be reconciled, that families would be restored, that diseases would be healed, and the lost would be saved, and that love for Jesus would increase.

4. Pray for the families who will be represented during our annual Angel Tree Ministry. Pray that God’s grace and God’s love would shine forth and that families would be saved because of the witness of our church and outpouring of love shown to them.

5. Ask God to increase the generosity of our church in the coming months as we consider our March for Missions Offering. Pray that God will be glorified as we give to support the gospel in Texas, North America, and around the world.  

6. Pray that families will be encouraged in Jesus’ love as our church provides Thanksgiving meals. Pray that these families would be nourished both physically and spiritual through connection with our church family.  

7. Ask God to provide encouragement, steadfastness, and candidates as our church continues to pursue a Music and Worship Pastor.

Prayer Guide: October 31, 2021 – 2 Timothy 3:1-9
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

On Sunday, October 31, we continue our series through 2 Timothy as we focus our attention on 2 Timothy 3:1-9. In this passage, Paul draws Timothy’s attention to the difficult times that characterize the last days. While the news may seem bleak, we can be sure that God’s grace will win in the end.

Prayer Guide: October 31, 2021 – 2 Timothy 3:1-9

1. Please pray for our Student and College Ministries as they seek to shine the light of Jesus in our community on Sunday evening, October 31.

2. Please pray for our efforts to connect with and minister to families associated with Wolflin Elementary. Ask God to stir the hearts of the people to seek Him.

3. Ask God to help us understand the times that we live in so that we might depend fully on His strength as we seek to live faithfully for Him. Pray also for strength to stand firm in the face of temptation and trial.

4. Ask God to increase our love for Him, our passion for the gospel, and our compassion for those who are lost and apart from God’s grace.

5. Confess to God your tendency to prioritize your own comfort and pleasure out of self-love. Seek His forgiveness and pray for opportunities to love others in practical ways.

6. Pray that God will be gracious in our search for a new Music and Worship Pastor. Ask God to provide quality candidates for our team to consider. 


Prayer Guide: October 24, 2021 - 2 Timothy 2:22-26
Posted By: Derek Hall

In 2 Timothy 2:22-26, Paul gives Timothy numerous commands. Taken together they are a call to action. Paul is laying out for Timothy how to live and pastor in light of false teaching. However, he does not stop at commands. He gives Timothy the purpose behind this call to action. He wants Timothy to know how to live so the gospel will go forth in Ephesus. As followers of Jesus, this should be our aim and purpose as well.

Prayer Guide: October 24, 2021 – 2 Timothy 2:22-26

1.Ask God to help you flee sin and turn to him in repentance.

2. Pray that we would be people who pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace.

3. Ask God to help us depend on the Spirit and not our own strength as we pursue these things.

4. Pray that we would not be quarrelsome but kind, patient, and gentle.

5. Pray that the Spirit would use our kindness, patience, and gentleness to bring people to a knowledge of the truth of Christ.

6. Thank God for His provision while our Music and Worship Pastor search team continues to seek the Lord for our next Worship Pastor. Pray that God would lead the right candidates to our search team.

7. Pray for the Student Ministry’s Candy and Conversations Outreach. Pray that students would be bold to speak the gospel and to engage the lost with the good news of salvation.

Prayer Guide: October 17, 2021 – 2 Timothy 2:14-21
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

In 2 Timothy 2:14, Paul begins to address the situation at the church in Ephesus more pointedly. False teaching was wreaking havoc on the church and people were suffering. In the face of such turmoil, Paul instructs Timothy to focus on the Truth and to distance themselves from those who engage in irreverent babble. As we prepare our hearts for Sunday, join with your church family in prayer.

Prayer Guide: October 17, 2021 – 2 Timothy 2:14-21

1. Give thanks to the Lord who has accomplished salvation for His people. Praise the God who is always faithful and whose love never fails.

2. Pray that we would be a people characterized by a love for God’s Word that leads us to regularly read, meditate, and memorize Scripture.

3. Ask God to help us to be quick to repent when we veer from His Word. Pray for an increasing willingness to be submissive to His will.

4. Pray that our love for Truth always leads to a love for people, a compassion for sinners, and a heart to be like Jesus.

5. Thank God for His provision while our Music and Worship Pastor search team continues to seek the Lord for our next Worship Pastor. Pray that God would lead the right candidates to our search team.

6. Pray for the Student Ministry’s Candy and Conversations Outreach. Pray that students would be bold to speak the gospel and to engage the lost with the good news of salvation.

Prayer Guide: October 10, 2021 – 2 Timothy 2:8-13
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

On Sunday, October 10, we will be observing the Lord’s Supper in both of our morning worship services. As we prepare for Sunday, let’s focus our attention on Jesus, the One whom Paul implores Timothy to remember in 2 Timothy 2:8-13.

Prayer Guide: October 10, 2021 – 2 Timothy 2:8-13

1. Spend time worshipping the triune God whose wisdom is all surpassing, whose ways are inscrutable, and whose love goes deeper than we can imagine.

2. Humble yourself before God. Confess areas of sin and failure to Him. Admit to Him your need for His grace and His cleansing.

3. Thank God for Jesus Christ – for His suffering and dying in your place. Praise Him as the resurrected king through whom is life eternal.  Praise Him for His faithfulness in life.

4. Ask God for grace to live both for His glory and with an eye towards serving and blessing others.

5. Pray for our Maxwell’s Pumpkin Farm Outreach. Pray that non-TBC families who attend would connect with our church and experience the love and grace of God’s people. Pray that our church’s efforts in the Wolflin Community (Community Garden / partnership with Wolflin Elementary) would bear gospel fruit.

6. Pray for the Student Ministry’s Candy and Conversations Outreach. Pray that students would be bold to speak the gospel and to engage the lost with the good news of salvation.

7. Ask God to provide qualified candidates in our Worship Pastor Search Process.

Prayer Guide: October 3, 2021 – 2 Timothy 2:1-7
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

In 2 Tim 2:1-7, Paul instructs Timothy to engage in disciple-making, while recognizing that the Christian life is not easy. While all Christians are commissioned to live on mission with Jesus, we need God’s strength to accomplish anything of value.  

Prayer Guide: October 3, 2021 – 2 Timothy 2:1-7

1. Thank God for the grace that is found in Christ Jesus! Praise Him for His undeserved favor in your life.

2. Ask God to give you strength to live for His glory. Ask Him for grace to live and love like Jesus and to teach others to do the same.

3. Pray that God will increase your compassion for the lost and open doors for you to speak the gospel to those who are apart from faith in Christ.  

4. Confess to God your passivity when it comes to disciple-making and spiritual multiplication. Ask Him to give you a willing heart to be used to help others know and love Jesus more.

5. Ask God to give you single-mindedness, discipline, hard work, and faith as you live the Christian life.

6. Plead with God for grace and direction in our Worship Pastor search. Ask God to send us solid candidates for our team to consider. Pray for patience, for church members and committee members, and for greater trust in God’s timing.

Prayer Guide: September 26, 2021 - 2 Timothy 1:15-18
Posted By: Derek Hall

This Sunday, September 26, 2021, we continue our study through 2 Timothy. Paul charged Timothy to not be ashamed of the gospel or of Paul as a prisoner because of the gospel. In verses 15-18, Paul is going to give Timothy examples of two men who were ashamed and one who remained faithful. On Sunday, we will see two ways we can live: the way of shame or the way of faith.

Prayer Guide: September 26, 2021 – 2 Timothy 1:15-18

1. Ask God to give you the grace to love Christ more than anything else.

2. Confess to God the different ways you desire the approval of men more than devotion to Christ.

3. Ask God to help you serve others in sacrificial ways.

4. Ask God to loosen your grip on the things of this world and make Christ and the gospel more beautiful.

5. Praise God for the mercy he has poured out in your life.

6. Pray for the Music and Worship Pastor search process. Ask God to give the team clarity, wisdom, and unity over the course of the next few weeks.

7. Pray for members of our church family who are battling sickness and disease, as well as for those who are recovering from recent surgeries.

Prayer Guide: September 19, 2021 – 2 Timothy 1:8-14
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

This Sunday, September 19, 2021, we continue our study through 2 Timothy. Because God has graciously gifted Timothy with the Holy Spirit, Timothy has the power to obey Paul exhortation to remain loyal and fully devoted to Jesus and the gospel. As we look to the text this weekend, we’ll see that Jesus is worthy of our full devotion! Join us as we pray

Prayer Guide: September 19, 2021 – 2 Timothy 1:8-14

1. Praise God for His sovereign grace in your life. Thank Him for calling you to Himself and saving you from eternal death. Worship Him as the Savior who will keep you to the end and ensure your ultimate victory in Him.

2. Pray for grace to live boldly for the glory of God and for grace to live fully for the sake of the gospel.

3. Ask God to help you to stand firm in the face of difficulty by trusting in His providential care and remembering your future hope in Christ.

4. Ask God to give our ministry staff wisdom as they consider future ministry endeavors, seek to lead the Church in Truth, and deal with issues of unity and love in the church family.  

5. Pray for the Music and Worship Pastor search process. Ask God to give the team clarity, wisdom, and unity over the course of the next few weeks.

6. Pray for members of our church family who are battling sickness and disease, as well as for those who are recovering from recent surgeries.

7. Pray for grace to guard the good deposit entrusted to you by living and speaking the gospel faithfully.

Prayer Guide: September 12, 2021 – 2 Timothy 1:1-7
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

This Sunday, September 12, we begin a study through Paul’s second letter to Timothy. As we make our way through the letter, we’ll see evidence of Paul’s special relationship with Timothy. The Apostle was clearly a mentor and a trusted friend of Timothy, who himself was a leader int the early church. 2 Timothy is likely the last letter of Paul as he expected to be martyred (4:6-8). As he considers his near end, Paul writes to encourage Timothy to remain true to the gospel and steadfast in the faith. Paul knows that this will include suffering and opposition for Timothy. As we begin this study, let’s ask God to do a great work in our own lives and in our own church.

Prayer Guide: September 12, 2021 – 2 Timothy 1:1-7

1. Thank God for the promise of life that is in Christ Jesus! Praise Him for accomplishing our salvation.

2. Ask God for grace to live life with a clear conscience. Pray for discipline and desire to live for God’s glory every day.

3. Thank God for the people in your life who have played a role in your spiritual life and development.  

4. Pray for a greater awareness and dependence on the Holy Spirit in your life. Ask God to make you bold for the sake of the gospel. Ask God to make our church family bold for the sake of the gospel.

5. Ask God to graciously protect our church and community from the pain associated with COVID-19. Pray for others in our church who are facing other serious health concerns.

6. Pray for Christians and others who are being persecuted under the Taliban in Afghanistan. Pray that the gospel would go forth in power, that sinners would be transformed by its power, and that Christians would remain faithful to His name.

7. Pray for our nation’s leaders. Pray for humility and wisdom. Ask God to reveal Himself in a saving way to those who are currently dead in their trespasses and sins. Ask God to help our national leaders who are followers of Jesus boldness to live a live of faithfulness to God in the political arena.

8. Pray for our Worship Pastor Search Team. Pray that the team would be unified around the person that God has specifically equipped for our church family.

Prayer Guide: September 5, 2021 – Philippians 1:27-30
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As we continue our 2-week stop in Philippians, we come to Philippians 1:27-30. Paul exhorts the church to live in a manner worthy of the gospel. Based on evidence from the letter, it seems that the church was struggling with divisions and disunity due to some of the members who had adopted self-centered agendas. As we look to the text this Sunday morning, we’ll see why living worthy of the gospel matters.

Prayer Guide: September 5, 2021 – Philippians 1:27-30

1. Worship the God of salvation; the God who has changed us by His grace.

2. Repent of living primarily with an earthly citizenship in mind. Ask God to help us to focus our hearts and minds on our heavenly citizenship and live for eternal things.

3. Pray that God would ignite a passion for His glory in our church family that would lead to a greater love for the gospel, for evangelism, and for discipleship.

4. Pray that God would strengthen the unity of our church as we love Jesus and submit ourselves to His Word.

5. Ask God to continue to give clear direction to our Music and Worship Pastor Search team. Ask Him to give the team unity around the candidate that He has for our church family.

6. Pray that our church family would remain faithful to God during the increasing pressures and challenges associated with living according to Truth and God’s glory.

7. Pray for Christians and others who are being persecuted under the Taliban in Afghanistan. Pray that the gospel of Jesus would go forth in power and that Christians would remain faithful to His name.

Prayer Guide: August 29, 2021 – Philippians 1:18-26
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

The Apostle Paul wrote the letter to the church at Philippi while under house arrest in Rome. While his circumstances were both difficult and uncertain, Paul was filled with joy because of his confidence in the Lord. In the uncertainty of our world today, it is easy to become anxious and confused. This Sunday, we will see how Paul followed Jesus in the face of uncertainty.

Prayer Guide: August 29, 2021 – Philippians 1:18-26

1. Pray that we would train ourselves to regularly reflect on God’s grace and love so that we would be increasingly confident of our standing in Christ and His care and provision over our lives.

2. Ask God for grace to learn to rejoice in the Lord, even when life is challenging, and the future seems uncertain.

3. Pray that would make it our priority to glorify God in all that we do.

4. Thank God for those who have contributed to your spiritual progress and joy. Ask God to give you a greater desire to love and serve others.   

5. Ask God to grant our church wisdom and strength in the disciple-making process. Ask God to grow us in our willingness and effectiveness in proclaiming Christ and sharing the gospel.   Confess to God that too often our unwillingness to serve is driving by a self-centered agenda.

6. Pray for Christians and others who are being persecuted under the Taliban in Afghanistan. Pray that the gospel would go forth in power.

7. Pray for God’s grace in our Music and Worship Pastor search process. Pray for unity and clarity.

Prayer Guide: August 22, 2021 – Luke 11:5-13
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

In Luke 11, Jesus gives His disciples some principles for prayer. As we move into the fall semester, please join with your church family as we humble ourselves and seek God’s grace.

Prayer Guide: August 22, 2021 – Luke 11:5-13

1. Please pray that members of Trinity Baptist Church would increasingly live and love like Jesus - that we would walk by the Spirit, that we would live according to Truth, and that we would desire God’s glory above all.

2. Please pray that our church family would reach out to members who have become disconnected during the pandemic to show love and support while seeking to encourage them about the importance of worshipping with the church family and being connected to others.

3. Please pray that our members would engage the lost with the gospel, that baptisms would become a “regular occurrence,” and that our church would experience growth as people are putting their trust in Jesus.  

4. Please pray that the Lord would strengthen, grow, and expand our Children and Student Ministries and that God would multiple the number of families with children and youth who call Trinity Baptist their church home.   

5. Please pray that God would prepare us for our next Music and Worship Pastor and that God would give wisdom to our Search Team as they continue the search process.

6. Please pray for our mission’s ministry and our missionaries who are serving around the world.

7. Please pray for marriages in our church family – that God would strengthen & restore hurting marriages and protect couples from attacks from the enemy.

8.  Please pray for families who are dealing with the failing health of aging parents.

9. Please pray for families who are struggling with kids who have walked away from the Lord and are living in rebellion against God.

10. Please pray for God’s grace on our community and on our church as it related to COVID-19.

Prayer Guide: August 15, 2021 – Acts 8:1-8
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

This Sunday, August 15, Dr. Adam Greenway, the President of The Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, will be preaching at Trinity Baptist Church. We are excited to welcome Dr. Greenway to Trinity Baptist and are looking forward to his ministry with us. Please join us as we seek the Lord grace on our lives.

Prayer Guide: August 15, 2021 – Acts 8:1-8

1. Worship the God who saves sinners from eternal destruction. Give thanks to Jesus, the One who has secured our salvation through His life, death, and resurrection.

2. Ask God to increase our faith and joy in Him in a society and culture that is becoming more and more opposed to Truth and righteousness.

3. Pray that we would be a people characterized by a love for the gospel and a desire to proclaim Christ.

4. Ask God to protect our church family from further COVID-19 related struggles. Also, pray that our ministry staff would have wisdom when it comes to leading in light of continued public health concerns and the various opinions of church members.

5. Pray that those who have been disconnected from Trinity Baptist over the past eighteen months would reengage, and that many new families and visitors would be drawn to TBC.

6. Ask God to increase the number of gifted and capable leaders/volunteers to serve in the various ministries of the church.

7. Pray for the Music and Worship Pastor Search Team. Pray that God would unify their hearts around the candidate with which He has chosen to bless us.

8. Ask God to do a mighty work through the preaching of Dr. Adam Greenway. Pray also for the ministry of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Pray that many men and women would be trained and sent out to ministry for God’s glory.


Prayer Guide: August 8, 2021 – Malachi 4:1-6
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As we conclude our summer series through the Book of Malachi, let’s seek the Lord in prayer, asking Him to help us to fear Him and trust Him more fully. Let’s remember that He is gracious and kind, that He will not abandon His own, and that He will make all things right in the end.

Prayer Guide: August 8, 2021 – Malachi 4:1-6

1. Please pray for our Student Ministry Praise Team as they will be leading our singing on Sunday, August 8.       

2. Ask God to give our church a passion to see the lost come to Christ. Pray that our members would be intentional about sharing the gospel with unbelievers.

3. Continue to ask God to raise up Children, Youth, and Adult Sunday School teachers / leaders. Also, pray that our discipleship efforts would be fruitful and that relationships in our church would deepen.

4. Praise God for His gift of salvation. Thank God for Jesus’ sacrifice for us.

5. Pray that the seeds that were planted at VBS would take root in the hearts of the children and that families would be drawn to connect with our church because of their experience with us.  

6. Pray that God would be merciful to our city, our community, our church, and our families as COVID-19 numbers are on the rise again in Amarillo. Pray that we would not live in fear, but that we would be wise as we seek to lead heathy lives.

7. As the fall semester at Trinity Baptist Church begins in the coming weeks, please pray that God would bless our efforts, that His people would engage in ministry, and that adults and children would grow in  Christ!

Prayer Guide: August 1, 2021 – Malachi 3:13-18
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As we move closer to the beginning of the fall semester, our church calendar is beginning to get busier. As you pray this week in preparation for Sunday, please remember that Sunday and Wednesday evening activities are about to begin. Pray that God would give our church family a willingness to serve and attend and be part of what is going on at TBC.

Prayer Guide: August 1, 2021 – Malachi 3:13-18

1. Pray for VBS every day this week. Ask God to draw boys and girls to Himself. Ask God to bless our church with growth with guest families who participated in VBS this week. Pray for our VBS focus on Sunday. Ask God to fill our church building with families from VBS.      

2. Ask God to give you the mindset that the Christian life is a marathon and not a sprint. Ask God to help you see the eternal value of following Jesus!

3. Pray for grace to trust God in both the good times and the bad times.

4. Ask God to help you to see God and fear God more fully.

5. Thank God for His compassion and His faithfulness. Worship Him as the One who will make all things right in the end!  

6. Pray that our Community Block Party (Sat., August 7) and our Community Garden would both be effective in reaching out neighborhood with the gospel. Pray that relationships would develop that will lead to kingdom conversations.

7. Pray for Education / Discipleship Ministries. Ask God to raise up families to meet needs in the areas of Children, Student, and Adult Bible Fellowship Groups (Sunday School).

8. Ask God to do a mighty work of salvation in our families.



Prayer Guide: July 25, 2021 – Malachi 3:6-12
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

The temptation towards idolatry is ever present. More often than we would like to admit, money can be a god that we worship. As Malachi speaks to the rebellious Israelites who have adopted a renegade religion, God calls the people to return to Him. One evidence of their straying from loyalty to God was in how they failed to obey the Law as it pertained to giving. A renegade religion dismisses biblical stewardship in favor of personal gain. Join us as we pray for our church and for one another in preparation for Sunday’s Worship Service.

Prayer Guide: July 25, 2021 – Malachi 3:6-12

1. Praise God for His unending faithfulness. Thank Him that He does not change, and that his steadfast love endures forever.     

2. Confess to God that He is good! Admit that what He does and what He allows into our lives is for our ultimate good. Ask God to increase your faith when trails come our way.

3. Pray that God would increase the generosity of our church family and that we would be faithful stewards of what God has entrusted to us.

4. Plead with God for grace to live a life of integrity and full devotion to Him, no matter the cost.

5. Pray for VBS. Pray that God will bring the children and families to our church who need to hear the gospel and be connected to a community of believers. Pray that children will put their faith in Jesus. Pray that relationships in our church family would grow.  

6. Ask God to bless our Community Block Party on Saturday, August 7. Pray for families in our community to see our church as a safe, beneficial, and important place. Pray that our people would see this as an opportunity to love our neighbors and reach others with the gospel.

7. Pray for Pastor Nate as he continues to seek the Lord each week in sermon preparation and delivery. Pray that he would not rely on his own strength / wisdom, but that he would depend fully on the Holy Spirit for every word he speaks. Pray that God’s Spirit would soften the hearts of all who listen to the message. Pray that God would cultivate our hearts and make us long for His glory. Pray that the Spirit would give faith and repentance.

Prayer Guide: July 18, 2021 – Malachi 2:17-3:5
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

It is the height of arrogance to accuse God of approving of sin and being unjust, yet that is essentially the charge that God makes against His rebellious people. To make mattes worse, the people were guilty of the very things with which they accused God.  Out of arrogance and contempt for God, those who practice a renegade religion fail to see their own sin while accusing God of injustice. Friends, let us humble ourselves, fear the Lord, and glory in our God. Pray with us!

Prayer Guide: July 18, 2021 – Malachi 2:17-3:5

1. Considering the pain and uncertainties of life, praise God as the One who cares for His own and who offers hope to the hurting.    

2. Express your confidence in God’s character and plan. Remind yourself that He is True to His word and that He will not let the wicked go unpunished.  

3. Pray for Pastor Nate as he prepares the remaining sermons from Malachi and as he seeks the Lord on a new sermon series after Malachi. Pray that he will be sensitive to the Spirit as He considers how God desires to speak to the church family.

4. Ask God to graciously humble us so that we fear Him, love Him, and love others.

5. Pray for all those who will be involved with VBS – both volunteers and participants. Pray that God’s grace would be magnified and that much glory would go to His name.

6. Pray for families in our church who have fallen away since the COVID-19 Pandemic. Pray that we would actively seek to reconnect with and restore to fellowship such families. Pray also that our church family would be motivated to invite friends and families from the greater Amarillo community to visit our church.

7. Pray for our Discipleship Pastor, Derek Hall, as he works to recruit and equip leaders for small groups and other discipleship ministries.

8. Pray for our Children’s Minister, Beth Edfeldt, as she continues to make preparation for VBS and as she begins the planning, recruitment, and equipping processes for fall ministries. Ask God to raise up leaders to serve and to help love children. Pray specifically that God will provide for more tribe leaders!

Prayer Guide: July 4, 2021 – Malachi 2:1-9
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Renegade Religion belittles God’s Word. Malachi continues to address the priests of his day by warning them of God’s impending judgment for their failure to obey God’s Word and to seek God’s glory. As a church, let us do everything we can to honor God’s Word as we daily seek to submit to it.

Prayer Guide: July 4, 2021 – Malachi 2:1-9

1. Ask God to help you embrace your role and privileges as a member of the priesthood of believers. Pray for humility and faithfulness as you live your life as a living sacrifice to God, as you seek the Lord in prayer, and as you read, meditate on, and speak God’s Word.  

2. Pray that the Word of God would dwell richly in our church and that we would teach, admonish, and encourage one another with all wisdom (Col 3:16).

3. Pray that God would increasingly humble Pastor Nate so that He leans not on his own strength and understanding. Pray that he would be faithful to God’s Word and confident in its power.

4. Pray for our Student Pastor Gary Hendrickson as he, our student interns, and adult leaders prepare to take students to Summer Camp at Glorieta, NM (July 6-10). Ask God to do a great work in all those who are attending this camp from our church family.

5. As we continue to get closer to VBS, ask God to give us a heart to love, serve, and care for the children who will be involved. Pray for all those who are volunteering, that God would gird them up with strength from above.

6. Plead with God to prepare our church for the person God has for us as a new Music and Worship Pastor. Pray that our church would be more concerned about His will for our worship of Him than we are about our own personal preferences. Ask God to keep us from playing the “comparison game” and that He would motivate us to do everything we can to help ensure a smooth transition for the new staff member (whenever that happens).

7. Pray that God would raise up men, women, boys, and girls who will be faithful to work the harvest locally and to the ends of the earth.

8. Ask God’s Spirit to help us to receive and believe the Word of God. Pray that some might turn from sin and put their trust in Jesus this week.

Prayer Guide: June 13, 2021 – Psalm 136
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever” (Psalm 136). Our God is worthy to be praised for who He is (as we saw last week from Psalm 96) and for what He does – for His goodness and His love for His people. As we worship Him, will you join with us in prayer as we prepare to gather with God’s people this Sunday?

Prayer Guide: June 13, 2021 – Psalm 136

1. Humble yourself before the God who is worthy of all praise. Extol His name because of who He is and give thank to Him for all that He has done.   

2. Pray for our Student Pastor, Gary Hendrickson, as he preaches this Sunday. Ask for God’s Spirit to anoint Him to communicate God’s Word. Pray that those who are gathered would be encouraged and challenged in Jesus’ name. Plead with God to do His work of salvation.

3. Plead with God to be gracious as our church searches for a new Worship Pastor. Ask Him to send us qualifies candidates that would be a good fit for our church for our search team to consider.

4. Pray for the Southern Baptist Convention, its leaders, and messengers from member churches, who will be gathering in Nashville, TN, next week for the annual meeting.  Pray that Southern Baptists will make decisions that align with the Truth and teaching of Scripture and that Truth-based unity would be valued and established. Pray that repentance, humility, and love would be evident. Ask God’s Spirit to give our churches boldness and courage to live according to Truth.

5. Please pray for our missionary friend Emily who has been struggling with health issues over the past month. Ask God to give doctors wisdom to identify what is going on and what needs to be done about it.

6. Pray that college students and young families would connect with Trinity Baptist Church. Ask God to increase both our children’s ministry and student ministry.

Prayer Guide: May 30, 2021: 2 Thessalonians 3:6-18
Posted By: Derek Hall

The Apostle Paul’s closes his letter by commanding the Thessalonian believers to avoid those who are idol. Paul wants to make sure the believers in Thessalonica are displaying the character of God by their hard work. He also wants to guard the church and help them deal with the sinful attitudes and actions in some of their members.

Prayer Guide: May 30, 2021 – 2 Thessalonians 3.6-18

1.Pray that we would understand the goodness of work and strive to bless others with our work.

2. Praise God for his grace that helps us fight against sin.

3.Ask God to reveal sin in your life, and pray that as a church we will take holiness and righteousness seriously.

4. Ask God to encourage our hearts in the gospel and help us persevere in doing the good works He has called us to.

5. Pray for unbelieving family members and friends. Ask God to open their eyes to see the truth of the gospel.

6. Pray that the peace and grace of Christ would dwell in our midst.

Prayer Guide: May 16, 2021 – 2 Thessalonians 2.13.18
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

The Apostle Paul’s pastoral purposes are on full display in 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17. To the church that is struggling, Paul offers the comfort of God’s salvation. He wants them to focus on God’s love as a source of comfort amid difficulty and anxiety. We would be wise to heed Paul’s words and allow the Truth of God’s electing love and overwhelming grace to give us confidence in life. Please join us in prayer this week as we ready ourselves to hear from God’s Word this Sunday.

Prayer Guide: May 16, 2021 – 2 Thessalonians 2.13.18

1. Pray for our families and students and the school year is rapidly coming to an end.

2. Thank God for His providential care for as we continue to move through the Pandemic.

3. Ask God to be gracious to our church as we continue to seek a new Worship Pastor

4. Thank God for the comfort and hope afforded to us in His salvation. Ask Him to help us to remember His gracious work on our behalf in times of difficulty.

5. Pray for unbelieving family members and friends. Ask God to open their eyes to see the truth of the gospel.

6. Pray that we would take seriously God’s call on our lives to be sanctified (1 Thes 4:3), and thus do that which leads to sanctification.

Prayer Guide: May 2, 2021 – 2 Thessalonians 2.1.12
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

In 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, Paul urges the church not to be shaken concerning the events associated with the End Times. Previously, Paul had taught them concerning such events, but now the church was now confused because of the influence of some false teachers. While we cannot know all the details of the End Times, certainty in that which we can know will give us confidence as we face life’s trials. Over the next two weeks, we will be studying Paul’s teaching on End Times from 2 Thessalonians. 

Prayer Guide: May 2, 2021 – 2 Thessalonians 2.1.12

1. Give praise and honor to the One True and Living God who is sovereign, omnipotent, and providentially oversees the affairs of humanity for His glory and the good of His people.

2. Ask God to help you to be confident in truth and not to be deceived by the lies of the enemy.

3. Pray for people you know who are dead in their sin and blind to the truth of the gospel. Ask God to soften their hearts and open their eyes to the hope of salvation in Jesus.  

4. Ask God for a strong and growing faith that keeps you closely connected to Him and His Word.

5. Pray that God would give us hearts to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. Ask Him to make us humble and to help us to pursue His glory and not our preferences when it comes to our next Music and Worship Pastor.

Prayer Guide: April 25, 2021 – 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

In 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12, Paul includes a few words on the way in which he prays for the church in Thessalonica. Paul’s prayer for the church members is shaped by His desire for God to be glorified.  He understands that God’s glory is the good of His people. May that be our desire too!

Prayer Guide: April 25, 2021 – 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12

1. Confess to God that He is worthy of all glory. Admit that too often you fail to live according to this Truth.

2. Ask God for grace to live in such a way that adds to – and does not detract from – His glory in the eyes of others.

3. Thank God for calling you out of the darkness of spiritual death and into the light of His salvation.

4. Pray for both the want to and the power to live according to God’s Word and God’s ways.

5. Ask God to grow you in your discernment of how you ought to pray for others. Pray also that God would grow you in your consistency to intercede on behalf of others – for His glory.   

6.  Pray that Trinity Baptist Church would continue to be known as a church that stands on and values God’s Word. Ask God to increase the influence of our church in our city for His glory.

7. Ask God to continue to give unity to our Music and Worship Pastor Search Team as we wait on Him to lead us to the right candidate.

Prayer Guide: April 5, 2021 – Hebrews 4:14-16
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

He is Risen! Everything concerning the Christian faith depends on Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. And this week we celebrate Jesus’ victory over sin and death. And it is through our faith connection to Jesus that we have direct access to our God and a standing invitation to approach Him in prayer. So, let us pray, seeking his grace and mercy!

Prayer Guide: April 5, 2021 – Hebrews 4:14-16

1. Worship the risen Savior, Jesus, the Son of God who conquered sin and death forever.  

2. Praise God, the Sovereign King who orchestrated our rescue from sin and eternal death.

3. Thank Jesus for allowing us to stand before God in His perfection, recognizing our own unworthiness.  

4. Pray for grace to continue to believe and hold fast your confession.   

5. Ask God to grow our church with like-minded believers who embrace our mission to proclaim Christ and make disciples.  

6.  Ask God to do a great work of salvation through the people and ministries of Trinity Baptist Church.

7. Pray that many visitors would join us for worship on Easter Sunday. Pray that upon hearing the message of the gospel, unbelievers would repent and put faith in Christ.

 8. Pray for our Music and Worship Pastor search process. Ask God to send us quality candidates and to give our team unity as we seek our new worship pastor.

Prayer Guide: March 28, 2021 – James 2:14-26
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Wrapping up our Love Like Jesus series, we turn our attention back to James 2. This morning, we are going to see that loving like Jesus means practicing our faith. James is clear, the evidence of saving faith is good works. Apart from works, faith is dead.

Prayer Guide: March 28, 2021 – James 2:14-26

1. Praise God that in His grace and mercy. Praise Him because He has taken an interest in your life, into your eternal destination.  

2. Give thanks to Jesus, the One who died and rose again to secure your eternal salvation.

3. Plead with God for grace to walk with the Spirit and thus live in the good works that God prepared for you to walk in.  

4. Confess to God your propensity to think too highly of yourself and spend too much energy on yourself.  

5. Ask God to make you a humble servant who is regularly seeking to serve and love others.

6.  Pray that God’s people at Trinity Baptist Church would continue to prioritize generosity and the support of the ministries and expenses of the church.

7. Pray that many law-enforcement officers would experience a blessing through our Law-Enforcement Marriage Event on Sunday night, March 28.  

Prayer Guide: March 21, 2021 – 1 Corinthians 11:17-34
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Continuing our Love Like Jesus series, we turn our attention to 1 Corinthians 11:17-34. As Paul addresses the church at Corinth, he admonishes them for disunity and lovelessness. He states that when they come together it is not for the good, but for the worse. As we prepare to partake of the Lord’s Supper this week, we are going to give attention to what it takes and what it looks like to come together for the good. Let us pray for Trinity Baptist Church – that God would give us the desire and enable the follow through to love like Jesus!

Prayer Guide: March 21, 2021 – 1 Corinthians 11:17-34

1. Give thanks to the God of grace who predestined us for adoption as sons (children) through Jesus Christ (Eph 1:5).

2. Praise Jesus, the resurrected Son of God who sits on the throne of David forever.

3. Ask God for faith to walk according to His ways and to pursue peace in every relationship.

4. Confess to God aspects of your life that do damage to others and hurt the unity the Jesus died and rose again to secure.

5. Pray for the unity of our church family especially in this time of staff transition. Pray that we would all be proactive in loving like Jesus loves.

6.  Ask God to be gracious to the various church member families who are relocating from Amarillo and thus leaving Trinity Baptist Church. Ask God to help them connect quickly with another church.

7. Pray that God would care for our church by sending families to connect, worship, and serve at our church. Pray that God’s Spirit would do a work of salvation and sanctification amongst us.

8. Pray that God would send Worship Pastor candidates who are gifted men of humble character for our search team to consider.

Prayer Guide: March 14, 2021 – James 2:1-9
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As a Church, our 2021 Focus is to live and love like Jesus. Over the next several weeks, we are going to dig a little deeper into some prevalent themes from the Book of Amos.  Repeatedly, God condemned His people for oppressing the poor and needy. God stands against injustice and partiality. In the New Testament, we see that showing partiality is also condemned. Join with us this week as we pray and seek God’s grace to love like Jesus – and fulfill the royal law!

Prayer Guide: March 14, 2021 – James 2:1-9

1. Praise the God who is faithful and Righteous. Worship Him as the One who shows no partiality yet offers grace and life to sinners.

2. Thank God for His purposeful and unending love.

3. Pray for a sanctifying work of God’s Spirit in your life that enables you to put aside every aspect of showing sinful partiality.

4. Plead with God for eyes to see people as God sees people.

5. In our worship pastor transition, ask God to be gracious both to the McConnells and to us at Trinity Baptist Church. Ask God to supply our church and search team with several qualified and willing candidates.

6.  Pray that God will give us wisdom as we discuss plans and details for our worship pastor interim plan.  

7. Ask God to do a great work of salvation in and through our church family.


Prayer Guide: March 7, 2021 – Amos 8-9
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

The theme of judgment that has been prevalent throughout Amos’s prophecy continues in chapters 8-9. Amos relays two more visions that point to God’s immanent and inescapable judgment. And while God’s judgment is real, all hope is not lost. The Book of Amos ends on a high note – an assurance of God’s gracious intervention on behalf of His people. As we close out our study through Amos, will you join us in prayer?

Prayer Guide: March 7, 2021 – Amos 8-9

1. Thank God for the grace of His Word - His warnings against sin and admonitions to walk in His ways.

2. Praise God that He is righteous and that His judgments are always true and just.  

3. Confess your sin to God – actions, attitudes, words, and thoughts that fail to align with His holiness. Ask God to forgive you and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness.

4. Praise God for His compassion, for His faithfulness, and for His abiding presence.

5. Ask the God of salvation to glorify His name in and through Trinity Baptist Church by giving spiritual life to those who are dead in their sin.

6.  Pray for the McConnells as they prepare to move to Mississippi and begin a new phase of ministry. Pray that their house in Bushland sells quickly without any hitches.

7. Pray for those who will lead our times of corporate singing while seek God for our next worship pastor.

8. Pray for the establishment and operation of a search team who will be tasked to lead the process of seeking God’s will for a new Music and Worship Pastor.



Prayer Guide: February 28, 2021 – Amos 7:1-17
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

The last major section of Amos’s prophecy begins in Amos chapter 7. Chapters 7-9 center on 5 different visions that God gave to Amos – all of which communicate God’s judgment on Israel. As we look to Amos 7, we will see several characteristics of living a godly life in a godless society. Please join with you church family in praying for our church and our hearts in preparation for Sunday morning.

Prayer Guide: February 28, 2021 – Amos 7:1-17

1. Praise the sovereign God whose judgments are always true and righteous.

2. Give thanks to Jesus who bore the wrath of God as He took our sin upon Himself on the cross in our place.  

3. Plead with God for grace to walk closely with the Spirit and to live obediently before Him.

4. Pray for people that you know to be apart from faith in Jesus Christ. Ask God to be merciful and to open their eyes to the truth.

5. Praise God for His faithfulness to us amid trials and difficulties. 

6. Pray for our Sunday Morning Bible Study leaders and classes. Pray that God will quickly grow the unity and the fellowship in these classes. Pray for those who have felt disconnected and for those who have stepped away from fellowship to return and find encouragement.

7. Pray for our Children’s and Student Ministries. Ask God to bless our church with more young families with children. Pray that children and students would come to know Jesus and be discipled in their faith.

8. Pray that God would do His work of salvation in and through our church family.




Prayer Guide: February 21, 2021 – Amos 5:18-6:14
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As we continue in Amos, we see that Amos takes aim at the arrogance of the rebellious people of Israel. God’s judgment will come to the proud and the haughty.Let us humble ourselves before the Lord and plead with Him to continue His work of sanctification and salvation in us.

Prayer Guide: February 21, 2021 – Amos 5:18-6:14

1. Give praise to the Only True God, the One who is worthy of all our devotion.

2. Worship the God who is exalted above the heavens yet condescends to enter into relationship with us and meet our greatest need.

3.  Confess to God your battle with pride. Ask God to help you realize your weakness and make you humble - keeping you in a posture of dependence.

4. Pray for our Sunday Morning Bible Study leaders and classes. Pray that God will quickly grow the unity and the fellowship in these classes. Pray for those who have felt disconnected and for those who have stepped away from fellowship to return and find encouragement.

5. Pray for our Children’s and Student Ministries. Ask God to bless our church with more young families with children. Pray that children and students would come to know Jesus and be discipled in their faith.

6. Pray that our church leaders would have wisdom to know the best way to focus resources and ministries on serving people and reaching the lost locally.

Prayer Guide: February 14, 2021: Amos 5:1-17
Posted By: Derek Hall

This week, we will look at Amos 5:1-17. We will see the prophet again pronounce judgment on the people of Israel, only this time the form of the judgment will change. Amos is going to lament over the coming judgment, while he points out the sin that brings judgment. And this week, he will give the people the way through judgment. He will call them to seek the Lord and live.

Prayer Guide: February 14, 2021 – Amos 5:1-17

1. Ask God to help you grow your desire for biblical and godly lament.

2. Thank God that he has given us the way out of judgment, Jesus Christ.

3.  Ask God to show you areas of your life where you are just "going through the motions" of serving Him.

4. Pray that God would give you a compassionate heart for those who are treated unjustly and those who are oppressed.

5.  Ask God to cultivate in you a deeper desire to seek Him and find life.

6. Pray that God would help you to seek good and not evil.

7. Pray that the Holy Spirit would convict people of sin and help others to feel God's comfort this Sunday.

Prayer Guide: January 10, 2021 – Amos 1:1-2
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

This Sunday, we begin a new series through the Book of Amos. God called Amos from the pastures of Tekoa to speak a message of judgment to the Northern Kingdom of Israel. While Amos lived in the 8th Century BC, his message is relevant for us today. May God use these ancient words to set us on a course of availability to God and radically holy living.

Prayer Guide: January 10, 2021 – Amos 1:1-2

1. Worship the God who is eternally holy and perfect in every way.

2. Thank God for revealing Himself to us, His sinful and rebellious creation, and for desiring to show us grace and mercy.

3.  Confess to God your failure to live in righteousness and to walk in His ways. Draw near to Him and express your great need for forgiveness and grace.

4. Pray that God would give you a heart to be available and willing to serve according to His call.

5.  Ask God to give you a fruitful ministry amongst your circle of influence. Additionally, ask God to expand your circle of influence to include more people who need to hear the gospel and know Jesus.

6. Pray that God would enable you to live and love like Jesus in every sphere of your life.

7. Pray for relief from the COVID-19 virus. Pray for our church members and our community. Ask God to graciously care for His people.

8. Pray for our national, state, and community leaders. Pray that God’s righteousness would influence their decision making and agendas.

Prayer Guide: December 27, 2020 – Gal 5:22-23 / Titus 2:11-12
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

The Fruit of the Spirit is self-control. This Sunday, we will focus on self-control as we finish our series through the Fruit of the Spirit. Self-control is the Holy Spirit enabled ability to exercise control over our whole being. We need the fruit of self-control because of our propensity to sin and because of Satan’s desire to destroy our lives. By God’s grace, let us grow in the fruit of self-control.

Prayer Guide: December 27, 2020 – Gal 5:22-23 / Titus 2:11-12

1. Worship the God who is perfect in holiness and in whom there is no darkness.

2. Praise the Lord Jesus who always exercised perfect self-control, lived a sinless life, and then died on the cross for our sins.

3.  Thank God for His grace which teaches us to live self-controlled lives.

4. Pray for grace to exercise self-control over your body, thoughts, and emotions.

5.  Ask God to increase your love for His Word.

6. Pray that our church members would be characterized by generosity, that our church would end the year in good financial health, and that we would meet both our church budget goal and our March for Missions goal.

7. Pray for relief from the COVID-19 virus. Pray for our church members and our community. Ask God to graciously care for His people.

8. Ask God to be gracious to our country during the ongoing election turmoil. Pray that the truth surrounding the election would become abundantly clear and that our nation would move forward peacefully. Pray also for our elected officials. Ask God’s Spirit to move in an undeniable way giving our leaders wisdom.


Prayer Guide: December 13, 2020 – Gal 5:22-23 / Titus 3:1-2
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

The Fruit of the Spirit is Gentleness. This Sunday, we will focus on gentleness as we continue in our study of the Fruit of the Spirit. From Scripture, we know a lot about the person of Jesus. However, on one of the only occasions that Jesus describes Himself, He tells us that He is gentle and lowly of heart (Matt 11:29). Church, we are called to be like Jesus. God’s Spirit purposes to make us be like Jesus. Let us grow in the fruit of gentleness.

Prayer Guide: December 13, 2020 – Gal 5:22-23 / Titus 3:1-2

1. Worship the God who reveals Himself to be fierce like a lion and gentle like a lamb.  

2. Praise Jesus, the One who graciously invites sinners to Himself to find rest and salvation.

3.  Ask God’s Spirit to illumine to you a lack of gentleness in your life and give you grace to confess and repent. Pray that God will give you a strong desire to grow in this fruit and thus be characterized by gentleness.    

4. Pray that your family would be characterized by gentleness. Ask God to give you grace and discipline to respond to unmet expectations, unexpected circumstances, hurt, pain, and sin in a way that honors Him and values different members of your family.  

5.  Ask God to stir the hearts of every member and regular attender of Trinity Baptist Church to generously support the ministry and expenses of the church as well as March for Missions Offering.

6. Thank God for the promising news on the COVID-19 vaccine front. Ask Him to protect our church and our community from further spread and loss of life due to the virus.

7. Ask the Lord to raise up men and women who will be faithful to proclaim Christ and share the gospel (work the harvest). Pray that God would grow both our church family and a righteous influence here in Amarillo.

​Prayer Guide: December 6, 2020 – Gal 5:22-23 / Ps 31:23-24
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

The Fruit of the Spirit is Faithfulness. This Sunday, we will focus on faithfulness as we continue in our study of the Fruit of the Spirit. Faithfulness is what God desires (requires) of His servants. A faithful person is someone who can be counted on to do both what is expected and what is right. As with all the fruit of the Spirit, we must depend on God’s grace and God’s Spirit, and pursue faithfulness ourselves, if we are to see growth in this area. To that end, join with you church family as we pray and seek God’s grace in our lives.  

 Prayer Guide: December 6, 2020 – Gal 5:22-23 / Ps 31:23-24

1. Praise God that He is faithful, that His mercies are new every morning, and that He always keeps His promises.

2. Worship the God who sustains those who are faithful.

3.  Confess to God your struggle to live faithfully for His glory. Ask God to help you to seek His will and His ways.   

4. Ask God to make you faithful in every arena of your life – in your personal life, in your family, in your friendship, and in your workplace.

5.  Ask God to put it on each of our hearts to give generously to support the ministry and expenses of the church as well as March for Missions Offering.

6. Ask God to be gracious to our community and to our church family. Pray that people would develop wise personal habits and use wisdom in their interactions so as not to spread the COVID-19 virus. Ask God to protect and strengthen our health care workers. 

7. Pray for our country. Pray for an undeniable movement of the Holy Spirit that results in the lost being saved and the saved desiring to live righteously.

Prayer Guide: November 22, 2020 – Gal 5:22-23 / Hebrews 12:14
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

The fruit of the Spirit is peace. This Sunday, we will focus on the fruit of the Spirit known as peace. While Scripture speaks of peace in terms of relationship with God and internal tranquility, as with the other fruit of the Spirit, the peace spoken of here is relational and interpersonal. God’s desire is that His children strive for peace with each other.  He desires that the gospel so take root in our lives that believers live in unity and harmony. Please join us in prayer as we prepare to gather this coming Sunday.  

 Prayer Guide: November 22, 2020 – Gal 5:22-23 / Hebrews 12:14

 1. Worship the God who is high and lifted up, who is all-glorious, and who is the true source of all peace.

 2. Praise Jesus – the Prince of Peace – the One who gave His life to secure the sinner’s peace with God.

 3.  Ask for grace to strive for peace with everyone. Ask God to make you a peacemaker by the power of His Spirit.

 4. Confess to God that too often you live in self-centeredness, engaging in conversation and actions that jeopardize peace.

 5.  Pray for relationships in your life that are not characterized by peace. Ask God to give you a burden to resolve conflict and initiate reconciliation. Pray also for others who you know who are entangled in broken relationships that need God’s gracious touch.

 6. Ask God to be gracious to our community. Pray that people would develop wise personal habits and use wisdom in their interactions so as not to spread the COVID-19 virus. Ask God to protect and strengthen our health care workers. 

 7. As our country is so divided, pray that God’s people would be faithful to proclaim the gospel, the message of peace. Ask God to open ears and soften hearts so that many would respond to the gospel in faith and repentance.

 8. Pray for our church family. Ask God to give wisdom to our leadership as we seek to be faithful to our mission.

Prayer Guide: November 15, 2020 – Gal 5:22-23 / John 15:9-11
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: November 15, 2020 – Gal 5:22-23 / John 15:9-11

1. Praise the God who has saved us from certain eternal destruction and who desires our greatest joy.

2. Confess to God that obedience to His will and ways are key to our ongoing experience of joy. Repent of sinful attitudes, actions, words, and attitudes that dishonor God and hinder you from experiencing the fullness of joy that He desires for you.

3.  Pray for grace to trust God’s character and ways in the midst of trials and difficulty.

4. Pray for discipline to regularly remind yourself of gospel truths and God’s promises.

5.  Ask God to help you to exhibit joy that is consistent with what He has accomplish in your life.

6. Ask God to grow His church during these unpredictable COVID-19 days. Pray that members of Trinity Baptist Church would be faithful to proclaim Christ and make disciples. Pray that we would share the gospel with the lost and invite others to connect with our church family.

7. Pray for the unrest and unease in our country. Ask God to do a supernatural work of revival in our land. Pray that God’s people would live faithfully for His glory.

Prayer Guide: November 8, 2020: Galatians 5:22-23 / Ephesians 4:1-3
Posted By: Derek Hall

The fruit of the Spirit is patience. This Sunday, we will focus on the fruit of the spirit known as patience. Patience might be the fruit we all say is the most difficulty. However, as we think about God's patience toward us, and focus our hearts on humility, gentleness, and love, we will find the Spirit cultivating patience in our lives. As we continue our study in the fruit of the Spirit, let us abide in Christ, let us do our part, and let us trust God’s Spirit to increase our patience and satisfaction in Christ.

Prayer Guide: November 8, 2020: Galatians 5:22-23 / Ephesians 4:1-3

1. Praise God for his patience toward us. It is his kindness and patience that leads us to repentance (Romans 2:4).

2. Confess to God your impatience. Repent of your self-centered thinking and attitude that leads you to be impatience.

3. Pray for grace to be more patient when difficult circumstances and people come into your path.

4. Ask God to reveal situations in your life where you can practice patience.

5. Pray for those in our church family who have COVID-19 or are recovering from it. Pray for quick healing and renewed strength. Pray that the number of cases would rapidly decrease.

6. Thank God for His grace in our search for our next Children’s Minister at TBC. Pray for the Edfeldts’ transition to TBC.  

7. Ask God to grow His church during these unpredictable COVID-19 days. Pray that members of Trinity Baptist Church would be faithful to proclaim Christ and make disciples. Pray that we would share the gospel with the lost and invite others to connect with our church family.

​Prayer Guide: October 4, 2020 – Matthew 28:16-20
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As we close out our study through Matthew’s Gospel, we come to one of the most well-known passages in the New Testament – The Great Commission. Here Jesus gives the church its primary purpose, the main reason for its existence. God’s desire is that follower of Jesus Christ make disciples. Join us in prayer as we seek God’s grace in preparation for corporate worship this week.

 Prayer Guide: October 4, 2020 – Matthew 28:16-20

 1. Give praise to Jesus, the One who possesses all authority as the resurrected Lord and Savior.

2. Repent of your lack of concern for making disciples. Ask God to give you a heart for the lost and a passion to share the gospel and make disciples.

3.  Pray for courage and boldness to live on mission with Jesus in a world that is becoming increasingly hostile to absolute Truth.

 4. Ask God for grace to model a life of obedience to God’s will and God’s ways.

 5.  Pray that God would be gracious to our church – that we would be people led by the Spirit and concerned about unity in the Body.

 6. Ask God to grant peace and hope in a nation that is so divided.

 7. Pray for our Children’s Minister search. Ask God to lead us to the right candidate in His time!

Prayer Guide for Sunday, September 27, 2020 by Gary Hendrickson
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell
Prayer Guide
Last Sunday we examined the crucifixion of Christ. In the wake of Jesus’ death His followers experienced great loss, heartache, confusion and even fear. While the Cross of Christ did not make sense to those who knew and loved Jesus, what would come next would be an even greater mystery. This Sunday as we examine Matthew 28:1-15 we will consider the resurrection and the love of God. Let’s pray together that God would prepare our hearts and minds to celebrate what He has done through Jesus our Lord.

Prayer Guide: September 27, 2020 - Matthew 28:1-15

1. Thank God for defeating sin and death through the life, death, and resurrection of His Son.
2. Praise God for accepting Jesus’ sacrifice on your behalf and for raising Him from the dead.
3. Confess to God your need for both the death of Christ as well as His resurrection.
Pray that God would help you to live a transformed life out of love for Him.
4. Ask God to increase the ministry and reach of Trinity Baptist Church so that more and more people would be discipled in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Guide: September 20, 2020 – Matthew 27:27-66
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Daily, people are put into positions where they must make sense of the data they observe. Whether it is relationships or circumstances, the wise and discerning will prayerfully seek the Lord to gain comprehension. As we have been walking with Jesus, we have seen his power and authority. We have seen his tenderness and compassion. We have seen both positive and negative reaction to Jesus’ ministry and His claims.  We have seen Him betrayed with a kiss.  In Matthew 27:24-66, we will see Jesus crucified. This Sunday morning, we will focus our attention on making sense of the Cross of Christ. Join us in prayer as we plead with God for grace!

Prayer Guide: September 20, 2020 – Matthew 27:27-66

1. Thank God for His grace and mercy in sending Jesus, the Savior that we so desperately need.   

2. Confess to God your propensity to sin and rebel against His will and His ways. Humble yourself and admit that you are deserving of God’s wrath. Praise Jesus for His finished work - how He took your sin and shame and drank the fullness of God’s wrath on your behalf.

3.  Thank God that He is a faithful, just, and promise keeping God.

4. Praise God for His great love. Ask Him to make you more like Jesus in the way that you love others!  

5.  Pray for courage and faithfulness to proclaim the gospel, the message of God’s love for sinners. Ask God to use you this week to share the good news with someone who is apart from faith in Christ.

6. Ask God to increase the ministry and reach of Trinity Baptist Church so that more and more people would be discipled in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Guide: September 6, 2020 – Matthew 26:57-75
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

After being betrayed, Jesus was forced before the Sanhedrin. While the Sanhedrin was the highest and most respected court in Jewish society, everything about this interrogation was corrupt. Besides his mistreatment from the Religious Leaders of Israel, His closest friends have scattered, just as Jesus said would happen. Sadly, Jesus’ words concerning Peter’s denials also come to pass as he succumbs to fear. As we look forward to Sunday, please pray with your church family in preparation. 

Prayer Guide: September 6, 2020 – Matthew 26:57-75

1. Give thanks to Jesus who was mistreated and maligned for our sakes. Praise Him for the salvation that is found through faith in Him alone. 

2. Pray for grace to face being mistreated and maligned for the sake of righteousness in a way that honors our God. 

3. Ask God to help you walk by the Spirit, to pursue peace, and to keep you from causing others to stumble by your words or your actions. 

4. Pray for grace walk so closely with God’s Spirit that people who observe your life will know that you are closely associated with Jesus. 

5.  Plead with God to give you a greater vision of His holiness and power so that you would fear Him properly and be rightly motivated in life. 

6. Ask God to remind you today of His sovereignty and His goodness.

7. Ask God to send His Spirit upon our church family – that His people would give, serve, love, speak, and live like Jesus. Pray that many would be saved through the ministry of our church members.

Prayer Guide: August 30, 2020 – Matthew 26:36-56
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

The last week of Jesus’ life stands out as emotionally, relationally, and spiritually painful. And since we are followers of Jesus, we can expect that God’s plan for our lives will at times include hardship as well. However, as we saw with Jesus, God is always faithful and will provide grace, even when others are not faithful and even during difficulty. Please join with your church family as we pray and prepare for our corporate worship gathering on Sunday morning. 

Prayer Guide: August 30, 2020 – Matthew 26:36-56

1. Praise Jesus for His finished work in the cross and resurrection. Thank Him for submitting to God’s plan for His life, which is the basis for our redemption from sin. 

2. Thank God for the grace that He provides to you while you are facing difficulties in life. Ask Him to help you be discerning and wise as you seek to remain faithful. 

3. Pray for humility to draw near to God in prayer and to believe His promise that He is with you always. 

4. Ask God to help you cultivate closer friendships with fellow believers. Thank him for your current relationships.   

5.  Ask God to be gracious to our church as we search for a new Children’s Minister.

6. Pray that many would hear the gospel and come to faith in Jesus through the ministry of Trinity Baptist Church.

7. Pray for the Uniting As One service at Hodgetown on the evening of Sunday, August 30th. Pray that God’s people would humbly worship Him in Spirit and in Truth and that we would all be more concerned about living for His glory than anything else.  


Prayer Guide: August 16, 2020 – Matthew 26:6-16
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As Mary anoints Jesus with expensive ointment, the disciples become indignant. While they see Mary’s act as a waste of money (money that could have been used to help the poor), Jesus calls it a beautiful thing. In fact, in His defense of Marry, Jesus rebukes the disciples for their lack of perception. Matthew 26:6-16 records the love and devotion that a follower of Jesus ought to have for the Savior! Please join with your church family as we prepare our hearts to gather for worship this Sunday.

Prayer Guide: August 16, 2020 – Matthew 26:6-16

1. Praise the God whose sacrificial love is the basis for our salvation and hope.  

2. Thank God for His gracious and efficacious defense of His own.

3. Confess to God your struggle to live your faith and devotion to Him with consistency. Ask for forgiveness and the discipline and desire to be faithful.

4. Pray for godly wisdom to discern the times. Ask God for grace to recognize the Spirit’s promptings in your life. 

5. Ask God to keep you from any distraction and deception that would interfere with your walk with God and witness for Jesus.

6. Pray for God’s protection on both the unity of our church family and the physical health of our church family.       

7. Ask God to make you faithful to proclaim Christ and make disciples. 

8. Plead with God to provide for us the right person to lead our Children’s Ministry (as Michelle Rose and her husband Wesley will be moving to Fort Worth in September).

Prayer Guide: July 26, 2020 – Matthew 25:1-13
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

While we know not the day nor the hour, we can be certain that Jesus is coming again! In Matthew 25:1-13, Jesus emphasizes the priority of living with the expectation of His return. Genuine followers of Christ will live faithfully, watching for Jesus’ return! Please join with your church family as we pray together for God’s blessing on our church, community, and nation.

Prayer Guide: July 26, 2020 – Matthew 25:1-13

1. Thank God for His gift of the Holy Spirit. Ask Him for grace to walk closely with Him in these trying times.  

2. Pray for your family, friends in your Bible Study Class and Small Group, and other followers of Jesus that you know to be reminded of the importance of living faithfully considering Jesus’ return. 

3. Spend time praying for families in our church who currently feel disconnected, alone, and afraid because of the circumstances in our society. Pray for those who may even be tempted to withdraw from the faith community. Ask God to keep relationships and unity strong in our church.

4. Pray for a passion to proclaim Christ to the lost and for eyes to see the opportunities all around us.

5. Pray for our church staff as we make decisions about the coming weeks and months of ministry at TBC.  

6. Ask God to give us a clear and constant focus on Him, on His sovereign authority over the world, and on His goodness. As God to help us set aside anything that distracts us from following Him fully.     

7. Ask God to be at work through the faithful witness and Christ-like example of the members of Trinity Baptist Church.

Prayer Guide: July 19, 2020 - Matthew 24:15-51
Posted By: Derek Hall

This week, Jesus is going to continue answering the disciples questions about the destruction of the temple and his return. He is going to give them specific signs and teach them not to be preoccupied with calculating dates. Instead, Jesus is going to teach them how to live in light of his return. 

Prayer Guide: July 19, 2020 – Matthew 24:15-51

1. Pray that we will be followers of Christ who are more interested in how we live than in studying "the signs of the times".

2. Pray that we will not fear but be assured of Christ's love for us. 

3. Pray that the members and regular attenders of TBC would be diligent in our pursuit of Jesus.

4.Pray that the members and regular attenders of TBC would be faithful to the mission of Jesus.

5. Pray that Christians would ground their hope in Jesus and nothing else.

6. Ask God to be at work through the faithful witness and Christ-like example of the members of Trinity Baptist Church.

7. Pray that the Holy Spirit would work in the hearts of both believers and unbelievers as we sing, pray, and hear the Word proclaimed this Sunday.

Prayer Guide: July 12, 2020 - Matthew 23:37-24:14
Posted By: Derek Hall

This week, we are looking at the beginning of Jesus' final major discourse in the book of Matthew. He is going to address the disciples questions about the destruction of the temple and signs of the end of the age. It can be very easy for us to get caught up in signs and trying to decipher exactly when Christ will come. In reality, Christ is trying to teach his disciples that what matters most is not when he will return, but how they live in light of his return. Let's pray that we will live faith lives of endurance for the glory of Christ. 

Prayer Guide: July 12, 2020 – Matthew 23:37-24:14

1. Pray that people will respond to Jesus, not by rejecting him, but by placing their faith in him as Savior.

2. Pray that every genuine follower of Jesus will not be deceived by false saviors in our world. 

3. Pray that Christians will not fear the turmoil and chaos of our world. Pray that we will understand chaos and turmoil are a part of the broken world we live in, and it is used by God to conform us more into the likeness of Christ.

4.Pray that God would prepare us for persecution and suffering.

5. Pray that Christians would endure all things in the hope of the gospel.

6. Ask God to send His Spirit over our church, community, state, and nation bringing peace and healing.     

7. Ask God to be at work through the faithful witness and Christ-like example of the members of Trinity Baptist Church.

Prayer Guide: July 5, 2020 – Matthew 23:1-36
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

In what are Jesus’ strongest words of condemnation, in Matthew 23 we see the danger of imitation religion. Religion that is characterized by hypocrisy, self-righteousness, and works-based salvation is wretched, for it cannot offer true hope or true salvation. Such religion distracts people from their need for Jesus and encourages people to put confidence in themselves. As we prepare to gather for worship this Sunday, let us focus our attention on God’s great grace and the hope that is found in and through Jesus Christ!

Prayer Guide: July 5, 2020 – Matthew 23:1-36

1. Ask God to graciously open the eyes of sinners to their need of a righteousness that they cannot provide for themselves. Plead with God that people you know who are apart from Jesus will see their sin and call out to Jesus for forgiveness.

2. Pray that every genuine follower of Jesus will be guarded by the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit so as not to experience undue guilt and shame upon reading / hearing Matthew 23. 

3. Pray that every genuine follower of Jesus who reads / hears Matthew 23 will take seriously the promptings of the Holy Spirit to confess and repent of sin.

4. Plead with God’s Spirit for grace to live in faithful submission to God’s Word.

5. Pray that the Uniting as One Prayer Service last Sunday evening would lead to the building of sustainable cross-cultural relationships for continued growth in Christ. 

6. Ask God to send His Spirit over our church, community, state, and nation bringing peace and healing.     

7. Ask God to be at work through the faithful witness and Christ-like example of the members of Trinity Baptist Church.

Prayer Guide: June 28, 2020 – Matthew 22:14-46
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Opposition to Jesus comes in many different forms and from many different faces. In Matthew 22:14-46, we see four encounters with Jesus that highlight the growing opposition against Him. As Jesus responds, we will see several implications for us as we live as His followers. Please join with your church family as we prepare ourselves for Sunday!

Prayer Guide: June 28, 2020 – Matthew 22:14-46

1. Pray that God would open your heart to hear from Him this Sunday morning. Ask God’s Spirit to do a new and powerful work in you as you humble yourself before Him.

2. Ask God to help you more fully surrender your life for His glory. Ask Him for grace to live faithfully before Him in your actions, words, decisions and thoughts.

3. Pray for wisdom and willingness to actively love your neighbor as yourself.

4. Pray for friends and acquaintances in your life who are apart from faith in Jesus and still dead in their sin. Ask God to give them eyes to see their need for Jesus and faith to believe that He is the Messiah of God in whose name there is salvation.

5. Pray for our city, state, nation and world. Pray for a grand movement of God’s Spirit to give spiritual life, the fruit of the Spirit, and peace during these anxious times.   

6. Pray for Police officers. Ask God to protect our Law Enforcement Officers and to give them wisdom during the intense situations that they are facing.    

7. Plead with God that Christians would have the mind of Christ (Phil 2). That we would not look only to our own interests, but to the interests of others.

8. Pray that members of Trinity Baptist Church would take seriously the call to be salt and light (Matt 5) in this dark and broken world.

Prayer Guide: June 21, 2020 – Matthew 22:1-14
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Receiving an invitation can be an exciting proposition. Whether it is a birthday party, a dinner party, or a wedding ceremony, receiving an invitation often means that that the host both appreciates and values you. While we may need to turn down some offers, some invitations in life are essential. In the parable of the wedding feast, to reject the invitation is to invite judgment upon oneself. In this parable, Jesus is teaching us about God’s gracious invitation and warning us not to reject it. Please join with your church family in prayer this week as we seek the Lord and trust Him with our lives. 

Prayer Guide: June 21, 2020 – Matthew 22:1-14

1. Praise the God who is above all, who is perfect in every way, and who is worthy of all glory and honor.

2. Thank Jesus for His submission to the Father, His substitutionary death, and His victory of sin and death. Thank Him for doing everything necessary to prepare for a celebratory wedding feast.

3. Praise God for giving you ears to hear and faith to believe the gospel message. Thank Him for the salvation that is found in Jesus Christ.

4. Ask God for grace to help you to grasp more fully your role to live as an ambassador of Jesus Christ. Pray that God would grant you unique opportunities to share the gospel with others.

5. Plead with God to heal our nation and to give our political leaders wisdom as they consider legislation, reforms, and initiatives meant to help.  

6. Pray that God would grant us the peace – not through complacency – but through the application of the gospel in our lives.  

7. Pray that members of Trinity Baptist Church would be careful to not let any unwholesome talk come out of our mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen (Eph 4:29).

Prayer Guide: June 14, 2020 – Matthew 21:33-46
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Our world is broken. Events of the last several weeks have made this abundantly clear. And our only hope is not political legislation or other societal reforms. Our hope is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Now, when I say that, I mean that only the gospel can change the sinful human heart, making one alive to God. Only the power of the gospel, which is at work in the follower of Christ, can enable us to love and live like Jesus. Church family, let’s pray that God would work in us. Let’s pray that God would be gracious to community, our city, and our nation.

Prayer Guide: June 14, 2020 – Matthew 21:33-46

1. Humble yourself before God and confess to Him any anxiety and distress you are feeling. Ask Him to re-assure you of His presence and His sovereign rule.

2. Plead with God to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. Confess to Him any sin in your life – whether word, thought, deed, or attitude.

3. Ask God to give you compassion and sensitivity to the plight of others around you. Ask God to strengthen you to love your neighbor, even when it is comes at great cost.  

4. Pray for discernment and wisdom to know what to say and when to say it. In our emotionally charged society, pray that we would be people who guard our tongues and our hearts well. 

5. Plead with God to heal our nation and to give our political leaders wisdom as they consider legislation, reforms, and initiatives meant to help.  

6. Pray that every believer of Jesus Christ that you know, including yourself, would desire to live for God’s glory above anything else. 

7. Pray that members of our church would prioritize proclaiming Christ and making disciples.

Prayer Guide: May 31, 2020 – Matthew 21:1-17
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As the time draws closer for Jesus to fulfill the mission for which the Father sent Him, Jesus becomes less concerned about hiding His identity.  In Matthew 21:1-17, Jesus begins to make His presence known in ways that anger those who are opposed to Him. Matthew wants us to see that Jesus is God’s anointed king and that Jesus possesses all authority. Join with your church family in prayer as we seek God’s wisdom and grace. 

Prayer Guide: May 31, 2020 – Matthew 21:1-17

1. Praise Jesus, the King of Kings who possesses all authority.

2. Ask God to give you grace to help you live more consistently with His will and His ways.

3. Confess to God your propensity to rebel against His authority, even in the small things. Ask for forgiveness; Thank Him for His cleansing grace. 

4. Pray for people you know who are apart from faith in Jesus. Ask God to soften their hearts and open their eyes so that they may see Jesus for who He is and respond in faith and repentance. 

5. Pray for our church leadership as they make the final touches on our church’s reopening plan. Ask God to protect both the physical health and the spiritual unity of our church body.

6. Pray that our church family will continue to immerse itself in God’s Word, focusing on reading, meditating on, and memorizing selected passages this year.

Prayer Guide: May 24, 2020 – Matthew 20:29-34
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Jesus is the powerful and compassionate Savior. He hears all those who humbly call upon Him for help. In Matthew 20:29-34, we see that Jesus gives sight to two blind men who plead for mercy. Their faith is in the ability of the Lord, the Son of David. In the passages, we will see the anatomy and fruit of saving faith. Join with us as we ask God for the grace to receive what He will say to us this coming Sunday. 

Prayer Guide: May 24, 2020 – Matthew 20:29-34

1. Worship the Almighty God who is both perfect in holiness and abundant in grace and compassion.

2. Give thanks to Jesus, the embodiment of grace and truth and the One who has secured our right standing with God. 

3. Ask God to increase and strengthen your faith in Him.  Pray for grace to be resolute before Him, even during difficulty, uncertainty, and opposition. 

4. Ask God to create in you a heart of compassion.  Confess to Him your struggle with self-centered callousness. 

5. Pray for wisdom to best know how to show others the love of Jesus during this time.

6. Plead with God for mercy concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. Pray that we would have wisdom in our personal and corporate choices. Ask God to magnify His name and power as we continue to look to Him as our refuge in this time of trouble. 

7. Pray for those you know who are suffering in some way due to COVID-19. 

Prayer Guide: May 17, 2020 – Matthew 20:17-28
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

This Sunday, May 17, 2020, Jesus is going to be teaching us about what true greatness looks like. We’ll see that if we want to follow Jesus in greatness, then we need to follow Jesus in listening to the Father and serving God’s people. Use this prayer guide to help you prepare your heart to hear and embrace what God has for you this Sunday. 

Prayer Guide: May 17, 2020 – Matthew 20:17-28

1. Praise and worship Jesus, the One who obeyed the Father perfectly and willingly suffered and died in our place.

2. Give thanks to Jesus for His clear example of holiness and servanthood. 

3. Confess to God your tendency to prioritize your own desires and live only with your own well-being in mind. Ask Him to give you a heart to live and love like Jesus. 

4. Pray that God would give you wisdom and creativity to serve others in meaningful ways this week.  

5. Pray that God would give our church leaders wisdom as they plan for the incremental opening of the church. Pray that God would give our church family grace to joyfully follow the wisdom and direction of our church leadership in this season.

6. Pray for families and people you know who have been negatively affected by COVID-19. Ask God to be gracious to them as they recover.

7. Pray that COVID-19 cases would decline in the Amarillo area and that our city leaders would have wisdom from above concerning the re-opening of the city.

8.  Pray that people in our community would experience God’s love through Trinity Baptist Church Members and be curious to know more about our Great God and our church family.

Prayer Guide: May 10, 2020 – Matthew 20:1-16
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Many followers of Jesus have cringed in response to Jesus’ parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16.) But rather than cry unfair along with the first group of laborers, let us consider what Jesus wants us to learn. No doubt, Jesus is giving us a greater vision of the grace of the sovereign God. Additionally, Jesus is warning us against harboring any self-righteous thoughts that would lead to ungratefulness and envy. Join with you church family this week as we prepare our hearts to hear from God on Sunday, May 10

Prayer Guide: May 10, 2020 – Matthew 20:1-16

1. Humble yourself before the Almighty God who is worthy of all praise. Worship Him as the great God who is sovereign over all things.  

2. Thank God for His love. Thank Him for initiating and accomplishing our salvation. 

3. Thank God for His perfect character – that He is Good and that He is trustworthy. That He always fulfills His promises and that He works all things for the good for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes.

4. Ask God to give you a greater understanding of His grace and a more realistic understanding of yourself and your own need for His grace. 

5. Confess your struggle to rest in God’s grace and propensity to seek to earn His favor through good works.

6. Ask God to humble you and give you passion to walk with the Spirit, fulling the good deeds that He has created for us to walk in.

7. Pray that COVID-19 cases would decline in the Amarillo area and that our city leaders would have wisdom from above concerning the re-opening of the city.

8.  Pray for our nation. Pray that God’s people would be faithful to seek Him, to depend on Him, and to proclaim Christ. 

9. Ask God to do His work of salvation in the life someone for whom you are praying.

Prayer Guide: May 3, 2020 – Matthew 19:16-30
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

In Matthew 19:16-30, we read the familiar conversation between Jesus and the man we have come to know as the rich young ruler. After the conversation ends, the disciples are astonished and say, “who then can be saved?” As we consider the answer to their question, join with your church family in praying that God would help us to see our own sinfulness, turn from our idols, and walk fully with Jesus. 

Prayer Guide: May 3, 2020 – Matthew 19:16-30

1. Praise the One, True and Living God, the one who qualifies us to share in the inheritance of the saints. 

2. Thank God for the finished work of Jesus Christ, the One whose righteousness has secured the eternal salvation for all who trust in Him. 

3. Ask God to reveal areas of self-righteousness and idolatry in your life. Pray for grace to turn from sin and walk closely with Jesus.

4. Pray for wisdom and grace to steward the resources that God has entrusted to you in a way that pleases Him. Ask God to help you battle against the idol of materialism and the love of money.

5. Pray that COVID-19 cases would decline in the Amarillo area and that our city leaders would have wisdom from above concerning the re-opening of the city.

6.  Ask God to help us stay focused on Him and not be distracted (and overcome by anxiety) by all the chaos around us.

7. Plead with God to do His work of salvation and sanctification this week. Pray for opportunities to share your faith and / or minister to those around you.  

Prayer Guide: April 26, 2020 – Matthew 19:1-12
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As we begin chapter 19 of Matthew’s Gospel, we see the Pharisees putting Jesus to the test concerning the topic of divorce. Jesus answers their question, however, by first making clear God’s intention concerning marriage. Please join with your church family this week as we get ready to hear from God concerning marriage, divorce, and singleness. 

Prayer Guide: April 26, 2020 – Matthew 19:1-12

1. Worship the covenant keeping God who has graciously secured the salvation of His own. 

2.  Confess your spiritual infidelity, your propensity towards idolatry, and your stubbornness to walk in God’s ways. Ask for forgiveness and a renewed vigor to pursue Him with your whole heart. 

3. Plead with God to make you more like Christ.; that you would live and love like Jesus.  

4. If you are married, pray for your spouse. Ask God to do His mighty sanctifying work in your husband / wife. If you are married to someone who is not a believer, ask God to save your spouse.   

5. Pray for marriages that are falling apart or hanging by a thread. Pray that God’s Spirit would intervene and change the entire outlook for these couples.  Pray that individuals would have hearts to forgive and wills to pursue reconciliation. Pray that God would grant repentance and brokenness over sin.

6. If you are single, pray that God would grow you in both contentment and godliness. For people that you know who long to be married, pray that God would offer comfort, peace, and hope in Himself. Pray that God’s will would be done as it pertains to each heart’s desire. 

7. Pray for families that are being torn apart by divorce. Ask God to give grace to the hurting. Pray that God would provide for every need. 

8. Pray for our government (Local, State, and Federal). Ask God to give our leaders wisdom to make the best decisions for the common good.

9. Pray for medical personnel and those involved in testing and developing medications to help fight the coronavirus.  Pray that coronavirus plague would soon pass.

10. Pray for church leaders who are struggling to know how to best love and lead the churches that they serve. Pray that we would have wisdom to know when and how to best begin gathering for corporate worship again.  

Prayer Guide: April 19, 2020 – Matthew 18:15-20
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Spiritual Pursuit Matters! Church discipline is ultimately about the loving pursuit of a professing Christian who has gone spiritually astray.  May we love each other enough to care for the spiritual well-being of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Please join with your church family this week asking God to increase your love for holiness and your distaste for sin in your own life, and to motivate you to pursue others who are in spiritual danger.


Prayer Guide: April 19, 2020 – Matthew 18:15-20


1. Praise God as the holy and perfect One who is above all and worthy of all praise.


2.  Admit to God your need for His grace in your battle to put sin to death in your own life.  Confess specific areas of sin and struggle in your life and ask God for forgiveness and restoration. Remind yourself of God’s promise to forgive you of sin and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness as you confess your sin to Him.


3. Plead with God to remove any hint of self-righteous hypocrisy from your life. Ask Him to give you a heart of humility and integrity.


4. Ask God to increase your compassion for those who are wandering from righteousness and to give you wisdom as to how you can pursue them spiritually.  


5. Pray for the various families in our church who are battling serious health issues, uncertain job / career situations, unsettled finances, and relational difficulties. Pray for those who are experiencing anxiety, loneliness, and fear during the uncertainty of the times.  


6. Ask God to show you how you can be a blessing to someone who needs encouragement today.


7. Pray for our government (Local, State, and Federal). Ask God to give our leaders wisdom to make the best decisions for the common good.


8. Pray for medical personnel and those involved in testing and developing medications to help fight the coronavirus.  


9. Pray for church leaders who are struggling to know how to best love and lead the churches that they serve.

Prayer Guide: April 12, 2020 – Matthew 18:21-35
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Forgiveness Matters! As we continue in Matthew 18, we see that forgiveness is an essential practice amongst God’s people. Join us as we prepare our hearts to worship the Lord on this coming Lord’s Day – Resurrection Sunday!

Prayer Guide: April 12, 2020 – Matthew 18:21-35

1. Praise the Risen Lord Jesus, the Righteous One, the Author of Life! Thank Him for His atoning sacrifice that secures our forever salvation. 

2.  Ask God to give you a heart of forgiveness and love. 

3. Pray for “at risk” relationships in your life. Ask God to bring about restoration and peace. 

4. Pray for Derek and Meredith Hall and their family. Ask God to heal Hudson of the Leukemia. Pray that Hudson’s doctors would have wisdom to treat this cancer the best way possible. Pray for Ben and Mabry to be guarded by God’s grace during this difficult time. Ask God to shower His love, grace, wisdom and mercy on Derek and Meredith as they love each other and their family and navigate situations that they never intended to be in.

5. Pray for our government (Local, State, and Federal). Ask God to give our leaders wisdom to make the best decisions for the common good.

6. Pray for medical personnel and those involved in testing and developing medications to help fight the coronavirus.  

7. Ask God to do an amazing work through the proclamation of the gospel by thousands of preachers who have turned to online worship services. May the gospel go to people and places that it would not have gone otherwise. May sinners behold the Resurrected Messiah and cry out to Him in humble submission.

Prayer Guide: April 5, 2020 – Matthew 18:1-14
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

“The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the Word of the Lord remains forever” (1 Peter 2:24-25. In the midst of chaos, confusion, and uncertainty, we need to be reminded of the Truth that God’s Word always stands! It’s always True. It’s always relevant.  This week, while the Kingdom of this world continues to prove undependable and unworthy to build our lives on, the Kingdom of Heaven is a source of hope and peace. On Sunday, we will identify some values that matter in God’s Kingdom as we study Matthew 18:1-14. Please join with your church family in prayer as we prepare to hear from God’s Word.


Prayer Guide: April 5, 2020 – Matthew 18:1-14


1. Give thanks to God for His faithfulness during times of testing and trail. Ask God to increase your faith, sharpen your perspective, and mold your character during this time.


2.  Ask God to help you to be aware of the ministry needs around you so that you can love and serve others in Jesus’ name.


3. Pray that God would do a special work in the families of our church. Pray that moms and dads would be patience and tender with every member of the household.  Ask God to help us all be like Christ and not merely look out for our own interests, but also to the interests of others (Phil 2:4).


4. Ask God to give you a child-like humility, a desire to walk in righteousness, and genuine spiritual concern for others.


5. Pray for our government (Local, State, and Federal). Ask God to give our leaders wisdom to make the best decisions for the common good.


6. Pray for medical personnel and those involved in testing and developing medications to help fight the coronavirus. 


7. Ask God to give wisdom to our ministry staff as we consider the most effective ways to minister to people in these difficult times.  


8. Ask God to intervene during this global pandemic to the end that that He receives glory, His people are cared for, and sinners turn from their sin and put their hope in Jesus.

Prayer Guide: March 15, 2020 - Matthew 17:14-23
Posted By: Troy McConnell

The Scripture passage for this Sunday’s message deals with Jesus’ miraculous healing of a boy who had been possessed by a demon, and we will see the ineffectiveness of the disciples’ efforts contrasted with the awesome power and beautiful mercy of Jesus.  Jesus actually gives a word of rebuke to everyone connected with this episode because of their lack of faith.  The cure for weak faith is to have the eyes of our hearts enlightened (Ephesians 1:18) so that we understand and believe the greatness and graciousness of our God.

  1. Praise Jesus, who has authority over every spiritual power and who is infinitely greater than Satan and the demonic forces of darkness.
  2. Praise Jesus, who is compassionate toward those who suffer and who is so wise in the ways He meets our needs.
  3. Confess to the Lord areas of your life in which it is difficult for you to trust Him—areas where you have a hard time relinquishing control and resting in Him.
  4. Ask the Lord to enlighten the eyes of your heart concerning His greatness and graciousness, to remind you of how good and faithful and gracious and powerful He really is.
  5. Ask the Lord to help you trust Him more, to help you abide in Him, and in so doing to bear the fruit of the Spirit (John 15:5, Galatians 5:22-26).  
  6. Pray for those who will be leading us in congregational singing this Sunday morning, that our church would sing from our hearts to the Lord, giving ourselves to Him—presenting our bodies to Him as living sacrifices, which is our spiritual worship (Romans 12:1).

Prayer Guide: March 8, 2020 – Matthew 17:1-13
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

It’s likely that each of us have one – a significant “mountain top” experience that we reflect on often. And while such experiences are different for everyone, there are some common themes that seem to characterize all of them. We can be sure that God doesn’t give us mountain top experiences simply for the sake of the experience. He wants to use those experiences for our good – for our growth and development – as we follow Him.

Prayer Guide: March 8, 2020 – Matthew 17:1-13

1. Praise the Savior, Jesus, the God-Man who humbled Himself to the point of death, even death on a cross, in order to give spiritual life to sinners.

2. Ask God to give you a stronger desire to see Him more fully and know Him more intimately   

 3. Pray for a mighty movement of God’s Spirit at TBC that leads to strengthened faith and a life of consistent obedience.

 4. Plead with the God of salvation to give spiritual life to spiritually dead people through the ministries and people of TBC.

 5. Confess to God your propensity to put more hope in circumstances than in the God who is over the circumstances.  

 6. Pray that our church family would steward the resources that God has entrusted to us in a way that honors and glorifies Him.

 7. Ask God to give wisdom to our ministry staff as we consider various missions opportunities in light of the coronavirus outbreak.

 8. Pray for the many people who are currently visiting our church and seeking a church home. Ask God to grant them wisdom as to whether we are the right fit for them.

Prayer Guide: March 1, 2020 – Matthew 16:13-28
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Matthew 16:13-28 records a highlight in Matthew’s Gospel. It is here that Peter confesses Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the Living God. If we are going to walk with Jesus, it’s imperative that we know who He is. And once we recognize who He is, we are in a better position to understand who we are. Please pray with your church family as we prepare for worship on Sunday morning.


Prayer Guide: March 1, 2020 – Matthew 16:13-28


1. Worship the God who gives grace to the humble and lowly.


2. Pray for grace to trust Him more fully, even when life is difficult and doesn’t seem to make sense.  


3. Ask God for grace to follow Him as He has called us to follow Him.


4. Take time to confess your self-centered agendas and pursuits to God. Ask Him to forgive you and to enable to deny yourself.


5. Praise Jesus for His great sacrifice on the cross – that through His death, you have life!


6. Thank God for His commitment to make us more like Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit.


7. Pray that God would raise up missionaries from our church who will boldly speak the gospel here in Amarillo and to the ends of the earth.


8. Pray that God would do His work of salvation and sanctification in and through our church family.

Prayer Guide: February 23, 2020 – Matthew 16:1-12
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Because of who He is, it’s important that we hear and embrace what Jesus has to say. Unfortunately, all too often, we become distracted and run the risk of missing what God is trying to communicate to us. Matthew 16:1-12 records two episodes where two vastly different groups of people failed to track with Jesus. Let’s join together in prayer, asking God to make clear His will and His ways to us.

Prayer Guide: February 23, 2020 – Matthew 16:1-12

1. Praise the God who graciously makes Himself known to His creation. 

2. Ask God for grace to better discipline yourself to read, meditate on, and memorize His Word. 

3. Confess to God your propensity to become distracted and preoccupied with the things of the world.

4. Pray that God would make you humble so that you would depend on Him more fully. 

5. Ask God to rid you of any self-righteous tendencies making you blind or dull to spiritual Truth.

6. Pray for wisdom to both see your current circumstances from God’s perspective and to respond in a way that shows love for God and others. 

7. Pray that our church family will be faithful to proclaim Christ in the various contexts we find ourselves in each day. 

8. Pray that God would do His work of salvation and sanctification in and through our church family.

How Scripture Meditation and Memorization Fuel Evangelism
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

How Scripture Meditation and Memorization Fuel Evangelism

The most impactful spiritual disciplines that I have experienced in my young adult life are scripture meditation and memorization. These practices have strengthened my heart and mind in Christ through seasons of difficult circumstances, guarded me against temptation, increased my joy in worship and made me passionate about evangelism. The Lord has grown me the most through these disciplines and I regularly encourage students to also make scripture meditation and memorization part of their spiritual tool box.

My list of memorized verses isn’t long and the faithfulness at which I practice meditating and memorizing scripture has ranged in consistency over my life. Despite this both disciplines continue to bless me especially in regards to a love for evangelism. When the Word of God is at the forefront of our minds it changes the way we live, how we think, the things we talk about and even our willingness to talk about them. I still struggle with insecurities when the Spirit presses me to share and the conversations that I have are not always what I would describe as fruitful, but the many reminders of God’s love and immeasurable grace in His Word overwhelm my heart with joy in Him and compassion toward the lost.

I hope that you are experiencing many of the same ways scripture meditation and
memorization have impacted my life and more. Let us pray together that the Lord grows us in our faithfulness to practice these spiritual disciplines.

For His Glory,
Gary Hendrickson
Student Pastor


Prayer Guide: February 16, 2020 – Matthew 15:21-39
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Perhaps for most of us, life seems to progress in what we might consider a rather routine fashion. Our daily lives seem mostly uneventful and perhaps even predictable. Every now and then, however, we encounter something quite unexpected. In such moments, it’s important to ask good questions about your circumstances. Rather than focus on the what of the circumstance, take time to focus on the why of a circumstance. This Sunday, we’ll do our best to make sense of the various unexpected things contained in Mathew 15:21-39. Please join with your church family as we pray together for the movement of God’s Spirit.  

Prayer Guide: February 16, 2020 – Matthew 15:21-39

1. Praise the God who hears our prayers and answer the cries of the humble.

2. Confess to God your great need for His grace and compassion in life. 

3. Ask God to help you to persist in humble dependence before Him.

4. During times of difficulty and trial, pray that God would increase and sharpen your faith. 

5. Pray for people you know who are struggling through the circumstance of life. Ask God to be near to them and attend to their needs.

6. Plead with God to grant you an eternal perspective and ask Him to help you believe that God rewards those who seek Him in faith (Heb 11:6).

7. Ask God to do His work of salvation and sanctification this week in and through Trinity Baptist Church.

8. Ask God to place on our hearts a spirit of generosity to support the ministries and expenses of the church. 

9. Pray for wisdom as we continue to plan for upcoming mission trips this year: Thailand, Taiwan, Peru, Cuba, and Israel.  Pray that the coronavirus outbreak would not hinder our plans, but that God would allow us to go with the gospel to the peoples who need to hear it.

Prayer Guide: Feb 9, 2020 – Matthew 15:1-20
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Matthew 15:1-20 records Jesus’ bold words directed at the Pharisees and the Scribes. Jesus’ response to these religious leaders ought to cause us to reflect on our own understanding of what it means to be right with God. Please join with your church family as we ask God to help us know Him and live for Him.

Prayer Guide: Feb 9, 2020 – Matthew 15:1-20

1. Spend time praising our Great and Gracious God who has cleansed us from all unrighteousness in Jesus Christ. Give Him thanks that He does not hold our sins against us.

2. Confess to God your on-going struggle against the flesh and your desire to walk with the Spirit.

3. Ask God’s Spirit to continue to purify your heart so that your greatest loyalty and devotion is to Jesus.

4. Pray for wisdom and grace to clearly communicate the gospel to people in your life who are still dead in their trespasses and sins.

5. Pray that God would increase our love for His people at Trinity Baptist Church and that we would be committed to stewarding all that He has entrusted to us (spiritual gifts, time, energy, money) for His glory and the good of His people.

6. Plead with God to do His work of salvation in our midst…to open the eyes of the spiritually blind and give spiritual life to spiritually dead people.

Prayer Guide: Feb 2, 2020 – Hebrews 3:12-14
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

I love being a member of Trinity Baptist Church. Our family has experienced such great fellowship here amongst this Body of believers.  And based on comments that I hear on a regular basis, I know that many people feel the same way that I do.  As we come together this Sunday, we do so to worship our God and to celebrate the community that He has established! Recognizing how dangerous sin is, this Sunday we will look to Hebrews 3:12-14 to see how God would have the church battle sin together. Please join with your church family as we prepare for Sunday together in prayer.

Prayer Guide: Feb 2, 2020 – Hebrews 3:12-14

1. Praise God for the grace that reconciles us to Himself and brings us into His family.

2. Give thanks to Jesus who accomplished our salvation through His life, death, and resurrection.

3. Ask God for grace to see Truth clearly and to walk in Truth carefully.

4. Pray that God will open our eyes to see our need for close friendships in order to battle sin in our lives.

5. Ask God for grace to be vulnerable and courageous as we love and encourage one another in holiness.   

6. Pray that God will grow our church both spiritually and numerically.

Prayer Guide: Jan 26, 2020 – Matthew 14:22-33
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Two themes are prevalent in Matthew 14:22-33 - the account of Jesus’ walking on the water. First, this text invites us to see Jesus for who He is – the God-Man.  Jesus fulfills the OT imagery of the One who has power over the sea; exercises power over nature as He walks on the water; and reveals Himself to His disciples as the I Am. Not only does this text invite us to see Jesus for who He is, it invites us to see our great need to stay focused on and connected to Jesus. The life of a follower of Christ is filled with ups and downs. Our only hope is God’s great grace! Please pray with us this week.

Prayer Guide: Jan 26, 2020 – Matthew 14:22-33

1. Take a few moments to thank God for His gracious provision in your life. He is the God who provides for our all our needs!

2. Ask God to help you listen to and apply His Word in life. Ask Him to increase your passion for reading, meditating on, and memorizing Scripture.

3. Thank God for the things in life that He sends our way that remind us that we are dependent creatures who regularly need His refreshing grace.  

4. Confess to God your tendency to neglect seeking Him in prayer. Ask Him to increase your desire for communion with Him.

5. Pray for grace to look to Jesus and to look for Jesus throughout the various circumstances that we face in life.  

6. Ask God to protect and increase the unity of Trinity Baptist Church.

7. Thank God for the many people who have visited our church for the first time in the past several weeks. Pray that those considering membership would embrace our mission to proclaim Christ and make disciples.

8. Pray that God would call men, women, boys, and girls to Himself through the witness of the members of Trinity Baptist Church. Ask God for the privilege of seeing many people saved and baptized in the coming months.

Prayer Guide: Jan 19, 2020 – Matthew 14:13-21
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As we continue to walk with Jesus through the Gospel of Matthew, we come to the significant miracle account of Jesus’ multiplying the 5 loaves and 2 fish. So significant is this miracle that all four Gospel writers include it. What a testimony to the goodness and compassion of Jesus. Please use this guide to join with your church family in prayer this week.

Prayer Guide: Jan 19, 2020 – Matthew 14:13-21

1. Give thanks to God for graciously revealing Himself to us and giving us His Word so that we might know Him and His will.  

2. Ask God for grace to stay disciplined and excited about prioritizing God’s Word by reading it, meditating on it, and memorizing selected verses in 2020.

3. Pray that our church would be characterized by the compassion of Jesus.  

4. Confess to God the sinful tendency towards selfishness that keeps us from serving and loving others.   

5. Ask God to help us trust in His provision and to steward our resources (time, energy, money) for His glory and for the good of others.

6. Plead with God to give grace to people you know whose marriages are struggling. Pray that rebellion would be confessed and repented of, and that healing and restoration would begin to take shape.  

7. Pray that we would seek first God’s Kingdom and His righteousness - and that we would be satisfied in Jesus.

8. Ask God to grow our church both spiritually and numerically.

Prayer Guide: Jan 12, 2020 – Matthew 14:1-13
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

What a great start to 2020 at Trinity Baptist Church. Having completed Focus Week 2020, we’ll be back in Matthew’s Gospel this Sunday. Please use this guide to join with your church family as we pray for this upcoming year and this coming Sunday.

Prayer Guide: Jan 12, 2020 – Matthew 14:1-13

1. Praise God for His faithfulness to stir the hearts of His people to give so generously to both our March for Missions Offering and the general budget of our church!

2. Ask God to help each of us at Trinity Baptist Church to embrace the vision of prioritizing God’s Word by reading it, meditating on it, and memorizing selected verses in 2020.

3. Pray that our church body would be increasingly transformed into the image of Christ - intentionally living and loving like Jesus.  

4. Pray for grace and discipline to battle sin in our lives.   

5. Ask God for courage to live boldly for His glory in the face of a world that is hostile to truth and righteousness.

6. Pray that God will use Trinity Baptist Church to share the gospel with the lost, encourage the hurting, and equip the saints for the work of ministry.

7. Pray for our Small Groups ministry as it kicks off this Sunday night. Ask God to give our leaders and our members hearts to invite and invest in relationships.

8. Ask God to grow our church both spiritually and numerically.

Prayer Guide: Dec 15, 2019 – Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Sunday, December 15, is the day that we have designated as March for Missions Sunday.  Our church’s goal for this combined mission’s offering is $165,000.  Our prayer is that we would recognize the great value of God’s Kingdom and thus be willing to make sacrifices to see it expand and grow. Please join with your church family as we prepare ourselves for our worship gathering this Sunday.

Prayer Guide: Dec 15, 2019 – Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52

1. Praise and honor our great God who is the King of the Kingdom and the One who alone possesses all authority.

2. Ask God to help you prioritize Kingdom work as you live in a world of distractions.

3. Pray for grace to live lives for the glory of the One who laid down his life for us.  

4. Plead with God to give us a heart for the lost – near and far. Ask God to continue to raise up missionaries amongst us and to increase our passion as a church to support missions and missionaries.  

5. Pray for TBC’s Adult Choir and the presentation of The Carols of Christmas. Pray for any visitors – especially non-believers – who may be with us during this holiday season that they would hear the gospel and respond in faith and repentance.

6.  Ask God to increase our faith in Him as we trust Him to provide for the financial needs of our church family.  

Prayer Guide: Dec 8, 2019 – Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As we enter the last few weeks of the year, we are reminded of God’s great love and grace in sending Jesus to be born of a woman. Joy to the world, the Lord has come! At Christmas, we celebrate the birth of the King – the King of kings. In Matthew 13, Jesus utilizes parables to teach us about His Kingdom. Join with your church family in prayer as we prepare for our worship gathering this Sunday morning.

Prayer Guide: Dec 8, 2019 – Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

1. As you consider the season that we are in, thank God for His great love and grace in sending to us the Savior, the One who rescues us from our sin.

2. Praise the One who reveals Himself as the Son of Man, the One who holds authority to judge as the King of the kingdom of heaven.

3. Ask God to increase your passion and joy in sharing the gospel – the good news of the kingdom.  

4. Pray for grace to walk by the Spirit in the midst of a world that is hostile to the things of God.  

5. Confess to God your tendency to be unloving and impatient with the people who surround you – both Christians and non-Christians. As God to give you a heart like His.

6. Ask God for wisdom to discern how He is at work in difficult times and in difficult relationships.

7. Ask God to provide for the financial well-being of our church.

8. Pray that we as a church would prioritize making kingdom investments and not be driven by pursuing self endeavors with our time and money.

Prayer Guide: Dec 1, 2019 – Matthew 12:1-23
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

On this Sunday following Thanksgiving Day, we want to take a few moments to recognize God’s blessings in our lives. We hope that you enjoyed your holiday and were encouraged with friends and family. As we continue our study in Matthew’s Gospel, we come to the Parable of the Sower. Let’s pray that we would have ears to hear and respond in faith and obedience to Jesus.

Prayer Guide: Dec 1, 2019 – Matthew 12:1-23

1. Take some time this morning to thank God for His gracious provision in your life. Be reminded that every good and perfect gift is from Him.

2. Spend some time asking God to increase your desire to read and meditate on His Word.

3. Pray that God would give you ears to hear all that He has for us and that we would be people who embrace and apply God’s Word in order to bear fruit.

4. Ask God for grace in the midst of difficulty and trial. Pray for endurance and a continued trust in Him.

5. Confess to God the temptation to live with divided affections. Ask Him to purify your heart.  

6. Pray that the things of the world would become less attractive in your eyes and that you would grow in your love for God and for holiness.  

7. Ask God to give you a passion to sow the seed of the gospel – to proclaim Christ to those in your life who are apart from faith in Him.  

8. Ask God to continue to bring salvation to the lost through the ministry and witness of Trinity Baptist Church.

9. Pray for the Nominating Committee as they continue seeking the Lord and working to fill various ministry teams that serve our church in a variety of capacities. 

10. Pray that God would help every member of our church to understand the importance of faithfully stewarding the resources that God has entrusted to them. Pray that our people would given generously to support the ministries and expenses of the church and to the March for Missions Offering.

Prayer Guide: Nov 24, 2019 – Matthew 12:38-50
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Perhaps recognizing greatness isn’t as easy as we might initially think. For the duration of Jesus’ public ministry, the vast majority of the people that Jesus interacted with missed the fact that He was the Messiah of God. While some people were indifferent to Jesus, the religious leaders of Israel actually hated Him. They accused Jesus of blasphemy and conspired to destroy Him. That said, some did recognize Jesus’ greatness. In Matthew 12:38-50, we see how recognizing Jesus’ true identity influences our lives. Please use this guide to join your church family in prayer.

Prayer Guide: Nov 24, 2019 – Matthew 12:38-50

1. Praise the God who is both all wise and all powerful. Worship Him as the God who is great and glorious.

2. Give thanks to Jesus for revealing to us the character of God as He is the image of the invisible God.

3. Pray that God would grant us a humility that enables us to see and draw near to Him.

4. Ask God to give us ears to hear His word and to listen to His counsel.

5. Ask God to make us humble and sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.  

6. Pray that God would be glorified as we walk in His ways and bear fruit for His glory.  

7. Confess to God your desires and actions that are driven by the flesh and oppose the Holy Spirit that indwells you as a follower of Christ.

8. Ask God to continue to bring salvation to the lost through the ministry and witness of Trinity Baptist Church.

9. Pray for the Nominating Committee as they continue seeking the Lord and working to fill various ministry teams that serve our church in a variety of capacities. 

10. Pray that God would help every member of our church to understand the importance of faithfully stewarding the resources that God has entrusted to them.

Prayer Guide: Nov 17, 2019 – Matthew 12:22-37
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

More than likely, we have all said things that we immediately regretted. Unfortunately, whatever it was that we regretted saying wasn’t just random, according to Scripture. Jesus tells us that what proceeds from the mouth, originates in the heart. In Matthew 12:22-37, in response to a blasphemous accusation by the Pharisees, Jesus makes it clear that there is no middle ground when it comes to our views of Jesus – we are either for Him or against Him. Furthermore, Jesus makes it clear that the fruit of our lives gives evidence of our true nature. As we prepare to join on Sunday to worship our great God and Savior, please join me in praying that we would experience God’s gracious hand upon us.

Prayer Guide: Nov 17, 2019 – Matthew 12:22-37

1. Praise the God who is both able and willing to save us from the curse of sin and to heal our hurts.

2. Thank Jesus, who for our sake, took on flesh, displaying both compassion and power.

3. Ask God to help you to live more fully for His glory in every aspect of your life.

4. Pray for opportunities to engage others with the gospel and to share with them the only message that will free them from bondages of sin.

5. Ask God for grace to discern truth from error and right from wrong.  

6. Pray that God’s Spirit would bear much fruit in our lives and that our lives would serve as testimonies to God’s greatness.  

7. Pray for Michelle and Wesley Rose as they transition to life in Amarillo and Michelle begins her ministry at TBC.

9. Pray for our Nominating Committee as they are in the process of prayerfully discerning people to approach to serve on various committees and ministry teams in our church.

10. Pray that God would help every member of our church to understand the importance of faithfully stewarding the resources that God has entrusted to them.

Prayer Guide: Nov 10, 2019 – Matthew 12:1-21
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

In Matthew 12:1-21, the Pharisees confront Jesus concerning the Sabbath. In the end, however, it’s Jesus who calls out the religious leaders for their failure to understand, interpret, and apply the Law of God correctly. While the legalism of the Pharisees is dangerous, we too need to be on guard against legalism (in any of its forms).

Prayer Guide: Nov 10, 2019 – Matthew 12:1-21

1. Praise the God whose disposition towards sinners is gracious and whose love for His Children is unending.

2. Give thanks to God who does not treat us as our sins deserve but offers forgiveness and hope in Jesus Christ. 

3. Confess to God any legalistic tendencies that cause you to think more highly of yourself or judge others harshly.

4. Ask God to help you love others and to treat them with the same kindness and grace with which God has treated you.

5. Pray that as you rest in Jesus’ finished work, you would have grace to set aside the guilt and shame that Satan would have you feel.

6. Ask God to give you opportunity to proclaim Christ to a non-believer and then to see that person respond positively to the gospel.  

7. Pray for Michelle and Wesley Rose as they transition to life in Amarillo and Michelle begins her ministry at TBC.

9. Pray for our Nominating Committee as they are in the process of prayerfully discerning people to approach to serve on various committees and ministry teams in our church.

10. Pray that God would raise up generous and faithful givers as we enter the final weeks of the year.

Prayer Guide: Nov 3, 2019 – Matthew 11:25-30
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

This Sunday, November 3, we’ll be partaking of the Lord’s Supper, remembering the gracious sacrifice of our Savior. As we study one of the most encouraging and uplifting passages in Matthew’s Gospel, we’ll hear Jesus’ invitation to come to Him. This is the most important invitation that anyone has ever been given. How one responds to Jesus’ invitation has profound implications, not just for this life, but for eternity. Please join with your church family in prayer as we prepare to gather on Sunday to worship.

Prayer Guide: Nov 3, 2019 – Matthew 11:25-30

1. Praise God for who He is – the sovereign and gracious One who takes an interest in sinners like you and me!

2. Thank God for His wisdom in salvation – that while no one would arrive at God on their own, He has graciously revealed Himself to the humble.

3. Confess to God your tendency towards pride and self-sufficiency. Ask God to humble you and make you dependent on Him.

4. Thank God that salvation doesn’t depend on our ability to perform the Law, but that Jesus accomplished our salvation thru His obedience and sacrifice on our behalf.

5. Ask God for grace to take Jesus’ yoke upon us and to live our lives according to His will and His ways.

6. Ask God to give you opportunity to proclaim Christ to a non-believer and then to see that person respond positively to the gospel.  

7. Pray that Trinity Baptist Church would grow both spiritually and numerically.

8. Pray for the Student Ministry’s Candy and Conversations Outreach on 10/31. Ask God to work through our students to shine the light of the gospel.

9. Pray for our Nominating Committee as they are in the process of prayerfully discerning people to approach to serve on various committees and ministry teams in our church.

10. As we enter the last few months of the year with a budget deficit, please pray that God would put it on the hearts of His people to give to support the ministries and expenses of the church.

Prayer Guide: Oct 27, 2019 – Matthew 11:2-24
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As we move towards the end of October and the end of the year, we continue to walk with Jesus through Matthew’s Gospel. John the Baptist sends a delegation of his disciples to Jesus to ask a question that we may find a bit surprising. And while we may find John’s doubts a bit surprising, it seems that most followers of Christ will go through periods of doubt and questioning during their lives. Doubt is not the same as disbelief. May God humble us and cause us to pursue Him, especially in seasons of doubt.

Prayer Guide: Oct 27, 2019 – Matthew 11:2-24

1. Spend time worshipping Jesus, the Messiah in whom there is reconciliation with God and the hope of eternal life.  

2. That God for His grace to the humble and His patience with sinners.

3. Confess to God your struggle to doubt His promises and to live in fear. 

4. Pray for greater faith to believe God’s promises and to live in dependence on and obedience to Him. Pray for people you know who are struggling with either the assurance of salvation or with simply believing the promises of God.

5. Repent of persistent sin in your life that is hindering you from experiencing God’s joy and peace.

6. Pray for people you know that are rejecting the gospel – rejecting Jesus – in disbelief. Ask God to give you opportunity to proclaim Christ to them.

7. Ask God’s Spirit to so work in your life so that you would bear fruit in keeping with repentance.

8. Ask God to take away your desires for that which is sinful and dishonoring to Him. Plead with Him to give you a passion for His glory and His righteousness.  

9. Pray that our church would continue to bear fruit associated with the Thirst Conference.

10. Pray for the Student Ministry’s Candy and Conversations Outreach on 10/31. Ask God to work through our students to shine the light of the gospel.

11. Pray for our Nominating Committee as they are in the process of prayerfully discerning people to approach to serve on various committees and ministry teams in our church.

12. As we enter the last few months of the year with a budget deficit, please pray that God would put it on the hearts of His people to give to support the ministries and expenses of the church.

Prayer Guide: Oct 20, 2019 – Matthew 10:24-11:1
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

What a great week we had at TBC with Life Action leading us in the Thirst Conference. May God continue to bear much fruit in our lives as we seek Him with all that we are. As we prepare to gather on Sunday, we invite you to pray with us as we seek live as Jesus’ disciples.

Prayer Guide: Oct 20, 2019 – Matthew 10:24-11:1

1. Praise the God of salvation, the One who has secured our eternal dwelling and given us His Spirit as a pledge of our inheritance.  

2. Thank God that He does not hold our sin against us or treat us as we deserve. Praise Him for lavishing His mercy and kindness upon us.

3. Ask God to give you courage when facing trials and difficulty.

4. Pray for grace to live in the fear of the Lord and to earnestly seek to align your life with His Word and His ways. Ask God to enable you to walk with the Spirit so that you would not carry out the lusts of the flesh.

5. Thank God for His providential care in your life. Worship Him as the sovereign God who is for you and not against you!

6. Confess to God your struggle to prioritize Him in every aspect of your life.

7. Ask God for grace to live your loyalty and allegiance to Him daily.

8. Ask God to make your life, your ministry, fruitful for His glory. Pray that God would be at work in every relationship that you have with others.

Prayer Guide: Oct 6, 2019 – Matthew 9:35-10:23
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Thus far in our study of the Gospel According to Matthew, all the attention has centered on Jesus. In Matthew 10, however, Jesus sends out His disciples on a short-term mission trip in order to proclaim the kingdom of heaven is at hand (10:7). He sends them out with both instruction and encouragement, preparing them for the opposition that they will face. Will you join with your church family this week praying that God would give us a passion for working the harvest in a way that is honoring to Him?

Prayer Guide: Oct 6, 2019 – Matthew 9:35-10:23

1. Praise the God of compassion who has accomplished our salvation, saving us from the tyranny of sin.

2. Thank Jesus for His commitment to the Father’s will, even though it meant suffering and death for Him.

3. Pray that God would raise up and send out laborers to work the harvest for His glory. Pray for missions and missionaries associated with our church; pray that each of us would see ourselves as missionaries sent by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

4. Ask God for a heart like Jesus’ to see the hurts of others, and to be moved with compassion to help where we can.

5. Pray for strong faith and courage in the midst of opposition and difficulty for the sake of Jesus’ name. Ask God’s Spirit to give you boldness for the gospel when facing temptation and trial.

6. Confess to God your struggle with sin and ask Him for grace to live a life consistent with truth and righteousness.

7. Pray for the Life Action Thirst Conference. Ask God to raise both the curiosity and commitment levels of our church family so that we will make every effort to be part of this time of seeking God corporately.

8. Pray that God would meet every financial need of Trinity Baptist Church so that our ministry wouldn’t be hindered in any way.

9. Ask God to do His work of salvation and sanctification this week!

Prayer Guide: Sept 29, 2019 – Matthew 9:18-34
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As we turn our attention to Matthew 9:18-34 this Sunday, take special note of the desperation that each of the people who approached Jesus was experiencing. While each of their situations were different, they all recognized their need and ran to Jesus. Join with your church family as we seek the Lord together in prayer. We can be confident that when we genuinely humble ourselves before God and seek Him, He will not leave us to ourselves, but will give us grace.

Prayer Guide: Sept 29, 2019 – Matthew 9:18-34

1. Worship the God who reveals Himself as a place of refuge and a very present help in times of trouble for those who seek Him.

2. Give thanks to God that He has made known His love and His grace in Christ. Thank Him that He receives sinners and broken people, and that whosoever will – regardless of place in society - may call upon Him and be saved.

3. Praise God that He gives not only gives life to the spiritually dead, but that He restores life to the spiritually broken.

4. Ask God to do a great work salvation and renewal in our church family and among those who attend our church regularly.

5. Ask God’s Spirit to give us a greater passion for seeking Him and His wisdom through His Word.

6. Pray that God would restore marriages and broken relationships in our church family. Ask God to give us compassion, love, and forgiveness for those who have wronged us.

7. Pray for the Life Action Thirst Conference. Ask God to raise both the curiosity and commitment levels of our church family so that we will make every effort to be part of this time of seeking God corporately.

Prayer Guide: Sept 22, 2019 – Matthew 9:14-17
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As we gather to worship our great God and Savior this Sunday, I’m excited to celebrate with 3 more of our students who are trusting in Christ and will be baptized. Church family, let me encourage you make our Sunday morning worship service a priority each week as your presence matters. During our corporate worship times, God’s Spirit is at work creating unity and building up the Body as we humble ourselves before Him.

This week, we turn our attention to Matthew 9:14-17. As Jesus answers a question about fasting, we’ll see that Jesus is hinting at what it takes to be right with God. Please join with your church family asking God to do wonderful and marvelous things in us and through us at Trinity Baptist Church.

Prayer Guide: Sept 22, 2019 – Matthew 9:14-17

1. Spend time praising and thanking the God who came save us from our sin and to give us great joy.

2. Praise God for the perfect righteousness of Jesus which secures our standing with God forever.

3. Thank God for His gracious compassion and willingness to forgive us when we rebel against His will and His ways.

4. Ask God for grace to increasingly desire to live for His glory and according to Truth.

5. Praise God for doing His work of salvation in our church family and ask Him to astound us with works of His Spirit.

6. Plead with God for a discipline that drives us to pursue Him for fully and to believe the Truth that in His presence there is fullness of joy (Ps 16:11).

7. Pray specifically for people who you know are disconnected from God and stand in need of a Savior.

Prayer Guide: Sept 15, 2019 – Matthew 9:9-13
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As we prepare for our corporate gathering on Sunday, Sept. 15, I want to encourage you to pray for our time of worship. Along with many of you, I sensed an incredible level of excitement connected to the grace and love of God this past Sunday. Let’s continue to call out to God and ask Him to instill within us a passion for His glory and a gratefulness for His grace that goes beyond what we currently possess.   

Prayer Guide: Sept 15, 2019 – Matthew 9:9-13

1. Spend time thanking the Sovereign and Merciful God for His heart for sinners. Praise Jesus for the great love with which He loved us – a love that led to His humiliation, suffering, and death.

2. As God to increase our passion for His glory and our pursuit of relational connection with Jesus. Pray that we would find our greatest satisfaction in Jesus and what He has accomplished for us.

3. Ask for God to help you in your battle against the things of the world. Ask Him for grace to host fast against the temptations that come your way.

4. Pray for wisdom and courage to be intentional about sharing the gospel, and that we would be committed to reaching at least one person with the gospel before the end of the year.

5. Thank God for the security and joy that we have knowing that Jesus has secured our eternal salvation. Praise God that He will finish the work that He began in us.

6. Ask God to make you humble and dependent on Him.

7. Pray that more and more people would find a church home at Trinity Baptist and that God would build up the Body of Christ as people exercise their spiritual gifts.

8. Ask God to graciously save people this weekend during our worship services.

Prayer Guide: Sept 8, 2019 – Matthew 9:1-8
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

What a great time we had worshipping together in one service last Sunday. Praise God for His goodness and mercy to our church family. We are so grateful for His provision for our Children’s Ministry in bringing Michelle Rose to us. We’ll look forward to her start, and trust the Lord to sell their house in Brentwood, TN.  

This Sunday, we begin Matthew 9. Matthew will introduce us to another aspect of Jesus’ authority – His authority to forgiven sins. We’ll see that our greatest needs are not physical in nature, but spiritual. Will you join with your church family as we pray for our corporate gathering this Sunday?

Prayer Guide: Sept 8, 2019 – Matthew 9:1-8

1. Give praise and honor to the Most High God. Worship Him as the sovereign God who possesses all authority.

2. Give thanks to Jesus who has met our greatest need through His perfect life, substitutionary death, and resurrection from the dead. Give thanks to the One who has met the righteous requirements of God’s Law and is able and willing to forgive those who place their hope in Him.

3. Ask God to give you greater confidence in and appreciation for Jesus’ authority so that you will live more fully for the joy that is to be found in obedience to God’s ways.

4. Confess to God your reluctance to live a life focused on exposing others to Jesus. Ask God for grace to courageously live as His witness.

5. Pray for people that you know who seem to be focused only on their broken external situations but fail to recognize their broken spiritual condition. Pray that God would give you opportunity to encourage them to find their healing in Jesus.

6. Praise God for providing for our church by sending Michelle Rose to us as our new Children’s Minister. Pray that Wesley and Michelle’s house in Brentwood would sell quickly.

7. Pray that those who visit our church will experience the warmth of our church family. Ask God to be gracious to our church and to grow our Body as He sees fit. Pray that our church members would find joy in inviting people to worship with us and that in God’s timing, both of our morning services would be overflowing with people!

8. Ask God to graciously save people this weekend during our worship services.

Prayer Guide: Sept 1, 2019 – Matthew 8:28-34
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

This week, we find ourselves in Matthew 8:28-34 and on the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee. Jesus and His disciples are in the Decapolis, a primarily Gentile region consisting of ten cities. While there, Jesus encounters two demon-possessed men who have proven to be a menace to society. As we might expect, Jesus exercises His authority over the kingdom of darkness and rescues these men from the clutches of Satan. However, whereas we’ve grown accustomed to people being drawn to Jesus’ authority and power, the response of the people on the eastern shore is anything but expected. In this passage, we’ll see that God’s grace is far reaching and response provoking.

In preparation for Sunday, please join with your church family in prayer as we humble ourselves before God and seek His grace. Remember that we have an alternate worship schedule this weekend (9:15am Bible Study & 10:30am Worship). Remember also that our Children’s Minister candidate, Michelle Rose (and her husband Wesley), will be in town for an “in-view-of-a-call” weekend.

Prayer Guide: Sept 1, 2019 – Matthew 8:28-34

1. Praise God for the His matchless love and far reaching grace. Thank Him for pursuing us when we were in rebellion against Him.

2. Thank God for the work of Christ in which He does not hold our sins against us nor treat us as our sin deserves.

3. Ask God to give us hearts like Jesus to pursue the hurting and the broken – to reach out to others with the love of God – and to serve where there is a need.

4. Pray for grace to respond appropriately to God’s grace. Pray that we would live lives of worship and obedience for His glory. Pray that we would be eager to proclaim the goodness and mercy of our great God.

5. Pray for people you know that are living in rebellion against God. Ask God to soften their hard hearts so that they would embrace the gospel.

6. Pray for our church family as we get to know Michelle Rose this weekend and prepare to vote to extend a call to her to serve as our next Children’s Minister.

7. Pray that those who visit our church will experience the warmth of our church family and be spiritually encouraged in God’s Word. Ask God to be gracious to our church family and to grow our Body as He sees fit.

8. Pray for a mighty and undeniable movement of the Holy Spirit whereby sin is confessed and repented of, souls are saved, and people are sanctified.

Prayer Guide: August 25, 2019 – Matthew 8:18-27
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Continuing in our Walking with Jesus series, this Sunday (August 25), we’ll see Jesus laying out some expectations of discipleship. Jesus’ responses to 2 would-be disciples will perhaps challenge our understanding of what following Jesus involves. Please join with your church family as we pray for God’s gracious blessing over our worship services this weekend.

Prayer Guide: August 25, 2019 – Matthew 8:18-27

1. Spend some time praising and thanking Jesus for bearing the cross that we deserved for our sin. Worship the God of salvation who has done everything necessary in order to provide salvation for those who trust in Jesus.

2. Confess to God the sin of idolatry – how at times we long for the comforts and things of this world more than that we long for Him.

3. Ask God for grace to prioritize Him over the things of this world.

4. Pray for courage to say “no” to that which distracts us from finding our greatest joy in faithfulness to Jesus.

5. Give thanks to God for His faithfulness and provision in life. Ask Him to strengthen our faith so that even during difficult times, our lives will give testimony to God’s goodness.

6. Ask God to soften our hearts make us quick to submit to His authority.

7. Pray that God’s will increase our church’s passion for His glory and that we will experience a genuine movement of God whereby we are characterized by repentance, joy, and growth.

8. Pray for people who have been and will be visiting our church family over the course of the next several weeks as the new school year begins. Pray that our church family will be intentional about connecting with new people and helping them to feel welcome. Pray that many new people will make TBC their church home.

Prayer Guide: August 18, 2019 – Matthew 8:1-17
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

On Sunday, August 18, we will begin a series in Matthew that we are calling Walking with Jesus. As we look at His life, we’ll see the kind of King that Jesus is. We’ll see what it means to be Jesus’ disciple, what it looks like to love and to live like Him. As we consider the character of our Lord, may God change us so that we would more fully reflect Him.

Prayer Guide: August 18, 2019 – Matthew 8:1-17

1. Give praise to God for his up close and personal love. Praise the Savior who enters our world in order to restore what sin has broken.

2. Ask God to give you (and our church) a heart of compassion that seeks to serve the hurting and the broken with the love of Jesus.

3. Thank God for His sovereign authority in all of life. Confess to Him your failure to be properly motivated and comforted by this reality.

4. Ask God for grace to trust Him during the difficult times in life – during the seasons when it seems like nothing is going your way.   

5. Thank God for His sovereign power and the fact that His plans will not ultimately be thwarted!

6. Pray for our Children’s Ministry Search Team. Ask God to guide every step of the process as we continue to trust Him to provide for our church family.

7. Ask God to motivate our church family to be inviting family, friends, neighbors, classmates, and co-workers to visit Trinity Baptist Church and engage them with the gospel.

8. Pray for people who have been and will be visiting our church family over the course of the next several weeks as the new school year begins. Pray that our church family will be intentional about connecting with new people and helping them to feel welcome. Pray that many new people will make TBC their church home.

Prayer Guide: July 21, 2019 – Exodus 20:16
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

The 9th Commandment – You Shall Not Lie – is a universally broken commandment. From both the beginning of time and from the beginning of our lives, lying has been the norm. We can lie with our words, with our silence, with our body language, and with our lives. And while all this is true, lying is primarily a heart issue. As we dive into the study of the 9th Commandment this week, please seek God’s grace in prayer.

Prayer Guide: July 21, 2019 – Exodus 20:16

1. Give praise and honor to the God who is Truth! Thank Him for making His will and His ways known to us so that we might have life.

2. Ask God to give you a greater love for Truth and a greater passion to seek and meditate upon Truth.

3. Confess to God your struggle to walk in Truth and to practice falsehood for selfish reasons. Ask Him to forgive you and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness.  

4. Pray for courage to speak the Truth to others. Ask for boldness to humbly and lovingly share the gospel with others.   

5. Pray that God would bring many children to our VBS, and that each of them would be encouraged and challenged by the Truth of God’s Word.

6. Ask God to bless our upcoming block party – that many families would be served, that connections in the community would be made, and that He would be glorified.

7. Pray that our Children’s Minister Search Team would continue to seek the Lord and trust Him to provide the right candidate at the right time.

Prayer Guide: July 14, 2019 – Exodus 20:15
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

On Sunday, July 14th, we will turn our attention to the 8th Commandment – You Shall Not Steal. Stealing (property, money, reputation, time, etc.) is wrong. Whether the stealing is from an individual, an employer, or the government, to steal is to break the law. Furthermore, at times, we can be guilty of stealing from God, which is profoundly wrong. However, as with the other commandments, this commandment does much more than prohibit the unlawful taking of another’s property. Not only shouldn’t we steal from others, we should love others and serve them with our possessions. Please join with your church family in praying for God’s grace this week.

Prayer Guide: July 14, 2019 – Exodus 20:15

1. Take some time to worship God. Praise Him for His perfect character and thank Him for His perfect provision.  

2. Pray that God would increase your trust and contentment in His provision.

3. Repent of using your resources selfishly and for failing to steward what God has entrusted to you in ways that are pleasing to Him.

4. Ask God to give you a greater desire to use what He has blessed you with to love and serve others. 

5. Pray that God would be glorified as we conduct VBS 2019. Pray that all our volunteers would serve in the strength that God supplies so that God would gain the glory. Also, pray that God would give spiritual life to many children and that many families would connect with our church as a result of VBS.

6. As the summer comes to an end, please pray that God would raise up volunteers to serve in ministries that will be starting back up again in August. Pray that God will raise up volunteers for our children’s ministry, especially in Sunday School.

7. Pray that our Children’s Minister Search Team would continue to seek the Lord and trust Him to provide the right candidate at the right time.

8. Ask God to give us a great passion for the gospel and that we would speak it regularly to those with whom we interact.

Prayer Guide: July 7, 2019 – Exodus 20:14
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Jesus authoritatively interprets the 7th Commandment – You Shall Not Commit Adultery – much more broadly than first expected. This commandment is not simply about the physical act of adultery but concerns the lust of the heart and sexual immorality (Matt 5:27-30). Furthermore, keeping this commandment means affirming God’s design for marriage and prioritizing the marriage relationship. In our sexually charged world, temptations to break the 7th Commandment have become increasingly persistent and powerful. Thus, please join with your family and your church family in asking God for grace when it comes to the area of sexual purity.

Prayer Guide: July 7, 2019 – Exodus 20:14

1. Spend time worshipping the Righteous One, Jesus, who alone is pure, perfect, and worthy to be praised.

2. Ask God for grace to live a life of purity in a world that prioritizes sinfulness and aims to defile you.

3. Ask God to give you a greater love for His Word and a greater dependence on His Spirit so that you will not carry out the deeds of the flesh.  

4. Pray for marriages in our church family. Ask God to graciously protect both men and women from temptations aimed to weaken or destroy their marriage covenant, bringing reproach upon the church and the name of God.   

5. Pray for parents who are seeking to shepherd their children towards godliness and sexual purity in a society where such things aren’t valued.

6. Ask God to give you a compassionate heart that is ready to forgive wrongs – just as He has forgiven you.

7. Pray that many children would attend our VBS, hear the gospel, and be saved. Ask God to grow our church family spiritually and numerically.  

8. Ask God to give you a passion to reach your neighbors, friends, family, and co-workers with the message of the gospel.  

Prayer Guide: June 30, 2019 – Exodus 20:13
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

The 6th Commandment – You Shall Not Murder – seems simple enough. Most people will never physically murder someone in their lifetime. That said, Jesus gives the authoritative interpretation of this Commandment in the Sermon on the Mount when He associates anger with murder. Similarly, the apostle John associated hatred with murder as well (1 John 3).  And while many of us will never physically murder someone, all of us deal with emotions and attitude that lead to murder. Considering this, we desperately need God’s grace in our battle against sin and our living consistently with this commandment. Please join with your church family in praying that God will do a great work in the life of our church family.

Prayer Guide: June 30, 2019 – Exodus 20:13

1. Worship the Great and Merciful God who willingly forgives sinners and restores them to fellowship with Himself.

2. Praise Jesus who was murdered at the hands of sinful men so that God’s people might have life.

3. Ask God to strengthen you by His Spirit to love Him with all that you are and to love your neighbor as yourself.  

4. Confess to God your struggle with unrighteous anger. Seek forgiveness for the times when your anger has hurt others – your spouse, your kids, friends, co-workers, etc.  

5. Pray for grace to use words that encourage and build up rather than slander and tear down others.

6. Pray for our country and for our leaders. Ask God to raise up men and women who will promote and support the sanctity of human life at every level.

7. Pray for our Taiwan Mission Team. Ask God to move in them and through them for His glory.

8. Pray that God’s Spirit would move in marvelous and amazing ways in and through us – bringing spiritual and numerical growth to our church family for His glory.

Prayer Guide: June 23, 2019 – Exodus 20:12
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

The 5th Commandment – Honor your father and mother – is the leading commandment of the second table of commands. The first four commandments regulate our love to God. The last six describe our love for others. Loving others begins with honoring one’s father and mother because it is in the home where relationships begin. This Sunday, we will learn that honoring one’s father and mother doesn’t end when we turn 18 years old. This commandment endures and should be a guiding principle throughout life. Please join with your church family in praying that God will do a great work in the life of our church family.

Prayer Guide: June 23, 2019 – Exodus 20:12

1. Praise God for His Greatness and His Goodness revealed to us clearly in both in His Word and in Jesus, the Living Word.

2. Glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who perfectly fulfilled the 5th Commandment and was uniquely qualified to die on the cross for our sins.

3. Pray that God would deepen your love and respect for your parents according to His will.

4. Confess to God your struggle to honor your parents both inwardly and outwardly. Ask for forgiveness for dishonoring your parents with disrespectful thoughts, words, actions, and inactions.

5. Pray for grace for the want to when it comes to honoring parents that have neglected God’s Word and hurt you with their actions and words.

6. Ask God to help you to joyfully submit to the authorities that He has put in your life.

7. Please ask God to empower our church to live on mission for His glory – reaching people with the gospel in Amarillo.

8. Pray that God’s Spirit would move in marvelous and amazing ways in and through us – bringing spiritual and numerical growth to our church family for His glory.

Prayer Guide: June 16, 2019 – Exodus 20:8-11
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

The 4th Commandment – Remember the Sabbath Day, to Keep it Holy – is both misunderstood and widely marginalized in our culture today. And it’s not just society at large that ignores this commandment, many professing Christians also question the validity of the 4th Commandment as well. This Sunday, we’ll focus our attention on what it means to remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy as followers of Jesus.   Please join with your church family in praying that God will do a great work in the life of our church family.

Prayer Guide: June 16, 2019 – Exodus 20:8-11

1. Humble yourself before God by declaring His worth, His authority, and His prefect wisdom.

2. Give thanks to God for securing your salvation through resting in the finished work of Jesus Christ.

3. Ask God to give you wisdom to understand and apply the 4th Commandment in a way that honors and glorifies His name.

4. Confess to God that all too often you struggle to rest in Jesus’ finished work and instead live with the mindset that you must do something to add to or ensure your standing with God.

5. Ask for forgiveness for the times when you have neglected the 4th Commandment and for the times when you’ve judged others concerning the 4th Commandment.

6. Ask God to increase your desire to worship Him as you serve and support Trinity Baptist Church.  

7. Please ask God to protect the unity of our church family. Pray that our Thailand 2 missions team would be strengthened by the Holy Spirit to lead singing at the conference. Please pray for Lisa Whatley and her team of VBS leaders and volunteers as they prepare to serve children in Jesus’ name. Pray that God would give our Children’s Minister Search team unity as we continue to seek God’s wisdom to select our next Children’s Minister.

8. Pray that God’s Spirit would move in marvelous and amazing ways in and through us – bringing spiritual and numerical growth to our church family for His glory.

Prayer Guide: June 9, 2019 – Exodus 20:7
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

The 3rd Commandment – You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain – is commonly misunderstood and oftentimes minimized. Clearly, our God is doing more than prohibiting the use of a few select words here. In fact, God is calling us to honor His name, not only with our words, but with our thoughts and with our lives as well. Please join with your church family in praying that God will make us 3rd Commandment Christians!

Prayer Guide: June 9, 2019 – Exodus 20:7

1. Praise the God whose name is worthy of all glory and honor as He is the sovereign creator, sustainer, and redeemer of life!

2. Ask God to give you discipline to guard your lips and your life from living in such a way that would bring dishonor to His name.

3. Thank God for His grace in revealing His name and His character to His creation.

4. Confess to God your struggle to live according to His Word and for His glory. Ask God for forgiveness for those time when you simply go through the motions of worship or live in blatant hypocrisy.

5. Give thanks to Jesus who fulfilled the 3rd Commandment perfectly, and who alone holds the name that is above every other name! Ask God for grace to worship Him accordingly.

6. Pray that God will put in our hearts a great desire to engage others with the gospel.

7. Please ask God to protect the unity of our church family. Continue to pray that God will raise up volunteers for VBS. Ask for grace for each of our Missions’ Teams. Plead with him on behalf of our Children’s Minister Search Team. Ask Him to spark generosity and faithfulness amongst our church in terms of giving to support the ministries and expenses of the church.

8. Pray that God’s Spirit would move in marvelous and amazing ways in and through us – bringing spiritual and numerical growth to our church family.

Prayer Guide: May 26, 2019 – Exodus 20:1-3
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

The 1st Commandment – You Shall Have No Other gods Before Me – is foundational to all the other commandments. The eternal, covenant keeping God is laying His claim on His people. To be in covenant relationship with God means to love and serve Him with full devotion. He will not share His glory with anyone or anything. He demands our allegiance. While we all fail in our obedience to this command, through faith in the One who kept this commandment fully and faithfully, we are secure in a covenant relationship with the One true and Living God.

Prayer Guide: May 26, 2019 – Exodus 20:1-3

1. Praise the God who is worthy of all glory and honor – the eternal God who is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-wise.

2. Thank God for revealing Himself as the triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – who is always at work or His own glory and for the good of His people.

3. Ask God for grace to honor Him as He deserves and to embrace His call on your life for full allegiance.

4. Confess to God your battle with idolatry – to elevate God’s good gifts and blessings to places of priority in your life, places that only God deserves.

5. Give thanks to Jesus Christ who fulfilled the Law on your behalf and makes possible relationship with God.

6. Ask God’s Spirit to transform your desires and motivations so that you will you will be increasingly guided by God’s glory in everything that you do.

7. Pray for our church family as we enter the summer months: Pray for our VBS, our Missions’ Teams, our Church Finances, and our Children’s Minister Search Team.

8. Pray that God’s Spirit would move in marvelous and amazing ways in and through us – bringing spiritual and numerical growth to our church family.

Prayer Guide: May 19, 2019 – Exodus 19-20
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

The Ten Commandments are one of the most recognizable aspects of the entire Bible. While not everyone can name each commandment, certainly most people are familiar with what they are. This summer, we will be focusing attention on the Ten Commandments during our corporate worship times on Sunday mornings. This Sunday, we’ll begin the series in the Ten Commandments by asking several questions related to the topic. Join us Sunday as we look at the Ten Commandments – then and now.

Prayer Guide: May 19, 2019 – Exodus 19-20

1. Praise God for His gracious salvation, that we don’t have to perform to a certain level to earn God’s favor.

2. Praise God for clearly revealing Himself and His will to us in His Word.

3. Confess to God your struggle to fear and obey Him as you should.

4. Ask God to help you to love Him and others as He calls us to.

5. Pray that God’s Spirit would be at work in the life of the non-believers that you know so that they would be convicted of their sin and be comforted in the gospel.

6. Pray for grace to be increasingly motivated to obey Him because of who He is and what He’s done on your behalf.

7. Ask God to provide for every financial need of our church family as we enter the summer behind budget.

Prayer Guide: May 12, 2019 – Philippians 4:8-9
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

This Sunday morning, we will finish our series through Philippian 4:4-9. As we continue to make our way through the sanctified list of virtues in v.8, pray that God will give us grace to discipline ourselves to consider such things. Also, pray that our meditation on such things would lead to our practice of godliness for the glory of God and the good of His people.

Prayer Guide: May 12, 2019 – Philippians 4:8-9

1. Spend time worshipping Jesus, the One who is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent and praiseworthy.

2. Thank God for the grace and peace that He has given freely through faith in Jesus.

3. Ask God for a whole-hearted love and devotion for Him.

4. Confess to God that too often you fail to reflect on His character. Ask Him for grace to meditate on His glory and long for His will and His ways.

5. Ask God to help you to live consistently with what you profess to believe about who He is.

6. Pray for people you know who are struggling with anxiety and depression. Ask God for wisdom to know how you might be an encouragement to those people.

7. Ask God’s Spirit to give you a passion to reach others with the good news of the gospel. Plead with God to do His work of salvation in and through the people of Trinity Baptist Church.

Prayer Guide: May 5, 2019 – Philippians 4:7-8
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As we continue our series The Renewed Mind: Gospel-Filtered Thinking from Philippians 4:4-9, we focus our attention on v.8. Here, Paul calls the church to meditate on a list of virtues that has been termed the briefest biography of Jesus Christ ever written. While Paul’s list of virtues is mostly taken from ancient Greek moral philosophers, Paul is clearly sanctifying them in connecting to the One true and Living God. As we humble ourselves before God, in order to battle anxiety, Paul wants us to pray and to meditate on that which is excellent and praise worthy. Please join with your church family as we pray for God grace to be at work in us and among us this weekend.  

Prayer Guide: May 5, 2019 – Philippians 4:7-8

1. Praise the God who reveals Himself as all-powerful, all-knowing, all-wise, and ever present.

2. Thank God for His grace and his kindness extended to you in the cross of Christ.

3. Ask God to give you grace to discipline your thought life and to meditate on what matters most.

4. Ask God to help you discern, seek, and love truth.

5. Pray for those who you know who are facing anxiety. Ask God to help them to recall the truth about who He is and who they are in Christ.

6. Ask God to comfort you as you recall His sovereign reign over everything and His providential care in your life.

7. Ask God to give you a heart for the lost and the hurting and for courage to engage others with the gospel.

8. Pray that God’s spirit would descend on our church in power to transform us and to give us a greater passion for His glory.

Prayer Guide: April 28, 2019 – Philippians 4:4-7
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

This morning, we are beginning a short series from Philippians 4:4-9 that we are calling The Renewed Mind: Gospel-Filtered Thinking. In this first sermon, we’ll see that Paul believes that the gospel leads to joy, reasonableness, and peace. In fact, the fact that God has loved us so fully and transformed us so thoroughly out to change our entire outlook in life. Pray with us this week as we prepare to hear from our Great God!

Prayer Guide: April 28, 2019 – Philippians 4:4-7

1. Give thanks to the great God of salvation, to the One whose love and grace has given us new life and a new outlook on life.

2. Ask God to make you increasingly joyful, no matter the circumstances you face, as you walk closely with the Lord.

3. Ask God to make you increasingly humble. Pray for grace to prioritize the needs of others and to respond to people in a way that is consistent with the grace that God has shown you.

4. Pray that God would strengthen your faith and trust in Him so that in times of difficulty and hardship, you will not be overcome with fear and anxiety.

5. Ask God to help you discipline yourself for the purpose of prayer.

6. Pray that God will give you opportunities this week to share the gospel with people who are not following Jesus.

7. Ask Him to do His work of salvation in the lives of people who heard the gospel during our Easter services.

Prayer Guide: April 21, 2019 – Luke 24:36-49
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Resurrection Sunday! Jesus is alive. On this truth, our hope rests. Join us was we humble ourselves before God and ask Him to do abundantly beyond all we could ask or imagine.

Prayer Guide: April 21, 2019 – Luke 24:36-49

1. Worship the Risen Savior, the One who died for our sin and rose again on the 3rd day!

2. Pray for our choir and for the drama team as they lead us in worship this Friday night by sharing with us The Story of Grace. Pray that those who attend would grow to love Jesus more passionately. 

3. Ask God to bless the efforts of all those who have invited others to our Good Friday musical and Easter Sunday service. Pray that many people would worship with us during these two special opportunities and that God would add numbers to His Kingdom as the lost are saved.

4. Pray that our members would live as faithful ambassadors of Jesus Christ.

5. Pray for our Children's Minister Search Team. Ask God to give each member (Stephanie Collins, Kristy Gadry, Mike Jennings, Nate Magloughlin, Nathan Murphy, Jennifer Silhan, Nathan Stollings, and Heather Watson) wisdom and discernment as they pray through resumes and over candidates.

6. Ask God for grace during this interim period while we seek God’s will for our next Children’s Minister. Thank God for Melissa Raleigh and her willingness to serve in the interim role.

Prayer Guide: April 14, 2019 – Luke 23:46
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Jesus’ seventh and final word from the cross is ultimately a prayer of trust. Quoting from Psalm 31:5, Jesus says, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” Immediately following this, Jesus breathes His last. Throughout His seven last words, Jesus models for us what it looks like to live by faith for God’s glory. In this last word, Jesus models the way in which one who has been made righteous is able to face death. As we anticipate gathering for worship this Sunday, will you join with us in prayer?

Prayer Guide: April 14, 2019 – Luke 23:46

1. Praise God for His gracious revelation of Himself in the person of Jesus Christ. Thank Him for taking on flesh and bearing our sin burdens to Calvary.

2. Thank Jesus for His words from the cross – the words that reveal the heart of God for sinners and the love of God that ultimately led to the death of the Son of God.

3. Ask God to strengthen your faith so that you will face trials and difficulty in a way that is pleasing to God.

4. Take time now to pray for people you know who are hurting and trying to make sense of their situations in life.

5. In light of the fact that physical death is a transition to either eternal life in the presence of God or to eternal torment apart from the presence of God, ask God to give you opportunity to share the gospel with people you know who are not believers.

6. Pray that God will glorify Himself by giving spiritual life to spiritually dead hearts this Sunday.  

7. Pray that our church members would invite people to our Easter musical and our Easter services in order to hear the gospel, connect with our church family, and be encouraged in Christ.

Prayer Guide: April 7, 2019 – John 19:30
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

It is finished—Jesus’ victory cry from the cross. Jesus’ sixth word from the cross comes with His last breaths. In this statement, Jesus declares that He has completed His mission, He has made atonement for sinners, He has appeased the wrath of God. Our salvation, our hope of eternal life is tied to Jesus’ obedience in life and in death. As we prepare for corporate worship this Sunday, please join with us in prayer.

Prayer Guide: April 7, 2019 – John 19:30

1. Consider the great price of your salvation and give thanks to Jesus for bearing your sin on the cross.

2. Praise Jesus because He has secured your eternal salvation and invited you to find rest in Him.

3. Ask God to help you grasp the gospel more fully so that you will be more ready to stand firm against the accusations and schemes of the devil.

4. Take time to repent of individual sins in your life—both sins of commission and omission. Ask God to heal the hurts of regret over things in your past, and to give you joy in Christ.

5. Ask God’s Spirit for wisdom and strength to consider yourself dead to sin and alive to God in Jesus Christ.

6. Pray for courage and faithfulness to live for God’s glory and walk in the good works that He has prepared beforehand for us to walk in.

7. Pray that God will glorify Himself by giving spiritual life to spiritually dead hearts this Sunday.  

8. Pray that each member of Trinity Baptist Church would be committed to reaching at least one person with the gospel in 2019.

Prayer Guide: March 31, 2019 – John 19:28
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Jesus’ fifth word from the cross is the only word that deals specifically with His physical condition. In the statement, I thirst we get a glimpse of Jesus intense suffering and a reminder of His humanity. Jesus suffered, died, and rose again as a human. In full obedience to the Father, and in submission to Scripture, Jesus secures our salvation paves the only way to reconciliation with God. Join us in prayer as we prepare our hearts for corporate worship this Sunday morning.

Prayer Guide: March 31, 2019 – John 19:28

1. Give thanks to the God who planned, accomplished, and secures our eternal salvation through Jesus Christ.

2. Thank the Lord for willingly enduring such hostility and brutality for your sake.

3. Just as Jesus knew and submitted to Scripture, as God to give you such resolve to read and meditate on Scripture in order to submit to it.

4. Just as Jesus submitted His will to the Father’s will, ask God to give you such resolve.

5. Knowing that Jesus is the Great High Priest who can sympathize with our weaknesses, ask God for greater faith to persevere during great difficulty.

6. Pray that God will glorify Himself by giving spiritual life to spiritually dead hearts this Sunday.  

7. Pray that each of our members would be committed to reaching at least one person with the gospel in 2019.

Prayer Guide: March 24, 2019 – Matthew 27:46
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Jesus’ fourth word from the cross is found in Matthew 27:46. In His anguish and pain, Jesus senses the weight of God’s wrath on sin and cries out, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” The eternal Son of God experiences isolation for the sake of our restoration. What love! As we focus in on the Jesus’ anguish, join with us in praying that we would understand the seriousness of sin and the magnificence of God’s great love.

Prayer Guide: March 24, 2019 – Matthew 27:46

1. Give praise to the One who died and rose again in order to save us from God’s wrath!

2. Praise God that because Jesus endured abandonment from God, all those who are found in Jesus will never be abandoned.

3. Confess to God your struggle to love what is righteous and to hate what is evil. Ask God for grace to love Him more than sin.

4. Pray for wisdom and energy to invest into Christian relationships for the sake of encouragement, accountability, and genuine community.

5. Ask God to help you more fully comprehend the magnificent love of God and to be more secure in your relationship with Him.

6. Pray that God will glorify Himself by giving spiritual life to spiritually dead hearts this Sunday.  

7. Pray that each of our members would be committed to reaching at least one person with the gospel in 2019.

Prayer Guide: March 17, 2019 – John 19:23-17
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

The third word from the cross is found in John 19:26-27. As Jesus is in the process of dying, He sees some familiar faces amongst those gathered on Skull Hill. After scattering with the rest of the disciples in the moments following Jesus’ arrest, the apostle John has made his way to the foot of the cross. Additionally, Jesus’ mother and a group of faithful women were at Golgotha that day. Jesus was filled with compassion for his mother, recognizing her soon to be vulnerability. Jesus’ third word from the cross helps us to understand that though Jesus was dying for the sin of the world, He was (and is) keenly aware of the individuals that He died to save. Let’s pray for God’s grace in our lives as prepare to worship Him together on Sunday.

Prayer Guide: March 17, 2019 – John 19:23-17

1. Worship the God who died to redeem you from your sin and save you from God’s righteous wrath.

2. Give thanks to the Sovereign King of everything that He both knows your name and cares for your needs.

3. Confess to God that too often you are calloused towards the needs of others instead of compassionate - judgmental instead of merciful. Repent and ask God for forgiveness.

4. Pray for those you know who are vulnerable and hurting. Ask God to help you know how you can serve them.

5. Pray that our elected leaders would honor the sanctity of human life in the legislation that they create and support. Pray that our nation would see the atrocity that is abortion, repent, and value life—from the cradle to the grave.  

6. Ask God to help us value our church family more passionately, so that we become more generous with our time, money, and talents when it comes to serving one another.

7. Pray that God will glorify Himself by giving spiritual life to spiritually dead hearts this Sunday.  

8. Pray that each of our members would be committed to reaching at least one person with the gospel in 2019.

Prayer Guide: March 10, 2019 - Luke 23:43
Posted By: Derek Hall

As we continue our words from the cross series, we turn our attention to Jesus' words to a dying thief. Today you will be with me in Paradise. The gospels of Mark and Matthew tell us that this thief begins his day by reviling Christ. He is being executed in the same way as Christ, yet he feels the need to insult and mock him. However, something happens over 6 hours. Being in the presence of Christ changes this man. Join together as we pray and seek the face of God. Pray that as we behold Christ he would change us. 

Prayer Guide: March 10, 2019 – Luke 23:43

1. Spend time thanking God for the cross. Praise him that Jesus' sacrifice was sufficient to pay the penalty of sin.

2. Ask God to set your heart and mind upon Christ, and ask God to transform you more and more into the image of Christ.

3. Confess to God your inability to save yourself, and praise him for his work of salvation in your life.

4. Give thanks to God that he remembers those who belong to Him.

5. Ask God for wisdom concerning who you can invite to our Good Friday Musical and our Easter Sunday service.

6. Ask God’s Spirit to make us more like Christ as we gather with the people of God this weekend.

7. Pray that God will glorify Himself by giving spiritual life to spiritually dead hearts this Sunday.

Prayer Guide: March 3, 2019 – Luke 23:34
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

For the next 7 weeks we will be camping out at the cross and studying Jesus’ dying words. The very instruments on which He would suffer and die becomes the pulpit from which He reveals His heart.  This week, we will give attention to the first word – a prayer – Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing. Please join with your church family as we humble ourselves before God and ask Him to give us a heart like His.

Prayer Guide: March 3, 2019 – Luke 23:34

1. Spend time thanking God the cross, for loving even His enemies, and for the forgiveness of sin.

2. Ask God for a heart like Jesus’ heart – a heart to pray for and serve others.

3. Confess to God your self-centered agenda and your tendency to hold grudges against those who hurt you.

4. Ask God to give you boldness to reach at least one person with the gospel this year.

5. Ask God for wisdom concerning who you can invite to our Good Friday Musical and our Easter Sunday service.

6. Ask God’s Spirit to make us more like Christ as we gather with the people of God this weekend.

7. Pray that God will glorify Himself by giving spiritual life to spiritually dead hearts this Sunday.  

Prayer Guide: Feb 24, 2019 – 1 Peter 5:10-14
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin
This Sunday, we will finish our study in 1 Peter. While Peter returns repeatedly to the themes of trials and suffering, he also highlights hope and grace throughout the letter. In fact, hope shines more brightly through the background of difficulty. In the final words of the letter, Peter points us once again to the God of all grace and calls us to stand firm in the true grace of God. Please join with your church family in pray as we prepare ourselves to gather for worship the Sunday.


Prayer Guide: Feb 24, 2019 – 1 Peter 5:10-14

1. Give praise to the God of all grace who Himself who is always faithful and works for the good of those who love Him.

2. Ask God for wisdom both to see trials and suffering from a biblical perspective and to remain faithful during difficulty.

3. Pray for a greater recognition of and appreciation for God’s graciousness in all of life.

4. Ask wisdom to discern and avoid common sin traps and areas of temptation.

5. Pray for people you know that are currently struggling through difficult trials.

6. Praise God for His sustaining grace and power which will keep us to the very end.

7. Ask God to do His gracious work of salvation in and through our church.

Prayer Guide: Feb 17, 2019 – 1 Peter 5:8-9
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As Peter nears the end of his letter, he calls the church to ready themselves for the attack of the enemy. As Christians, we will suffer trials and hardship. Peter has spent a great deal of time trying to help us understand the purpose of trials and suffering, yet here he identifies the ultimate enemy—the devil. Follower of Jesus must remain spiritually vigilant because the devil is intentionally seeking to destroy faith. And while Peter calls us to resist the devil, resistance isn’t a passive activity. We must draw near to God, pursue holiness, practice the spiritual disciplines, and flee temptations. Join with us as we pray for ourselves and our church family this week.

Prayer Guide: Feb 17, 2019 – 1 Peter 5:8-9

1. Thank God for granting you the gift of faith and calling you into His family.

2. Confess to God your need for His grace as you face the trials of life and the attacks of the enemy—the devil.

3. Pray for humility and grace to be sober-minded and watchful.

4. Ask wisdom to discern and avoid common sin traps and areas of temptation.

5. Thank God that He cares for you and supports you during spiritual warfare.

6. Plead with God for greater faithfulness in the spiritual disciplines to resist the devil.  

7. Thank God for His sanctifying work in our lives. Pray that He would do a great work of revival and salvation through Trinity Baptist Church.

Prayer Guide: Feb 10, 2019 – 1 Peter 5:6-7
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

We continue with the theme of humility this week as we study 1 Peter 5:6-7. Because God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble, it makes sense that we humble ourselves before God. And when we do humble ourselves before God, we are humbling ourselves before the All-Powerful Creator who cares deeply for us. The One, True, and Living God invites us to cast our burdens to Him! Why wouldn’t we take Him up on His offer?

Prayer Guide: Feb 10, 2019 – 1 Peter 5:6-7

1. Take a few moments to confess to God that He deserves all glory, honor, and praise. Worship Him as the One who is both all-powerful and merciful, caring for our every need.

2. Give thanks to God for His promise to exalt those who have humbled themselves before Him.

3. Ask God to help you live faithfully before Him no matter what the circumstance.

4. Ask for grace to live in humility with regards to both Christians and non-Christians.

5. Thank God for the privilege to approach Him in prayer and to cast your anxieties to Him.  

6. Pray that God’s Spirit would move in us and through us so that we would be transformed and that souls would be saved.

Prayer Guide: Feb 3, 2019 – 1 Peter 5:5
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

This Sunday, we will host our annual Celebrate Community Sunday Service. As we celebrate God’s grace in calling us to Himself and bringing us together as a church family, we will be reminded of God’s call on our lives as we observe baptism, hear testimony, sing His praises, humble ourselves before His Word, and partake of the Lord’s Supper. We will remember that through Jesus’ humble sacrifice, we have been changed. We will be challenged to clothe ourselves with humility and thus guard the unity that He has secured.

Prayer Guide: Feb 3, 2019 – 1 Peter 5:5

1. Praise God for His gift of salvation and eternal life. Thank Him for His gracious call on our lives and the blessing that experience because of Jesus’ humility.

2. Ask God to help us to recognize pride and its many sinful expressions and manifestations in our lives. Confess such sin to God and ask for grace to turn from it.

3. Pray for humility. Ask God to help you to recognize your daily need for His grace and His Spirit.

4. Ask God to increase your gratefulness for His blessings, be they spiritual, physical, or relational.

5. Plead with God to protect the unity of Trinity Baptist Church – the unity which Jesus died to secure.

6. Ask God to do His work of salvation and sanctification as we gather this Sunday.

Prayer Guide: Jan 27, 2019 – 1 Peter 5:1-4
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Chapter five begins with an exhortation to the elders of the church. Amid rising tensions and difficult suffering, Peter understand the importance of leadership. Thus, he encourages the church leaders to shepherd the church and to exercise oversight. Peter calls them to properly motivated, humble, servant-leadership. Please join with your church family as we pray for our church’s leaders and members.

Prayer Guide: Jan 27, 2019 – 1 Peter 5:1-4

1. Give thanks to Jesus for suffering and dying in our place in order that we might be reconnected to God and granted spiritual life.

2. Ask God to give our ministry staff wisdom as they lead the church in their specific areas of ministry and in the implementation and fulfillment of our mission statement.

3. Pray for each of our ministers. Ask God to increase their passion and love for Jesus and for the church.

4. Ask God to grant each of our staff members a greater humility and dependence on the Holy Spirit as they seek to carry out their God given responsibilities.

5. Pray that our church family would love, support, and follow the leadership of those who are leading our church.

6. Confess to God any sinful attitudes or actions that have undermined the leadership of our church in any way. As the Spirit leads, pray for courage to confess your sin to those you have sinned against.

7. Plead with God for grace to live as His servants who are concerned about the lost and carrying out our mission to proclaim Christ and make disciples.

Prayer Guide: Jan 20, 2019 – 1 Peter 4:12-19
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As we come to the end of chapter four, Peter again addresses the theme of suffering. He encourages us to rejoice when we suffer for Christ, suggesting that the way that we respond to suffering matters. Peter wants to broaden our perspective concerning trails and offers some essentials to enduring them in a way that honors God.

Prayer Guide: Jan 20, 2019 – 1 Peter 4:12-19

1. Confess to God your desperate need for His grace and His power amid the trials that you are facing.

2. Pray for the wisdom to see trials as a “normal” part of living in a fallen world. Ask God to give you confidence in His plan and purpose through the trials that you face.

3. Thank God for His Spirit who both indwells you and enables you to endure suffering for Christ’s name. Thank Him for His abiding presence!

4. Praise Jesus for going before us in suffering and modeling the way to endure it for God’s glory.

5. Thank God that Jesus paid our sin debt in full and that our salvation is secure in Him.

6. Pray for people you know who are suffering right now. Ask God to sustain them by His grace, to increase their faith, and to give them joy.

7. Spend some time praying for people that you know are still disconnected from God and under his judgement. As God for wisdom on how to reach them with the gospel in 2019. Pray that God will open their hearts to embrace the Truth about Jesus.

Prayer Guide: Jan 13, 2019 – 1 Peter 4:7-11
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Peter tells the church that the end of all things is at hand and encourages them to live accordingly. Perhaps surprisingly, Peter’s instructions are anything but spectacular. He calls them to lives of prayer, love, and service. While Peter wrote these words over 2000 years ago, we recognize that we are living in the last days awaiting the return of Jesus. In order to help prepare your heart for Sunday’s worship service, please join us in prayer as we seek the blessing and empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer Guide: Jan 13, 2019 – 1 Peter 4:7-11

1. Thank God for His great love and grace which frees us to live for His glory and experience true connection with others.

2. Ask God to humble yourself, to recognize your need for His continued grace and empowerment, and to give you a greater desire to seek Him in prayer.

3. Thank God for His Word. Ask Him to help you to filter all of life’s circumstances according to the Truth.

4. Pray that God would increase our love for one another and that we would be gracious towards one another, not holding their offenses against them.

5. Praise God for His gift of the Holy Spirit. Pray that God would cause your service for His glory to be fruitful.

6. Thank God for His provision in the life of our church. Ask Him to use us to reach the lost with the gospel and to expand His Kingdom.

Prayer Guide: Jan 6, 2019 – Philippians 1:12-18
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As we kick off FOCUS Week 2019, we introduce TBC’s 12-Month Outlook. This year, we want to be the church that proclaims Christ and makes disciples who are prayerfully and purposefully seeking to reach at least one person with the gospel. Just imagine what it would be like if each of our members actively sought to reach a lost person with the gospel. Lives would be changed. Our Church would benefit. Our community would be better. Will you join us in prayer as we ask God to do in us and through us what we could never accomplish in our own strength?

Prayer Guide: Jan 6, 2019 – Philippians 1:12-18

1. Thank God for His glorious grace – the grace that gives us forgiveness of sin and eternal life.

2. Pray that God would give you a greater desire to be faithful to engage in personal evangelism.

3. Ask God for eyes to see the opportunities that we have each day to talk about Jesus with those who may not know Him. Ask God’s Spirit to lay on your heart at least one person to seek to reach with the gospel.

4. Pray for boldness and courage to proclaim Christ and engage in personal evangelism and invite people to church.

5. Praise God for people who you know that are faithfully proclaiming Christ and seeking to reach others with the gospel. Pray that God would bless their efforts.

6. Ask God to give us a greater passion and love for the gospel that leads to faithfulness in personal evangelism and generosity towards our $175,000 March for Missions Goal.

Prayer Guide: Dec 9, 2018 – 1 Peter 3:13-17
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

On this second Sunday of advent 2018, we turn our attention to 1 Peter 3:13-17. The focus of the second candle is love. In 1 Peter 3:13-17, Peter reminds us that we are always to be ready to speak of the love of Christ, even when we are being mistreated. Please join with your church family as we prepare to gather for worship on Sunday.

Prayer Guide: Dec 9, 2018 – 1 Peter 3:13-17

1. Thank God for His great love and His gracious gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.

2. Pray for families in our church who are involved with foster care and adoption. Ask God to provide for their needs and to sustain them with His grace.

3. Ask God to give us a greater passion and love for the gospel that leads to faithfulness in personal evangelism and generosity towards our $175,000 March for Missions Goal.

4. Thank God for His protection on your life and ask Him to help you remain faithful to Him even when circumstances are difficult.

5. Ask God to help you recognize His mercy and majesty more fully.

6. Pray for God’s grace to be ready to respectfully and lovingly speak the gospel to others.

7. Ask God to grow our church and to save the lost.

Prayer Guide: Dec 2, 2018 – 1 Peter 3:8-12
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

On this first Sunday of advent 2018, we turn our attention to 1 Peter 3:8-12. We are reminded of the importance of unity and love in the church as well as trusting the Lord to defend us during mistreatment. Peter suggests that good behavior is necessarily associated with the experience of life and good days. We are reminded that Jesus is the promised hope in whom our righteousness rests. Please join with your church family as we prepare to gather for worship on Sunday.

Prayer Guide: Dec 2, 2018 – 1 Peter 3:8-12

1. As we enter advent season, ask God to turn our thoughts to God’s grace in the incarnation.

2. Recognizing that we have been adopted into God’s family through faith in Jesus Christ, ask God to raise up families who will consider foster care and adoption.

3. Pray that God would give us all generous hearts so that we would give willingly and sacrificially towards our March for Missions Offering. Our goal as a church this year is $175,000.

4. Pray for the unity of Trinity Baptist Church. Ask God to help us to have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, tender hearts, and humility. Pray that God’s grace and love would be evident in the way that we love one another.

5. Pray that God’s Spirit would convict each us when we fail to love and serve one another as He calls us to. Ask God to give us courage to reconcile with those from whom we are disconnected.

6. Pray for grace to entrust yourself to God, even in the face of injustice and mistreatment.

7. Ask God to do His work of salvation and sanctification as we gather to worship on Sunday morning.

Prayer Guide: Nov 18, 2018 – 1 Peter 2:24-25
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As we move closer to Thanksgiving Day, there are many things happening at Trinity Baptist Church. This Sunday morning, we will be celebrating the Lord's Supper together in both of our Worship services. As we prepare for our corporate gathering, please join with your church family in seeking God’s grace as we live our lives for His glory.

Prayer Guide: Nov 18, 2018 – 1 Peter 2:24-25

1. Pray for our Student Ministry Discipleship Now week that begins Friday pm. Pray that the Holy Spirit would transform students’ hearts more into the likeness of Jesus.

2. Ask God to stir our hearts as we generously and lovingly provide food items for the Thanksgiving baskets. Pray that many families would experience the love and grace of God through the kindness of our members.

3. Pray that God would give us all generous hearts so that we would give willingly and sacrificially towards our March for Missions Offering. Our goal as a church this year is $175,000.

4. Thank God for His grace and mercy poured out to us in Jesus Christ.

5. Praise Jesus for His willingness to endure the wrath of God for our sin at the cross.

6. Ask God for a greater desire to live for His glory in all of life.

7. Ask God to do His work of salvation and sanctification as we gather to worship on Sunday morning.

Prayer Guide: Nov 11, 2018 – 1 Peter 2:18-23
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

In 1 Peter 2:18-23, Peter continues the theme of submission. While there is a vast difference between our world and Peter’s world, the concept of submission is still relevant. As Christians, we are servants of Jesus Christ and we are called to submit for the sake of His glory, even when it’s difficult. Undoubtedly, there will be times when we will have to endure unjust treatment. Join with your church family as we seek God’s grace to respond righteously in such times.

Prayer Guide: Nov 11, 2018 – 1 Peter 2:18-23

1. Praise the God who took on flesh in order to serve (save) sinners by giving His life as a ransom.

2. Ask God for grace to increasingly embrace your servant identity in Jesus so that your life would be more devoted to Him.

3. Ask God for wisdom and humility so that you would willingly submit to authorities in your life for His glory.

4. Thank God for His grace which enables you to respond righteously when suffering unjustly.

5. Ask God to help you trust Him and to be able to entrust yourself to Him when facing difficulty.

6. Pray that the way that you respond to unjust suffering and difficulty would glorify God and be a powerful testimony of His goodness to the lost.

7. Ask God to do His work of salvation and sanctification as we gather to worship on Sunday morning.

Prayer Guide: November 4, 2018 - 1 Peter 2:13-17
Posted By: Derek Hall

In 1 Peter 2:13-17, Peter lays out for us 3 specific principles for living a beautiful life in relation to governing authorities. This week, we will see how, as followers of Christ, we are sojourners and exiles in this world. Our citizenship resides in a different and far superior country. This must inform how we relate to the governing authorities in our lives. We must live as people whose ultimate allegiance is to God, His will, and His glory.

Prayer Guide: Nov 4, 2018 – 1 Peter 2:13-17

1. Pray that God will give you a deeper understanding of your "alien" status in this world.

2. Thank God for the new identity you have in Christ.

3. Pray that God will give you the grace to submit to the governing authorities He has placed in your life, whether you agree with them or not.

4. Pray for the leaders of our country, state, and city to lead with integrity. Pray that those who do not know Christ will hear and believe the gospel.

5. Ask God to help you dive deeper into your freedom in Christ that works itself out in obedience to His will. 

6. Ask God to remove the idol of politics and political power from Christians and His church.

7. Pray that everything we do Sunday will be for God's glory and not our own.

Prayer Guide: Oct 28, 2018 – 1 Peter 2:9-12
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

In 1 Peter 2:9-12, Peter elaborates on our identity in Christ. As those who have been saved by God’s grace are being built up into a spiritual house, we have been given a new identity in the people of God. When we understand our identity, we find confidence to face life’s trials. Additionally, knowing who we are and whose we are shapes to our priorities and our pursuits. Church family, join us as we pray for ourselves and each other – that we would live lives of worship before our Great God.  

Prayer Guide: Oct 28, 2018 – 1 Peter 2:9-12

1. Considering your privileged status in Christ, praise God for His gracious and extravagant salvation that does not depend on our ability to keep His Law.

2. Thank God for rescuing you out of the brokenness of sin through the cross of Jesus Christ.  

3. Pray for Christians that you know who are struggling with guilt and shame. Ask God to confirm to them both His affection and work in their lives.

4. Ask God to give you a greater sense of His power and His faithfulness to carry out His call on your life of worship and mission.

5. Plead with God to make you more aware of His blessings and His presence to the end that you would be a more grateful person, eager to recount His praises.

6. Pray for grace to live in sincerity and purity of heart – that you would walk in a worthy manner.  

7. Ask God to give you compassion for and opportunity to speak to those who are currently stumbling over the person of Jesus. Pray that God would do His work of salvation amongst us.

Prayer Guide: Oct 21, 2018 – 1 Peter 2:4-10
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As we continue our study through 1 Peter, we come to 2:4-10. In these verses, Peter makes bold statements about Jesus, Jesus’ followers, and the nature of the church. We see very clearly that the church is living organism and not a building. It’s not that we go to church, it’s that the church comes together to worship God and offer spiritual sacrifices. Please join with your church family in prayer as we look forward to Sunday morning.

Prayer Guide: Oct 21, 2018 – 1 Peter 2:4-10

1. Praise God that He has revealed Himself to you and enabled you to come to Him for salvation.

2. Worship Jesus as the cornerstone of the church who is chosen and precious in the sight of God the Father.

3. Ask God to help you to increasingly value and love the church family so as to protect the unity that Christ died to secure.

4. Thank God for giving you direct access to Him through the finished work of Jesus Christ.

5. Pray that Trinity Baptist Church would be faithful to carry out our responsibilities to offer spiritual sacrifices to our Great God.  

6. Ask God to give you compassion for and opportunity to speak to those who are currently stumbling over the person of Jesus. Pray that God would do His work of salvation amongst us.

Prayer Guide: Oct 14, 2018 – 1 Peter 2:1-3
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Spiritual growth Matters. God saved us with our sanctification in mind. Through His Spirit, he intends for us to live and love more like Jesus – to grow up into salvation. We have a part to play. Peter calls us to put away that which corresponds to our sinful flesh and to earnestly desire God’s Word. While God uses many things to transform us into the image of Christ, Peter suggests that God’s Word is essential to such process. Please join with your church family in prayer as we prepare for corporate worship on Sunday.

Prayer Guide: Oct 14, 2018 – 1 Peter 2:1-3

1. Praise God for His gracious love and mercy which is the foundation of our new spiritual life.

2. Confess that God’s desire for your life is that you would grow in Christ-likeness by the power of God’s Spirit.

3. Ask God for grace to help you identity and battle against sinful habits and tendencies in your life that oppose love and hinder spiritual growth.

4. Pray that God will help you to see the value of knowing His Word and that He will help you discipline yourself to meditate on God’s Word.

5. Pray that Trinity Baptist Church would be increasingly characterized by members who are putting away sinfulness and longing for God’s Word.

6. Plead with God to send a movement of His Holy Spirit at Trinity Baptist Church that results in saving faith and baptisms, church growth, maturing believers, and glory to His name!

Prayer Guide: Sept 30, 2018 – 1 Peter 1:22-25
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Love Matters. It matters more than intellectual knowledge or zeal for doctrinal fidelity. While doctrinal knowledge and fidelity is important, without love, such things lead to spiritual arrogance. Love matters because God is love and those born of God are to be like Him. In light of God’s grace in their lives, Peter calls his readers to excel in loving one another. He ties this command to their new birth in Christ through the living and abiding Word of God. Please join with me in praying that God will help us to grow in love for one another.

Prayer Guide: Sept 30, 2018 – 1 Peter 1:22-25

1. Thank God for the great love with which He loved us…the love that stands behind our spiritual birth.

2. Pray that God will humble you and cause you to grow in your willingness and capacity to love others.

3. Pray that our church family will be characterized more and more by love for one another in light of the grace that God has given to us. Pray that God will protect the unity of our church and motivate each of us to be intentional about serving each other.

4. Repent of selfish attitudes that oppose Christ-likeness and hinder our availability to earnestly love one another.

5. Pray that the way that Trinity Baptist Church loves one another would be cause those who are apart from Christ to take note and become interested.

6. Ask God to work His salvation in the lives of people you know who are apart from faith in Jesus.

Prayer Guide: Sept 16, 2018 – 1 Peter 1:17-21
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Holiness matters. God expects that His children will live lives of devotion to Him. He expects that we will turn from the passions of our flesh and pursue righteousness. 1 Peter 1:17-21, Peter suggests that the fear of God ought to motivate believers to live a holy life. He reminds us again of God’s gracious salvation, noting that sinners were ransomed with the precious blood of the Lamb. Knowing the cost of our redemption should spur us on to live in such a way that is pleasing to God.

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: Sept 16, 2018 – 1 Peter 1:17-21

1. Confess to God that you could never save yourself or earn your freedom from sin and death. Praise Him that He chose to save you through the blood of Christ Jesus, the perfect Lamb.

2. Thank God for redeeming you from a futile, hopeless way of life and giving your life significance and hope in Jesus Christ.

3. Pray that you would learn to live in the fear of the Lord more fully – that you would see God for who He is and for what He has accomplished on your behalf.

4. Ask God for grace to grow in good deeds and practical holiness. Confess to Him your struggle with sin and your desire to put sin to death.

5. Ask God to give you a heart like His when it comes to lost sinners. Pray for opportunities to share the gospel and to point people to Jesus Christ.  

6. Ask God to work His salvation in the lives of people you know who are apart from faith in Jesus.

Prayer Guide: Sept 9, 2018 – 1 Peter 1:13-16
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

After emphasizing the great blessing of salvation through Christ, Peter begins to address how believers are to live in light of God’s grace. In vv.13-16, Peter begins with a call to holy living. To live a holy life is to live a life of devotion to God. Please join us in prayer as we prepare to gather on Sunday to worship Jesus and to be changed by His Word.

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: Sept 9, 2018 – 1 Peter 1:13-16

1. Thank God for His merciful intervention in your life – that when you were without hope and condemned by your sin, He caused you to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

2. Praise God that His love and acceptance of us is not based on our own performance or ability to live a holy life, but on the finished work of Jesus Christ.

3. Ask God for grace to live a life of devotion to Him. Pray that God would use you as a vessel for His glory and the good of others.

4. Confess to God your persistent struggle with sin and ask Him for grace to put sin to death in your life.

5. Pray for our many church members as we begin to study personal evangelism this week. Pray that the Holy Spirit will further equip us to be faithful ambassadors of Jesus Christ.    

6. Ask God to work His salvation in the liv-es of people you know who are apart from faith in Jesus.

Prayer Guide: Sept 2, 2018 – 1 Peter 1:6-12
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Having focused on the great hope that believers have in Jesus Christ, Peter transitions to addressing the trials that they are experiencing. He wants these struggling followers of Jesus to be confident in their standing and their identity in Christ. In light of their standing in Christ, believers can rejoice regardless of their immediate circumstances. Peter wants his readers to know that the trials that they are experiencing are not due to random forces. God is sovereign over all things and ordains such trials in order to build up and test the genuineness of our faith. Please pray with us as we prepare to hear from God this week!

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: Sept 2, 2018 – 1 Peter 1:6-12

1. Spend time thanking and praising God for His gracious gift of salvation.

2. Confess to God your struggle to rejoice in the midst of trials and difficulty. Repent of harboring attitudes and thoughts of ungratefulness and discontent.

3. Ask God for grace to trust Him and to remain faithful during trials.

4. Pray for the grace to discipline yourself to regularly reflect on God’s grace, mercy, and goodness in your life.

5. Ask God to give you eyes to see people around you who are suffering and in need of encouragement.

6. Ask God to work His salvation in the lives of people you know who are apart from faith in Jesus.

Prayer Guide: August 26, 2018 – 1 Peter 1:3-5
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

After opening his letter by emphasizing the role of the Triune God in salvation, Peter quickly transitions to praising God for His salvation and pointing his troubled readers to the hope they have through Jesus Christ. As we anticipate joining together to worship our Great God this Sunday, please be praying for our time together.

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: August 26, 2018 – 1 Peter 1:3-5

1. Humble yourself before Almighty God and praise Him for His perfect character and wisdom.

2. Thank Him for His grace and mercy – that He did not leave us to our sin – but took on flesh and become one of us in order to redeem us from the curse of sin.

3. Praise Jesus for His perfect life, His substitutionary death, and His resurrection through which we were born again into a living hope!

4. Confess to God your battle to live for things that are fading away rather than to live according to your inheritance in heaven.

5. Praise God that He protect us by His grace for a salvation that is ready to be revealed at Jesus’ coming. Thank Him that He causes us to persevere in the faith.

6. Ask God to remind you of the hope that you have in Christ during times of difficulty and struggle.  

7. Plead with God to do His work of salvation and sanctification amongst us at Trinity Baptist Church

Prayer Guide: August 19, 2018 – 1 Peter 1:1-2
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

On Sunday, August 19, we begin a new sermon series through the Book of 1 Peter as we kick off Celebrate Missions Week. Writing to Christians who are suffering through trials and persecution, Peter reminds his readers of the hope that they have in Christ Jesus. He wants his readers to know that God is trustworthy and that those who are in Christ are secure. Please join with your church family in prayer as we humble ourselves before God and ask Him to work in us and through us for His glory.

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: August 19, 2018 – 1 Peter 1:1-2

1. Pray that members of Trinity Baptist Church will faithfully proclaim Christ in their daily lives and be willing to go with the gospel wherever God calls.

2. Pray that members of Trinity Baptist Church will intentionally invite others to worship with us this weekend as we kick of Celebrate Missions Week.

3. Confess to God your fear and reluctance to live as Jesus’ witness.

4. Pray that our church family will be welcoming and friendly as we anticipate guests Sunday morning.

5. Thank God for graciously electing us and calling us to Himself, thus putting value and significance on our lives.

6. Praise God for the Holy Spirit’s transforming presence in your life. Pray for grace to live and love like Jesus.

7. Plead with God to do His work of salvation and sanctification amongst us at Trinity Baptist Church.

Prayer Guide: August 12, 2018 – Psalm 3
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Psalm 3 contains both the heartfelt emotions of a man broken by his circumstances and the steadfast confessions of a man who is confident in His God. As we survey the past and present circumstances of our own lives, it’s not difficult to hear our own voices in this Psalm. While life sometimes hurts, we know that our God is in control. Please pray over this Psalm and ask God to wok in your life as we prepare to worship our Great God and King this Sunday.  

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: August 12, 2018 – Psalm 3

1. Give thanks to God for His faithfulness and grace in all times.

2. Confess to God your tendency to take your eyes off God and succumb to fear during life’s trials.

3. Ask God for grace to remain steadfast in trusting Him and living for His glory.  

4. Pray that God would give you compassion and concern for your enemies and that even though they rise against you, you would have grace to love them.

5. Praise God for His salvation and ask Him for the discipline to regularly dwell on His power.   

6. Plead with God to do His work of salvation and sanctification amongst us at Trinity Baptist Church.

Prayer Guide: August 5, 2018
Posted By: Derek Hall

Prayer Guide: August 5, 2018

This weekend Tom Bohnert will be preaching Colossians 1:1-14. Paul opens the letter with a prayer for blessing upon the church at Colossae. He praises their faith in Jesus and love for each other, while offering a prayer for spiritual maturity. This will be a great text to encourage us to live with gospel intentionality for the glory of Christ!

1.     1. Take a moment to praise God for all the blessings in your life.

2.     2. Thank God for the undeserved blessing of knowing Jesus!

3.     3. Ask God to reveal blind spots of sin and spiritual apathy in your life, and ask Him to grow your faith and understanding.

4.     4. Pray that the Lord might graciously save some through the preaching of the Word.

5.    5.  Pray that the Spirit would fill our church body with wisdom and understanding as we seek to follow the Lord’s will.

6. Pray that the Spirit would bear fruit, as we abide with Jesus, that is visible in our homes and communities.

Prayer Guide: July 29, 2018
Posted By: Derek Hall

Prayer Guide: July 29, 2018


As we look at Isaiah 41:1-13this week we learn about trusting God. Often, we have placed idols in our life that we believe will sustain us and bring joy, but in reality, they always fail us. This passage shows us that God and his promises are always true, and ultimately, trusting in God leads to blessing from God.


  1. Thank God for who He is, namely His unchanging and unfailing character.
  2. Confess your tendency to have control and not trust God.
  3. Pray that people would come to trust in God for salvation through the preaching of the Word.
  4. Ask that God would grow your faith as you relinquish control, even when we do not see the reason for God's plan.
  5. Pray that people would trust and follow the leadership of our pastors.
  6. Pray that we would be sensitive to the Spirit's leading in seeking opportunities to share the gospel with those around us.

Prayer Guide: July 22, 2018
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: July 22, 2018


As we look at Psalm 1 this weekend, we look at the lives of the righteous and the wicked. We see how those who follow the Lord and His ways have a life full of great blessing and eternal security while those who do not know the Lord ultimately perish.


1.      Praise God that He has revealed himself in the written word and also the Living Word, Jesus Christ!

2.      Confess our tendency to follow the way of the world over the Lord’s way.

3.      Pray for those rejecting the Lord, that He might reveal their need for salvation.

4.      Ask the Lord to give you fresh delight and desire to read his word.

5.      Ask the Lord to change you, making you more like Jesus as come to read and know his word.

6.      Pray that as you are grown into maturity by the Lord, He would use you to share the gospel and disciple others.

Prayer Guide: July 15, 2018
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: July 15, 2018


This weekend we walk through Psalm 67. This Psalm is one that pleads for the mercy and blessing of God to be on His people. In Christ, the people of God are surely blessed. The peace and blessing of Christ motivates our worship, spurs us on towards evangelism, and ultimately brings God great glory as the lost put their hope in Him.


1.      Praise God for his common grace in all aspects our lives.

2.      Give thanks for the mercy of God shown in Christ Jesus!

3.      Pray the Spirit would bring peace and comfort, especially to those in a season of suffering.

4.      Pray that our lives would continually be presented as living sacrifices of worship before the Lord.

5.      Pray that we might engage in evangelism so that our neighbors and the nations might know Jesus.

6.      Pray that God might be glorified in our humble obedience to his Word.


*Special thanks to Dawson Tolley for writing this prayer guide.

Prayer Guide: July 8, 2018 – Daniel 12
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Prayer Guide: July 8, 2018 – Daniel 12


As we finish the book of Daniel we conclude a vision concerning end times and the hope of resurrection. The path for the believer has inescapable pain, but the end is eternal, blessed, and sure. While those who do not know Christ can expect judgment we follow our Savior to a heavenly rest.


Prayer Guide: July 8, 2018 – Daniel 12


1.      Praise God for the undeserved gift of salvation. Praise Him that we have eternal security.

2.      Confess our tendency to live more focused on present realities instead of future resurrection.

3.      Ask the Lord to grant an eternal mindset.

4.      Pray earnestly the Lord would save those in our midst.

5.      Pray that those who have the hope of eternal life would be more diligent to share that with others.

6.      Pray that believers with have the strength to stand firm in persecution.


*Special thanks to Dawson Tolley who will be writing our prayer guides for the next several weeks!

Prayer Guide: June 24, 2018 - Daniel 10
Posted By: Derek Hall

In Daniel 10, we find Daniel weary and mourning. He is humbly seeking the Lord and wanting answers. It seems Daniel's faith is being to weaken and possibly falter. So, God sends a messenger to Daniel with a vision (which is recorded in Daniel 11). This heavenly messenger gives Daniel the strength he needs to endure what is still to come. Likewise, through numerous means of grace, God strengthens our faith when we do not think we can endure. Pray that God will encourage our hearts to press deeper into the gospel this Sunday and that we will take another step forward in our faith journey.

Pastor Derek

Prayer Guide: June 24, 2018 – Daniel 10

1. Praise God that He knows what is happening in our lives and will hold us fast until the end.

2. Pray for God to strengthen those whose faith is weak and faltering.

3. Ask God to help our church focus on Christ and his finished work above all things.

4. Pray that God will help us remember we are greatly loved in Christ.

5. Pray that God's peace would settle on those who are walking through difficulty and hardship.

6. Plead with God to do His work of salvation and sanctification amongst us.

Prayer Guide: June 10, 2018 – Daniel 9:1-19
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Daniel 9:1-19 record Daniel’s prayer of confession and plea for God’s mercy on His exiled people. While Daniel does not deny God’s just dealings with His rebellious people, he does appeal to God on the basis of God’s own reputation. Daniel’s prayer teaches us a lot about the praying in such a way that God hears.

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: June 10, 2018 – Daniel 9:1-19

1. Acknowledge that God is glorious and perfect in all His ways.

2. Confess to God that you regularly stray from His perfect paths and are guilty of thoughts, attitudes, words, and actions that are dishonoring to Him. Ask for forgiveness and grace to repent.

3. Pray that God would be glorified in the way that you live your life. Ask Him for a greater passion to know Him through His word.  

4. Pray that He would accomplish His plan of calling sinners to Himself for His own glory. Ask Him for courage to proclaim Christ.

5. Pray for our mission team in Thailand. Ask God to be at work in and through them.  

6. Plead with God to do His work of salvation and sanctification amongst us.

Prayer Guide: June 3, 2018 – Daniel 8
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As we continue in our study of the Book of Daniel, we come to chapter 8. This chapter is filled with prophetic predictions. We can take comfort in the fact that not only does God know the future, He controls the future. As we’ll see, our hope comes in clinging to the God who is sovereign. Please join with your church family in prayer as we prepared ourselves to hear God’s Word on Sunday.

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: June 3, 2018 – Daniel 8

1. Pray that God will give us clarity and understanding as we look to His Word.

2. Pray that God will enlarge our view of His glory and goodness.

3. Pray that God will help us to see His omniscience and to trust His plan.

4. Ask God to help you live a faithful life no matter the present circumstances or future outlook.

5. Thank God that He is in control and that we have no reason to fear because He has already secured the victory in Christ.

6. Plead with God to do His work of salvation and sanctification amongst us.

Prayer Guide: May 20, 2018 – Daniel 6
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Expectations matter. They matter in every area of life. Unrealistic expectation lead to disappointment, frustration, and even worse. But the truth is, even realistic expectations that go unfulfilled can result in feelings of distress. As we turn our attention to Daniel 6, we gain insight into what we should and shouldn’t expect in the Christian life. Join in prayer with your church family as we ask God to refine our expectations and seek to live in light of Truth.

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: May 20, 2018 – Daniel 6

1. Give thanks to God who is our Rescuer. Praise Him for His grace and His love which accomplishes our eternal salvation.

2. Ask God to help you live faithfully in a world that is opposed to righteousness and truth.

3. Confess to God the aspects of your life that are characterized by unfaithfulness.

4. Pray for the discipline to consistently pursue God via the spiritual disciplines (prayer, Scripture meditation, etc.).

5. Ask God to shine His light through your life and that others would see the glory of Jesus through you.

6. Plead with God to do His work of salvation and sanctification amongst us.

Prayer Guide: May 13, 2018 – Daniel 5
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Pride and self-sufficiency go hand in hand. This deadly combination was evident in King Belshazzar’s life (Daniel 5). In brazen defiance, the wicked king blasphemes the Most High God. His arrogance is met with swift judgement. Join with your church family as we plead with God to work in us and through us!

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: May 13, 2018 – Daniel 5

1. Praise God for His sovereignty and superiority over everything. Confess His is worthiness to be praised and revered.

2. Repent of personal pride and delusions of self-sufficiency.

3. Ask God to help you respond positively to his gracious discipline and merciful warnings.

4. Pray for grace to recognize the foolishness of turning to anyone or anything other than God in moments of despair and crisis.

5. Ask God to give the members at Trinity Baptist Church hearts to invest in and invite people to Trinity Baptist Church for the sake of the gospel.

6. Plead with God to do His work of salvation and sanctification amongst us.

Prayer Guide: May 6, 2018 – Daniel 4
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

In Daniel 4, we read that King Nebuchadnezzar is troubled by bad dreams once again. What becomes clear is that God is trying to get the king’s attention and ultimately humble Nebuchadnezzar. Humility is essential. God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). Please join with your church family asking God to make us humble and ready to live for His glory.

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: May 6, 2018 – Daniel 4

1. Ask God to help you to see Him for who He is. Confess to God your tendency to think less of Him than He reveals Himself to be.

2. Repent of imagining yourself as greater and more important than you are. Confess that you often live with an exalted view of yourself that leads to relational chaos and strife.  

3. Pray that God would mercifully humble you. Ask for eyes to see His hand at work and grace to repent of both pride and the vices associated with it in your life.

4. Pray for compassion for the lost. Ask God for courage to speak the Truth in love should God give you opportunity to help someone see and turn from sin.

5. Ask God to give the members at Trinity Baptist Church hearts to invest in and invite people to Trinity Baptist Church for the sake of the gospel.

6. Plead with God to do His work of salvation and sanctification amongst us.

Prayer Guide: April 22, 2018 – Daniel 3
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Daniel’s three friends are confronted with the choice to bow down and worship the king’s image or to face certain death in the fiery furnace. Courage in the face of fire is uncommon. Clearly Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were living for the glory of another. Their faith in the Almighty God and trust in His perfect plan allowed them to remain faithful. In preparation for our corporate gathering on Sunday morning, seek God’s grace to live for fully for His glory.

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: April 22, 2018 – Daniel 3

1. Praise the Triune God as the only True God—the only God who can save us from our sin.

2. Confess to God your battle against serving two masters and living with divided loyalties.

3. Ask God for grace to live faithfully for His glory during hardships and trials. Pray for eyes to see His mercy and a mind to perceive His presence even when He seems distant and life seems difficult.

4. Pray that God will use you to encourage other Christians who are facing difficulty; ask God to provide you with the same spiritual encouragement.

5. Ask God to give the members at Trinity Baptist Church hearts to invest in and invite people to Trinity Baptist Church for the sake of the gospel.

6. Plead with God to do His work of salvation amongst us.

Prayer Guide: April 15, 2018 – Daniel 2
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

In Daniel 2, God speaks to the King through a dream. In doing so, we see that God is sovereign the foolishness of trusting in that which cannot save us and the futility of all earthly kingdoms.  As we prepare to gather and worship Jesus this week, use this prayer guide to help prepare your heart to hear from God.

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: April 15, 2018 – Daniel 2

1. Worship the Sovereign God who makes known His will to His people.

2. Give thanks to Jesus, who is the author and finisher of our faith and the King of God’s eternal Kingdom.

3. Thank God for His invitation to approach His throne in prayer to receive grace and mercy. Ask for grace to rest in the provision of the God for whom nothing is impossible.

4. Confess to God your struggle with the temptation to put your hope in things that cannot save and to live for the glory of kingdoms that are fading away.

5. Pray that God’s Spirit would stir the hearts of our church family to live fully for the glory of King Jesus. Pray that such living would result in holiness, worship, and evangelistic faithfulness.

6. Ask God to give the members at Trinity Baptist Church hearts to invest in and invite people to Trinity Baptist Church for the sake of the gospel. Plead with God to do His work of salvation amongst us.

Prayer Guide: April 8, 2018 – Daniel 1
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

This morning we begin a study in the Book of Daniel, a series we are calling Servant of the Sovereign God. The Book of Daniel contain two of the most well-known and loved stories in the Bible—the Lion’s Den and the Fiery Furnace. Readers of the book have come to love Daniel and his three friends for their awe-inspiring acts of faithfulness in the face of great danger. That said, the Book of Daniel was not written so that we could marvel at Daniel or his faithful friends. The Book of Daniel was written so that we would see the goodness of the Sovereign God and bow before Him. Will you join with your church family in prayer as we humble ourselves before the Almighty God?

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: April 8, 2018 – Daniel 1

1. Praise God as the all-powerful and all-knowing God who is worthy of all honor and glory.

2. Thank God for His providential care—for His promise to work all things for the good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

3. Worship Jesus as the Savior and the king of the eternal kingdom. Thank Him for His sacrifice that secures our salvation.

4. Confess to God your tendency to want to make decisions out of convenience. Ask Him to help you to live by godly convictions, being faithful in both the little things and the big things.

5. Pray for grace to live according to your identity in Christ and to stay focused on God’s glory in a world of distractions.

6. Ask God to give the members at Trinity Baptist Church hearts to invest in and invite people to Trinity Baptist Church for the sake of the gospel. Plead with God to do His work of salvation amongst us.

Prayer Guide: April 1, 2018 – John 12:20-36
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

He is risen! As we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, please join with your church family in prayer. Pray that God would draw men, women, boys, and girls to Himself during this Easter season. Pray that the people we have invited to church and pursued with the gospel would respond.

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: April 1, 2018 – John 12:20-36

1. Praise Jesus for His victory over death. Worship Him as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

2. Thank God for His grace in calling you to be part of His family and His Kingdom.

3. Ask God to give you a burden for the hurting and lost all around you. Ask Him to give you eyes to see how you can encourage others in Christ.

4. Ask God to open doors for you to effectively communicate the gospel. Pray that the people you invite to church would respond.

5. Pray for an undeniable outpouring of the Holy Spirit this weekend. Pray that people would see Jesus in a saving way!

Prayer Guide: March 25, 2018 – Acts 13:1-12
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

In our last sermon in the Proclaiming Christ series, we turn our attention to Act 13 and to the birth of missions from the church in Antioch. As the church leaders gathered to worship, the Holy Spirit made clear His will to send Barnabas and Paul on a missionary journey.  As we study this passage together, we are going to identify several characteristics of people who are committed to evangelism and missions. Please join us as we ask God to give us ears to hear His Word this weekend.

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: March 25, 2018 – Acts 13:1-12

1. Spend time thanking God for His matchless worth and perfection. Worship Him as the sovereign God who is above all else.

2. Praise God for His grace in life and salvation. Ask Him to increase your love and devotion to Him and to be more aware of His presence in your life.

3. Confess to Him your struggle to obey and follow His ways. Ask God to make you humble and ready to follow Him more closely.

4. Ask God to make you more sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and more courageous to follow the Spirit’s guidance.

5. Thank God for His Word. Ask Him for grace and wisdom to understand it more fully and to confidently speak Truth to those who are struggling.

6. Pray for a greater compassion for your lost friends and family members. Ask God to open doors for you to proclaim Christ.

Prayer Guide for Sunday, March 18, 2018
Posted By: Kelly Caldwell

No one is beyond the reach of God’s grace. The account of Saul’s encounter with the risen Lord Jesus proves this. In Acts 9:1-19, we see the transformative power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the conversation of Saul of Tarsus. The man who once persecuted Christians, by the grace of God, become a Christian. The one who sought to destroy the church would become one who lived his life to build the church for the glory of God! Please join us in asking God to work in us and through us for His glory.

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: March 18, 2018 – Acts 9:1-19

1. Praise God for His marvelous grace and the matchless gift of eternal life. Confess your unworthiness to experience His kindness and love. 

2. Confess to God your tendency to judge others based on external appearance and ask Him to help you to see others as He sees them.

3. Thank God for the transforming power of the gospel—that you are no longer enslaved to sin but are free to live in righteousness.

4. Pray for strength and endurance in light of the threat of opposition and persecution for the sake of the gospel.

5. Ask God for grace to live passionately for His glory, ready to fulfill the good works that He has prepared for you to walk in.

6. Thank God for the Holy Spirit. Ask for grace to walk by and depend on the Spirit.

7. Ask God to do His work of salvation and sanctification this week at TBC! 

Prayer Guide: March 11, 2018 – Acts 8:26-40
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

Philip is a great example of someone who is ready and willing to proclaim Christ and live on mission. In Acts 8:26-40, Philip responds obediently to God’s leading and finds himself in a position to lead an Ethiopian man to faith in Jesus. In God’s wisdom and grace, He orchestrates this meeting between Philip and the Ethiopian. Because Philip understood his servant identity and embraced his commissioning and empowering, a man was gloriously saved from the wrath of God. Please join with your church family this week in prayer, asking God to help you be sensitive to His prompting and faithful to proclaim Christ.

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: March 11, 2018 – Acts 8:26-40

1. Worship the everlasting God who is both infinitely majestic and actively involved in our lives for our good.

2. Praise God for His Spirit and His Word. Give thanks to God that He does not leave us to our own wisdom but has revealed Himself and His ways.

3. Ask God to help you to be sensitive to His promptings in life. Confess to Him that too often you live in selfish stubbornness rather than selfless submission.

4. Pray that God would give you grace to more fully embrace your servant identity and His commission on your life.

5. Pray for courage, boldness and discipline when it comes to engaging in personal evangelism. Ask God to remind you of your need of His Spirit.

6. Pray for people you know who are apart from faith in Jesus. Ask the Spirit to open their eyes to the truth of the gospel.

7. Ask God to do His work of salvation and sanctification this week at TBC!

Prayer Guide: Feb 25, 2018 – Acts 3-4
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As we seek to live on mission with Jesus by engaging others with the gospel and making disciples, we will face opposition. While such opposition will come in a variety of ways, Scripture makes it clear that we should expect it. Scripture also makes it clear that we are not powerless or alone when we face difficulty. God has promised to be with us, giving us His Spirit in order to strengthen and equip us to proclaim Christ. The church family is also a means of grace whereby God blesses His people. As we study Acts 3-4 this weekend, will you join us in prayer as we seek God’s transforming grace.

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: Feb 25, 2018 – Acts 3-4

1. Worship the Lord and give thanks to Him for enduring hardship and death on our behalf in order to secure our salvation.   

2. Ask God to make you sensitive to the people all around you who are hurting and need to know God’s love in Jesus.

3. Pray that God’s Spirit will so work in your life to make you a bold witness of Jesus.

4. Confess to God that fear often keeps you from being a faithful witness for Jesus and ask God to give you greater faith in His ability and power.

5. Thank God for your church family. Ask Him for grace to more fully invest into such relationship for the sake of encouragement and growth in Christ. Pray that your church family would be faithful to proclaim Christ and make disciples.

6. Ask God to do His work of salvation and sanctification this week at TBC!

Prayer Guide: Feb 18, 2018 – Acts 2:14-41
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As the Spirit descends on Jesus’ disciples, they begin to speak in known languages that they previously didn’t speak. Many who observed this were confused and perplexed. Peter takes the opportunity to explain this phenomenon by connecting it to OT prophecy and to Jesus. In what is the first sermon of the church, we learn some keys to faithfully sharing the gospel. Please join us in praying for our church family and our time together this weekend!

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: Feb 18, 2018 – Acts 2:14-41

1. Praise Jesus as the crucified yet risen Lord and Savior. Thank God for His wisdom in salvation.  

2. Ask God to help you become a better listener so that you can more effectively build bridges into the lives of people in order to share the gospel.

3. Ask God for wisdom to know how to transition everyday conversations to gospel conversations. Pray for wisdom to ask the right questions as you seek to move conversations in a spiritual direction.

4. Pray for creativity and wisdom as you consider ways to invest into the lives of others.

5. Thank God for the people who have invested (who do invest) into your spiritual life.

6. Ask God to do His work of salvation and sanctification this week at TBC!

Prayer Guide: Feb 11, 2018 – Matthew 28:16-20
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

    Prior to ascending to the right had of the Father, Jesus gathers his disciples and charges them to go and make disciples. On the one hand, the Great Commission is a familiar text. On the other hand, unfortunately, it is also a widely forsaken text. Too many professing Christians practically dismiss this text when it comes to personal priorities and agendas. This ought not be the case. Join with your church family this week as we confess our misplaced priorities and ask God to make us passionate to live according to His mission—the Great Commission.

    Pastor Nate

    Prayer Guide: Feb 11, 2018 – Matthew 28:16-20

    1. Thank God for graciously calling you to Himself as His disciple. Worship Him as the exalted Lord who has all authority

    2. Ask God to purify your devotion to Him and find great joy in living on mission for Him.

    3. Confess to God your tendency to forsake His calling on your life in favor of comfort and ease.

    4. Pray that the Lord will give you courage and confidence to proclaim Christ considering His all surpassing authority.

    5. Ask God’s Spirit to help you see opportunities to engage others with the gospel as you go into your world. Pray that you God would lead you to people to invest in and invite to TBC for the sake of the gospel.

    6. Thank God for Trinity Baptist Church – for those who have invested in your life and helped you to understand God and His word more fully.

    7. Ask God to use you to build up your Christian brothers and sisters in Christlikeness.

    8. Ask God to do His work of salvation and sanctification amongst us today.

Prayer Guide: January 21, 2018 - 2 John
Posted By: Derek Hall

This week, we turn our attention to a short but powerful letter by the apostle John. In 2 John, the elder writes to a church to encourage them to love one another because many false teachers are trying to penetrate the church. He demonstrates that as they love one another they will be able to stand firm in the truth of the gospel. Join us in praying this week that God will increase our love for him and one another.

Pastor Derek

Prayer Guide: Jan 21, 2018 – 2 John

1.Thank God that the Holy Spirit abides in us, leading us into truth and conforming us into the image of Christ.

2.Thank God that the Holy Spirit will complete the work he begins in us and abide with us forever.

3. Praise God for the grace, mercy, and peace he gives to us through his Spirit.

4. Ask God to give you (and our church family) a greater love for one another.

5. Ask God to help us demonstrate our love through our obedience to his commands.

6.Pray that God would continue to keep our church tied to the Word of God and dependant on his Spirit.

7. Ask God to do His work of salvation and sanctification amongst us today.

Prayer Guide: Jan 14, 2018 – 1 John 5:18-21
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

In the closing verses of 1 John, the Apostle reminds his readers of some of the truths that He previously covered in the letter. He wants us to be confident that God’s grace is sufficient throughout our whole lives, and that He is protecting us against the evil one. He assures us that life is found in the Son of God, and warns us against seeking life in anyone or anything else. Please use this prayer guide to prepare your heart to receive God’s Word as well as to intercede on behalf of others.

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: Jan 14, 2018 – 1 John 5:18-21

1. Thank God for His grace in regeneration – For causing us to be born again through the work of the Holy Spirit.

2. Praise God for His provision of protection – How the influence of the Holy Spirit, the intercession of Jesus, and the power of the Father keeps us from ultimately stumbling.

3. Confess to God your tendency towards misdirected priorities and misplaced loyalties. Ask Him to help you to pursue Christ and reject idols.

4. Ask God to give you (and our church family) a greater burden for the plight of those apart from faith in Christ and a greater passion to share the gospel.

5. Pray for those you know who are being blinded by the evil one. Ask God to open their eyes to see the beauty of Jesus and the hope of the gospel.

6. Ask God to do His work of salvation and sanctification amongst us today.

7. Ask God to make you (and our church family) sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit as you consider in whom to invest and invite to Trinity Baptist Church for the sake of the gospel and the glory of God.

Prayer Guide: January 7, 2018 - 1 John 5:13-17
Posted By: Nate Magloughlin

As we near the end of our study through 1 John, the Apostle encourages us to pray. Because of the finished work of Jesus, we have access to God and are invited to approach His throne of grace. When we pray according to His will, we can be confident that God will answer our prayers.  As we kick off focus week, let’s seek the Lord together, asking Him to accomplish great things through us, all for His glory.

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: Jan 7, 2018 – 1 John 5:13-17

1. Praise God for the forgiveness of sins and the hope of eternal life found in Jesus Christ.

2. Thank God for the privilege of prayer; that He listens to us and cares about what matters to us.

3. Ask God to strengthen your confidence in His ability to answer prayer and to make you a more faithful and committed prayer warrior.  

4. Ask God to refine your desires as you delight in Him so that you will be more concerned about what matters to Him and less concerned about the things of this world.

5. Pray for contentment in life. Confess to God that too often you seek after your own will and not God’s will.

6. Pray for people you know (family, friends, etc.) who are straying from Truth. Plead with God to get their attention so that they will repent.

7. Ask God to do His work of salvation and sanctification amongst us today.

8. Ask God to make you sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit as you consider in whom to invest and invite to Trinity Baptist Church.